Bajor: A Trip to the Market "
By: Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58206.29 0630

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Wright slept rather poorly that night.  His dreams filed with images of fire, smoke, and dying children.  He woke for the day just before daybreak and went into the infirmary to check on his patients.  He found that they were resting comfortably.  Not wanting to disturb them he just did a visual observation and let them sleep.   Wright went out into the front room of the clinic.  There was no one up yet so he sat down at the table and watched the Bajoran sun begin to rise.  He was troubled.  This quiet little village was no longer the place he had left.  He needed to find out what was going on.   Madge was in the habit of getting up early to run, and this morning wasn't any different.  If her sleep had been disturbed it didn't show as she ran through the streets of the small town.  A person could see a lot this time of day, if they were observant.  And Madge was definitely observant.  Her long legs took her around a corner and she headed down the stretch to the clinic.   When she opened the door a few minutes later her breathing was accelerated and a light sheen of perspiration coated her skin.  It wasn't hard to guess what she'd been doing as she was dressed in typical Marine running garb.  Her long red hair was pulled back into a ponytail that brushed her shoulder blades when she moved.   "Why g'mornin' ta ye, doctor.  I dinnae expect ta see ye this early in the morning," she greeted Wright with a smile as she pulled a bottle from her pack and took a long drink of the water in it.    "I'm usually up early," said Wright.  He gestured at the chair next to his, "Have a seat.  How was your run?"   "T'was... interesting," MacAlister took the offered chair.  "Did ye sleep well, Doctor?"   Wright shook his head, "Not well at all," he said looking windows as the Bajoran sun began to rise.  "How about you?"

"Like a rock," MacAlister admitted. "'Tis a blessing and a curse," she smiled a little. "The fire disturbed yer dreams then?" She was either quite perceptive, or just a good guesser.   Wright nodded, "What do you have planned today?"

"Nothing specific," Madge admitted. "Thought I might hang around a bit and see how the wee lass is doing. What about yerself?"   Wright smiled, "They have a small farmers market not too far from here. I thought I might go down there and get pick up some supplies. We could all use a good breakfast."

"Aye, that we could," Madge agreed. "And would ye be liking some company then, doctor?" she asked curiously.

"That would be wonderful," replied Wright.

After Madge cleaned up and changed, the two of them left the clinic. Wright led the way to the market.

"What do you make of this Lyrr person," he asked.

"Other than he's a bully?" Madge smiled a bit, but then seemed thoughtful. "He's just a lad... War is hard. 'Tis impossible ta tell what happened that he would act this way," she mused. "But that does nae make him any less dangerous... Perhaps we should look inta it?"

"We might have to," he said, "This village is not the same place I left."

"I dinnae know what it was like before," Madge admitted, "But things aren't right here... There's nothing ye can see.. 'tis more of a feeling... and the looks on people's faces."

They rounded the corner and entered a large plaza. There were several farmers selling their wares here. Wright looked around. Things seemed to have improved since he was here last. The number of farmers selling had increased as well as the different products. Wright spotted someone he knew. Barl, had been one of the first vendors here. Wright walked over to his stand.

"You have done well Barl," said Wright to a Bajoran man with his back to him.

The man turned around, a huge smile breaking out on his face. "Well, Doctor John, it is good to see you again," he said.

"It is good to see you as well," replied Wright. He gestured towards Madge, "This is Madge," he said with a smile, "Madge this is Barl. He grows nothing but the best."

"'Tis a pleasure ta meet ye, Barl," Madge said with a wide smile, her Scottish accent quite pleasant on the ears. "What ye have here does indeed look like the best I've seen in a long time," she complimented him.

"Nice to meet you to ma'am," he said in a cheery voice, " Our produce is getting better. The land is starting to get its fertility back. Can I get anything for you?"

Wright smiled, "I'm making breakfast today."

Barl laughed, "Just like old times. I'll get what you need."

"You better double it," suggested Wright, "We have guests."

The smile slowly left his face, "Ah yes, poor Jess. You two did a good thing, saving his girls. It's good to have you back."

Madge listened and watched quietly. The slowly fading smile on Barl's face said a lot. "I'm glad they're doing well. The doctor took verra good care of the wee ones."

