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Vulcan language Page


a: - yes
adun: - life partner (m)
aduna: - life partner (f)
ahkh: - war
an'kharh: - fear
ang: - and
ahn - weapon
ahn'woon - a particular Vulcan weapon.
arie'mnu - mastery of passion and emotion.
arie - emotion
arivne - denotes a state of unity between matter, energy & thought.
azh - or
brax - fast/suddenly
breish - proposal
breidhah - propose
Cha - game of the word
-cha' - from (sufix)
c'thia - 'logic', reality-truth, the way things are.
da'Niikhirch - eye of fire
d'mallu - omnivorous plant
dopra - announce (action-word)
droy - answer (action-word)
d'Vel'nahr - Vulcan-by-choice
eschak - destructive psychokinetic effects
falikal - to begin
fal-tor-pan - refusion of body and 'katra' (ST3)
farr - bonding, joining
formaji - sand
fort'e (fort'e:) - shed, cast-away
ha'meth - Vulcan herb
imroy - walk (action-word)
Ka'athyra - Stringed musical intrument
kae - mind
kae'at k'lasa - mind rape
kae'at knal'lur - mind eavesdropping
kae'k'akkayam - mind retraining
kaiidth - "What is - is" (from kya - to exist)
kahru - learn
kah-hir - black stone used e.g. for making sword hilts.
kahr-y-tan - the way of the Vulcan
kahs'khiori - shooting-star
kahs'wan - test of passage to adult hood,
kal-tow - a game described as Vulcan chess.
kali - body
kali-farr - bonding (lit: body-bonding)
kali-fee - chalange (lit: Body-attack)
kam'nat - treason
kan-sorn - a purposefully induced comatose state of the Vulcan mind.
kapra - calculate
kash - expunge
katra - essential essence of person (ST3)
Kh'rakla'th - definition of word/phrase
Kh'sparka'th - definition of thing
Kh'knerla'th - definition of sentient
Kh'askpetheya'th - definition of thought
Kh'askeyralatha - definition as in act of making clear
Kh'sparkeyralatha - definition as in measure of clarity
khiori - star
kh'liorah - light
khostri - race
kitopila - goal
k'lasa - rape
knal'lur - eavesdropping
konar - feeling of being completely exposed
k'rawhl - abdomenal region (Jap. Hara)
krat - cycle
krenath - illegitimate child
kreyla - Vulcan biscuits (STN 12)
kro'el - the way
kroykah - stop! (TOS "Amok Time")
krup - blue
k'teri - clear
k'tlerie - surface
k'tmneri - reflect
k'torr skann - outcast; without family
k'tvehi - write
kumi - awake
kunat - mating
kunat kali-fee - mating or challenge (TOS "Amok Time")
kunon sueme - a marriage proposal
kya - to exist
kyani - not to exist
Kya'shin - teaching of Thought over Emotion
k'wawzhe - invitation
k'war'ma'khon - extended family
lahso - advise
lailara - harmony
lakht - rage
laktra - grieve
lanka'gar - night-flier (bird of prey)
lasha - precious stone
las'hark - name for Vulcan sun (comes from lasha)
le'matya - omnivorous Vulcan animal, has poisonous claws and diamant-shaped markings.
leshriq - kneeling position (Jap. Seiza)
lh m'ta - Vulcan herb
lik'rt - time unit (eq-second)
lirt'k - time unit (minute)
loshiraq - cross-legged lotus position
losherok - half-cross-legged position
manah - to propose
matoy - die
me- - from(prefix)
mene - life
mnah - proposal
mnu - mastery
nailara - universe
na'Tha'thhya - passing-on. The investitute of one's self-that-has-been in 'katra' mode.
nehou - feeling, vibes.
net'no'kwa - story
niazh - nor
nidroy - ask
nikh - eye
niorah - dark
nirsh - no
ni'rch - fire
ni'var - duality of things, 2 halves that make a unity.
orkika - ancestor
plak - blood
plak tow- blood fever [during mating season](TOS "Amok Time")
pon - period, time
pon farr - mating cycle (lit: time of joining)(TOS "Amok Time")
porsen - emotion
prala - talk
p'pil'lay - severing mind-link between bonded couples.
Qir'lal - a bening edible fruited thorned succulent root
qomi (qomi:) - human
ram - yellow
ran - kill (action word)
reldai - female religious leader (Old Vul.)
ri'agra - one-point mindedness
r'mnasek - book
R'tas - year
sakkhet - longevity
saya - fruit-water
sbah - red
seheik - declare
senepa - weapon with poisen
shan hal lak - the engulfment (love at first sight)
Shar - city
S'harien - Antique Vulcan sword.
S'harien - Pierceblood" (STN:The Romulan Way)
shi'kar - To hunt; hunting, the sport, the chase.
shi-ka'ree - A hunter or sportsman, native, guide in the chase.
shroy - listen
sim're - high masters (DITC)
smoni - wait
skan - family
spara - eat
sulak - third party who trivializes a relationship
ta'al - The Vulcan hand-greeting
t'amtar'am - Verification
tal'shaya - a quick painless breaking of the neck (STN12)
Tela'at - Elder
Teresh-Kah - Silver bird-like vulcan animals.
tesmur - prosper
t'han sahat - intellectual deconstruction of emotional patterns.
t'hy'la - friend-lover-lifelong companion
tich - live
tikh - a Vulcan grain
t'kahr - form of polite address. Meaning among others a teacher.
t'khiro - read
T'Kuhati - month
tor - long
toriatal - chalange to death (Old Vul.)
totsu - nerve
totsu'k'hy - Nerve pinch
tow - fever
tr'aiyar - crime
t'r'vavat - murder
tri'hla - Vulcan herb
T'Sai - lady e.g. T'Sai Amanda
t'triahve - IDIC (rather the word that has the concept of IDIC)
T'Ved - day
tviokh - derogatory term meaning neighbour
t'zaled- to be loyal to the end, protecting that ones life.
uks - but
ur-seveh - prosperity
va'ne (Va'ne:) : hide
va'num : search
V'hral : hour
viproy : call
vrekasht : exile/outcast (Old Vul.)
Wh'ltri : simple Vulcan meditation technique