Bajor: The Final Solution"
By: Lyrr , Orphan Gang Leader , [NPC]

Stardate: 58207.02 2030

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Lyrr walked carefully, wanting to make sure that he was not followed. Where he was going was a secret, even from his very own gang. Once he was sure that no one was around he made his way to his secret cave. Lyrr had discovered this cave quite by accident while he was walking to help clear his thoughts. They best he could tell it was an old Cardassian base. He came back now to explore the cave complex more. Lyrr removed the brush he had piled against the entrance only enough to allow him to get inside. Lyrr quickly re-covered the entrance once he was inside and then made his way into what he assumed was the control center.

There was no power to the base so nothing was functional. Lyrr had located the generator and was trying to figure out how to get it to work. Today he had a plan, he brought with him, some tools and a repair kit that he had stolen from one of the vendors in town. The damage did not look to be very bad. It looked to Lyrr like someone had severed the main power conduits. Lyrr was not a fancy educated engineer but it just did not look that hard to fix.

In the end, Lyrr was correct. He spent several hours working to repair the conduits and by the time he was done the base was starting to come back to life. A hum filled the room as the computer started to come to life. The dark cave was now dimly lit. Lyrr smiled, pleased with his work.

Lyrr began to move about the complex. A door previously locked to him before, now slid open as he walked by. The doors led to what appeared to be a science lab of some sort. In the middle of the room were several large metal containers. Lyrr could see nothing of real interest here so he moved onto the next room.

The next room appeared to be a storage room. It was full of storage containers. His curiosity getting the best of him, Lyrr opened one of the containers and found several Cardassian disruptors. Lyrr let out a celebratory yell. He could arm his whole gang with these. If those Marines came back they could fight better with these weapons. With new found excitement he filled his pack with as many of the weapons as he could carry. He slung the pack over his shoulder and left the storage room.

As he entered the main control area an alarm sounded and the rough voice of a Cardassian spoke. Lyrr nearly jumped out of this skin. He forced himself to calm down and looked around. There was no one. Lyrr smiled as he realized it was only the computer. The main view screen displayed a map of Bajor with several amber symbols and one green symbol. Lyrr shrugged as the Cardassian computer spoke again. Not being able to understand the Cardassian language, he decided to figure the computer out on his next visit. Lyrr left the facility. Once outside Lyrr noticed that the opening was now concealed by a hologram. It looked like a rock wall now. This was even better, he thought as he carefully wiped out any trace of his having been there.

Lyrr headed back to his camp filled with excitement of his new discovery, blissfully unaware of what was happening back at the Cardassian complex. Had he known how to speak Cardassian he might have had some cause to worry when he heard the computer tell him, "Operation Final Solution Initiated. External communications terminated. Viral pre-processing started."

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