Home is Where the Zion Is "
By: Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58707.28 1000

Silvio strolled down the promenade holding Patia's hand. Their shore leave had been a wonderful break from a terrible war, but that was all about to change. The Zion was ready to go and they had all received the order to return to the ship.

"It's been a nice month," observed Silvio.

"Yes, it has. It will be good, though, to be back where we belong." Patia commented.

SIlvio sighed, "It will be nice to be back on the ship again, but I could do without this war." They walked along for a while longer. "Are you going to say goodbye to your family?"

"I already have. We are used to transitions like this. It is easier to say good bye quickly than to draw it out. I am also packed and ready to board. How about you? Are you ready?"

Silvio nodded his head. "I'm all set. My new piano has been loaded into the Zion's cargo bay. I am ready when you are."

She shrugged. "Did you want a coffee before we leave? Or should we just go now?"

SIlvio smiled. "Yes, coffee sounds good," he said. "but let's get it at Miranda's. I'm ready to go home."

"I kind of wanted to talk a little before we were back on board, if you wouldn't mind?" She glanced out of the corner of her eye at him.

Silvio's smile melted away, "Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Let's duck in here," she gestured toward a small coffee shop.

Silvio nodded and lead the way into the coffee shop. The crowd was light; Silvio had no trouble finding a quiet table. The two of them sat down and ordered their coffee.

She smiled slightly as she looked at him. "I feel like our relationship has had a shift since we have been on Qul Tuq. I wanted to know what you thought before we were back on board."

Silvio considered her question for a moment. As far as he was concerned the past month had been one of the best months of his life. "Shifted in what way?" he asked. "I think we have grown closer." He took his mug of coffee from the waitress and took a sip. "For one whole month we were able to spend our off time learning about each other."

Patia nodded slowly. "I agree. We have had a four week break from the reality of life on a warship, though, and now we are headed back to reality. Are you ready for that change?"

"I am," replied Silvio. "But going back to war will not change my feelings for you," he said. "I feel like we have sort of a bond."

She nodded again, as she sipped the last of her coffee. "Ready to head back home, then?"

"What about you?" asked Silvio. "Are you ready for that change?"

"I think it will be a transition. Time together will be limited, gossip will be excessive, stress will be high. I think we can handle it as long as we are prepared for it to be work and not just smooth sailing. What do you think?" she asked.

"Maybe some day we will have smooth sailing," suggested Silvio. He stood up and held out his hand to Patia. "Let's go home."

She slipped her cool hand into his warmer one as she stood up. "Let's go home," she smiled softly.

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