Barl's smile was back again as he began putting food together for Wright and Madge, "He has taken good care of many of us."

There was a loud snort form behind them, "Yeah, just like he takes are of that Cardassian half-breed."

Wright turned around and spotted a teenage boy. He regarded the boy with a even stare but said nothing.

"You go on Lyrr, don't be bothering my customers," snapped Barl the smile now turned to a definate scowl.

"I'll do what I want," said Lyrr, "Where is my pay."

Barl gestured toward a sack under a table, "In that sack. Get it and be gone."

Lyrr walked over to the table and picked up the sack. He cheked its contents and then looked back to Wright. "A word of advice," he said, his voice just above a whisper, "You should leave before you get into any more trouble."

MacAllister stepped forward when Lyrr took a more threatening stance. She didn't actually step between Wright and the boy, but she could have been there before either of them drew a breath should the lad actually make any moves.

Wright held the boys stare and replied, "I'll do what I want."

They stood there, their eyes locked for a few moments, then Lyrr shrugged and walked away.

After a moment Madge looked from Wright to Barl and back again. "The lad needs his ears pinned back just a wee bit," she pronounced wisely, and sounding like she'd be more than happy and capable of doing it. "And he needs a good, safe outlet for all that pent up anger and frustration he's dragging around with him like a bag of old rocks." Nordic blue eyes twinkled a bit as she arched a shapely brow at Wright. "And do nae provoke him, doctor," she added with a light, teasing smile.

Wright shook his head, "He needs a parent."

"Aye, that he does," Madge agreed with a nod. "But do nae go adopting him just yet, Doctor. At least, not without me there ta guard yer back."

Wright looked at Barl. "You are paying him for, " asked Wright leaving his sentence unfinished.

Barl grunted, "To keep him and his friends out of my hair." Barl saw Wright's next question coming and preempted it, "Don't go looking at me like that," he said, "They are just kids... orphans! I give them some food, it's not that big of a deal."

"You have a heart of gold Barl," said Wright, "But this is not going to help them in the long run."

Barl nodded, "They haven't ever hurt anyone before until the fire last night," said Barl with a sigh, "I am concerned."

"Ye should be," the Marine nodded. "The lad doesnae understand yet that his actions can have some serious consequences..." she observed. "He's just being a bully and doesnae see how the dynamics of that can grow bigger than himself."

Barl nodded as he tied off Wright's sack of groceries, "I know," he said sadly as he handed Wright the bag, "It's on me Doctor John, tell Jess I hope things get better for him."

"I'll do that," replied Wright, "Thanks Barl, you take care of yourself."

"T'was a pleasure ta meet ye, Barl," Madge smiled warmly at the vendor. "And thank ye verra much."

"Nice to meet you too," he replied with his best smile, "You take care."

"Let's go Major," he said, "We have breakfast to make."

"I'm right behind ye, Doctor," Madge turned her smile onto Wright and gave Barl a slight wave as she and the good doctor headed back towards the clinic.

"I can see by the look in yer eyes that yer tryin' ta find a way ta help the boy," she commented offhandedly and quirked a brow in his direction.

"Not just him, the whole village," he said glumly, "Believe it or not this used to be a very nice friendly little village."

"Ach well now... and ye can't be adopting the whole village, doctor," Madge smiled over at him. "I'll do what I can ta help ye put things right again. I have a wee bit of vacation time that I'm taking before my next reassignment, so I'm at yer disposal."

"I adopted this village a long time ago," said Wright with a smile. "Thank you for your offer. I could use the help."

"I'm not sure what ta do," she admitted thoughtfully as the pair wound their way through the streets of the small village. "But I'm more than willing ta follow yer lead."

Wright sighed as the walked along, "I wish I knew what to do," he said, "I guess we will just have to start at the beginning. Diagnose the problem, and try to figure it out from there."

Madge had to laugh at that and flashed a grin in his direction. "Spoken like a true doctor," she commented. "The Boys and I rarely get ta diagnose the problem. We just get sent in ta fix it. This'll be a new experience for me then."

Wright chuckled, "I will see what I can do about getting you to think like a doctor then."

She chuckled along with him. "I may have better luck getting you to think like a Marine."

