Chit chat and chocolate "
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58207.27 1505

"Hi Patia," Teilani said through the conn. "Fancy going to get something to eat?"

"That would be wonderful, Lani," she replied.

"Excellent. See you in a bit."


Teilani took her plate from the replicator and walked to an empty table. "Gosh I missed this replicated food."

Patia arched an eyebrow. "You missed replicated food?"

She chuckled. "No but there is no taste like replicated one.."

"Ah," she smiled, "that I can understand."

"So tell me how was your R&R.... " Teilani leant a bit forward. "So when's the engagement?"

Patia sat back slightly. "What engagement?"

She nodded. "Come on counselor your in love! It shows all over your face."

"I won't deny I have a great deal of affection for Silvio, but we are not engaged." Patia glanced down at her bowl of soup and stirred it slowly.

"You don't fool me, you and Chief Silvio have the same expression on your face....So did he meet the parents already?"

"No, he hasn't met my parents. I haven't even seen my parents in a couple of years, Lani. How was your R & R?" she asked.

"Don't change the subject that quickly Counselor. Whats the matter?" Teilani asked, somehow she senses Patia was not her cheerful self.

Patia chuckled. "Nothing is the matter, Lani. I am just not used to talking about myself. I am more the listening type," she smiled.

"I know but consider me as your counselor then, otherwise who counsels the counselor then right? So girl spill it. How was your time on QT?"

"It was wonderful. I had a fabulous massage, shopped til my feet hurt, was surprised by my quarters filled with flowers and spent a lot of time with my sister-in-law, nephews and niece. I spent some time with my brother, also, but I think our crew helped keep him a little busier than usual, so he wasn't very available. It was really good to see them. It had been too long." The laugh lines around Patia's eyes crinkled slightly at the recalled memories of her family time while on Qul Tuq.

"That is good to hear. Don't tell me that that flower shop belongs to your sister in law now does it.??

"Yes, Trina has a floral show on the promenade. It is an eclectic little place, with lots of bright, bold colors and intriguing vases."

"Oh yes I got some faboulous yellow roses from there."

"Were the roses the tiny ones or the larger blooms? I saw some peach colored ones that had just the tiniest of blossoms, so fragile and delicate. To be honest, even though I knew better, I was afraid to touch them." Patia chuckled and stirred her soup some more.

"I know exactly what you mean, they are so delicate, but the smell its divine."

She smiled faintly. "I have to say I completely agree with you."

"Well I thought I would never say it but I missed this place." Teilani said gesturing around the officers lounge.

"I know I did. It was nice to visit Qul Tuq, but this place is certainly home." Patia leaned back in her chair and glanced around the room. "It is good to see so many of the crew back, too. I am looking forward to heading back out into space. How about you, Lani?"

Teilani nodded. "Me too, at least it is not that crowded. Seek out new worlds and new civilizations right?"

She smiled slightly. "Absolutely."

"there is only one thing, or actually 1 person I do hope we will not encounter this time."

"Who are you thinking of, Teilani?" Patia asked.

"Can't you guess..... Teilani whispered. "Birkhoff of course. I tell you if he ever pops up again, I will personally take a phaser and shoot him myself."

"I should have thought of him. Although, he needs to be found to be stopped, or he will just keep going."

Teilani nodded. "He is just like the illusive Pimpernel."

"I can't say I am familiar with 'illusive Pimpernel'."

"Well according to the history books it was a persona from the 17 century, who rescued a lot of French people from the guilliotine. Apperently they could not catch him.

"Oh, I think I know who you are speaking of, then. He had a color with his name, a bold one. Scarlet?" Patia's eyebrows furrowed as she thought.

"Thats the one, the Scarlet Pimpernel. Only he was one of the good guys and Birky is not, know what I mean?"

"Unfortunately, I do know what you mean. Are you all settled back in to your quarters?" Patia asked.

Teilani shook her head. " No not yet, I got my stuff there but I need to get to sickbay first, see if the modifications I asked have been put through. How about you?"

"The office is settled and as I had hoped it would be. My new staff are on board and checked in. My belongings are back on board. Now it is just a matter of making sure I have everything put back where it belongs. It seems like such a long process." Patia sighed.

"Hey don't be sad, before you know it, everything has found its own place again and we wont know any better. Teilani took up her spoon and waved it at Patia. "Now girl, get your spoon and tuck in, this chocolate sundae simply needs to be eaten.

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