Bajor: Clinic Cleanup"
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]
Sister Moira , Clinic Director , [NPC]

Stardate: 58206.29 1030

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

"That was great Doctor John," said the old woman getting up. She began removing dirty dishes from the table, "We have not been fed like that since the last time you were here."

"Thank you Sister," replied Wright as he handed her his empty plate. "The best food is still made the old fashioned way."

Clarice sighed, "I have to say I did miss the morning breakfast," are you sure that you have to leave again," she asked.

"Yes child," said Wright avoiding the use of the name Clarice. He knew that the young half Cardassian orphan did not like his nickname for her, "I will be here for a few weeks, then I must leave again." He wished she would let them call her something, because calling her child all the time seemed kind of awkward.

Madge had thoroughly enjoyed the breakfast and was in fact a hearty eater. “Here now, Sister, let me be helping ye,” she stood as she talked and began helping the woman clear off the table. “T’was indeed a verra good meal, doctor,” she smiled at Wright and then ruffled Clarice’s hair gently and good-naturedly. “And ye ate well, lass. ‘Tis time ta put some meat on those bones a’yers,” she teased the young girl.

Clarice smiled at Madge. She did not care for other people touching her, however, she let it pass. "I imagine that if Doctor John were here all the time I would be as big as a house," she said, still smiling.

Wright looked at Madge, "So what are you plans for the day?"

“I dinnae have anything specific in mind,” Madge admitted. “I may do a wee bit of…. Exploring..” she said, although her tone might have given Wright the impression that she was going to do more than just explore.

"That might not be a bad idea," said Wright, He rsisted the urge to tell her to be careful; it was not necessary to tell a Marine to be careful.

Wright turned to Clarice, "And how about you? I suppose that you are going to go sneak around and look for trouble."

Clarice looked at the table in front of her, "Actually, I was thinking that I might stay here and help you today."

Wright was about to respond when an hand reached in and touched the young orphan's forehead, "You are going to stay here," said Sister Moira with a playful smile on her face, "Are you sick?"

"That is not funny Sister," protested Clarice, drumming her fingers on the table.

Madge quirked a brow as she watched the young girl for it really *was* odd that she’d want to stay here. “Do ye have thoughts of perhaps one day becoming a doctor?” she asked.

Clarice sighed, "Do you think people will want to be treated by a half-breed doctor," she asked with a small hit of steel in her voice.

“In all honesty? I dinnae know,” Madge admitted. “But I would. And all my men would. And Dr. Wright would. And Sister Moira would. And I’d be willing ta bet there are more people like us than ye think, lass.”

Wright was somewhat startled by the turn of the conversation, "You must not make the mistake of thinking that becasue you experience prejudice from these people here it will be the same everywhere," said Wright, "The universe is a big place." Wright paused, "I had no idea you were even considering becoming a doctor."

Clarice shrugged, "I hadn't until you came back."

Inside Wright was sad. If this girl's dreams had any hope of coming true he needed to find her a family away from Bajor. He decided that once he was back on the Zion, he would make it a priority. "Well, you can help me today," he said, "But I do not forsee much doctor work. Today, I am going to work on the outside of the clinic. We need to clean and fix it up, so that the clinic looks like a proper clinic again."

"OK," she said with a smile, "I'll still help."

"Excellent," said Wright.

“Right now, I’m going ta help Sister do the dishes and then after I finish exploring, I’ll be at yer service, Doctor,” Madge smiled.

"Sounds good Major," said Wright, "Have fun."

"Indeed, doctor," Madge smiled at him and Clarice both and then disappeared into the kitchen with Sister Moira.

Wright and Clarice went outside and began the process of cleaning up the clinic. The outside of the building was covered in Bajorian words and other images. Wright shook his head, the words were not nice," I think we can wash most of this off," said Wright. He looked at several broken windows, "The windows will need to be fixed."

"I'll gets something to clean this up with," said Clarice. Moments later she returned with a couple of brushes and some water. The two of them began scrubbing the wall.

"You were married once weren't you," asked Clarice as she continued to scrub.

Wright nodded and continued to scrub.

"What was she like," asked Clarice.

"Well, for starters she was a Vulcan," said Wright.

"I've never actually met a Vulcan before," said Clarice. She swished the scrub brush around in a container of water and began scrubbing again.

Wright chuckled, "They are very logical and disciplined people and she was no exception."

"How did you meet her," pressed the young orphan.

"We were both doctors on a hospital ship," answered Wright, "Why so many questions?"

"Just trying to get to know you," she paused putting some effort into a bad word scrawled on the wall describing her heritage, "Did you have any kids?"

Wright helped her with the word she was trying to clean off the wall, "We never got around to doing that," he said, "she was killed by a Federation and Cardassian attack on our ship."

Clarice's face melted into a frown, "You have no reason to like Cardassians either do you," she asked.

"I have no reason to hate them either," said Wright.

"But they killed your wife," she protested.

"Yes they did," said Wright putting down the scrub brush, "But I cannot condemn all Cardassians for it." Wright looked at her, "Do you hate Bajorians," asked Wright gesturing to the now clean spot where the word had been, "They have not been very nice to you."

Slowly she shook her head, "Hate is not what I feel," she said, "I am not sure what I feel. Guilty maybe?"

Wright picked up his brush and began scrubbing again, "Because of what the Cardassians did to them?"

Wright stopped to survey the wall, "You can not blame yourself for what others have done," Wright paused, "You can only be responsible for your own behavior."

Clarice nodded and the two of them worked in silence until the had finished clearing the graffiti from the wall. Clarice tossed her brush aside, "I am sorry about your wife Doctor John."

Wright tossed his brush aside, "Thank you," he said.

It was about that time when Madge showed back up. Only she was not alone. "G'day ta ye, Doctor. Clarice," she grinned at them. "I brought along a few of me boys ta help out," she motioned to the four Marines standing with her, complete with tools and supplies.

Clarice started to protest being called Clarice but at the sight of the Marines she held her tongue.

"When I told the lads of the repairs needed at the clinic, they all volunteered. I only brought four." They all looked very strong and quite capable of doing anything asked of them. "Marcus Campanili, my XO," she indicated the tallest of them. "We call him 'Campy'. Scott Taylor.." she motioned as she talked. "We call him 'Visor'". Probably because of the dark wrap around shades perched on his nose, unlike the rest of them who were all, MacAlister included, wearing regular sunglasses. "Peter Singer. We call him 'Chords'. And lastly, Al Becket.. and he goes by 'Beck'.. Boys... Dr John Wright, and his very good friend." Madge finished the introductions.

Wright smiled at the newcomers, "Thank you, we appreciate the help, " he replied. "It does not appear too bad. We removed the graffiti but I expect that some sort of protectant needs to be applied to the wall. There are several broken windows as well."

“Campy” grinned over at him and motioned a thumb towards their pile of supplies. “What we don’t have Beck and Chords will procure for us,” he assured him. Even as he spoke the other three Marines began moving towards the building with their stash of supplies. “Where would you like us to start, doctor?” Marcus asked, as he pitched in with the other three.

Clarice watched as the Doctor and the Marines got to work. Broken windows were repaired and damaged areas of the building were patched. When it was all said and done the clinic looked better than it had in a long time. After the work was done, the Marines were treated to another one of Doctor John's home cooked meal, much to their enjoyment. The whole evening seemed to have an uplifting affect on everyone at the clinic, even the three patients. Clarice thought it was nice to see people smile again, at least some of them.

Before the Marines left the village they made arrangements with Jess to return in the future to help him clean up from the fire and put his house back together. It turned out to be a good day. Clarice hoped this was a sign of good things to come, although she wished that the Marines did not have to leave so soon.

Shoreleave #19"
By: Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58206.29 1100

"Goodmorning Captain," Samantha Carter said as she met up with Hunter in the turbolift heading for the promenade.

"Hello Lieutenant," replied Hunter.

"Enjoying your time off Sir," she asked politely.

Hunter smiled, "Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to do anything yet," he said adjusting his uniforms. "It seems it has been one meeting after another."

He nodded and smiled at her, "how about you?"

"Nothing much Sir, been helping out stations security. They are a bit understaffed at the moment."

Hunter nodded.

"I did hear that Quark has some new holoprograms.. perhaps it is worth checking them out sometime."

"Holodeck huh?"

Sam smiled. "I don't really fancy the holodeck only if I need to do some practice shooting or training."

Hunter crossed his arms and nodded, "you know, I have a collection gas propelled earth weapons from 20th and 21st century, have you ever used such a weapon?

Samantha shook her head. "Can't say I have Sir...I have seen pictures and read stuff about them but never actually fired one.

Hunter smiled, "they're a lot of fun."

"Are they dangerous to use?"

Shaking his head, Hunter replied, "Only if you are on the wrong end of it." He laughed lightly, "...not really, if you want to meet me on the station's holodeck later we can shoot them."

"I would love to Captain," Sam said eagerly. "Wouldn't want to miss out the experience.

"Very good. I'll see what I can arrange, " said Hunter stepping off the turbolift as it opened up. "This is my deck, I'll see you later then."

"Until later Sir."

A Date with Mr. Tommygun "
By: Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58206.29 2200

Hunter stood with a content look as Sam Carter entered the holodeck.

"So glad you could make it, Sam."

"Me to Captain."

Hunter gestured for her to approach a table which had various rifles and pistols laid out.

"This is a simulation of my collection," said Hunter. "I don't often fire the real thing."

With awe Sam looked at the assortment of handguns. She knew some of them by picture only. Amazing that those metal objects were once the most dangerous pieces in history.

He handed Sam a bullet. " This is the projectile. It contains a combustible material which propels the lead end out of the muzzle."


He took the bullet back and put it in a very shiny chrome revolver and loaded 5 more.

"This is a 50-caliber revolver known as the Desert Eagle." he said, "One of the biggest hand guns made at the time."

He turned away with the weapon and leveled it. "Arch, target, 20 meters, pillar, alabaster."

As soon as an object appeared, Hunter squeezed the trigger and with a loud blast the pillar shattered.

Hunter smiled and handed it to Carter. "It has quite a kick," he said.

The pop of the gun made Sam's ears ring and she winched a little and took a step back at the impact of the gun. She accepted the gun from Hunter and looked at it.

"Its quit heavy for a hand gun. Can I try?" she asked eyes gleaming.

"Of course, but keep your arm straight and brace yourself through the shoulders."

Sam instructed the computer to set up a similar pillar and pulled the trigger. The gun bucked in her hand..." Wow indeed it has a kick and I missed!!!." Sam said with a chuckle.

Hunter chuckled, "The sighting is a little different. It also has a mechanical trigger. You want to gently squeeze it."

"Ah ok, lets give it another try." Carefully almost too carefully Sam squeezed and pointed the gun at the pillar. The bullet shattered a piece of it.

"At least I hit it this time."

Hunter smiled, "that you did."

He watched Sam try another. It took a while before Sam got the feeling for the guns but then after a while all her shots were dead center. Some guns had quit a kick back and others were light. She loved every minute of it.

Then Hunter picked up a short rifle. "This is one of my favorites. Its a classic weapon from the 1900s. "

The gun had a short stock and a grip in the front. "Its a famous weapon call the Thompson Machine Gun. Also known as the *Tommygun. It was popular with soldiers, law enforcement officers and gangsters."

"Watch this," said Hunter with a grin, "Arch, Mob scene 20 meters."

The holodeck darkened and a cameo scene appeared from the prohibition era in the US. There were five gangsters milling around barrels of moonshine and an old car.

One of them stepped to the edge of the scene, "Hey copper take this," it said as it began shooting a small caliber handgun in their direction.

Hunter snapped the round magazine into the gun and pulled the bolt back, chambering the first bullet. He leveled the weapon and pulled the trigger. The Gangsters scattered and disappeared through doors and windows.

As the tommygun fired round after round, shell casing tinkled onto the floor. In the target scene, barrels of moonshine where being ripped open. Glass bottles shattered with big splashes, was running alcohol everywhere. Hunter aimed at the old car and riddled it with bullets. Glass and rubber flew everywhere.

When the gun was expended, it made an empty click and all was quiet except for the sound of moonshine dribbling on the floor. Hunter raised the gun and removed the magazine. A fog of putrid smelling gunsmoke hung in the air.

He handed the gun to Carter with a smile, "Now that's fun."

Sam had covered her ears when Hunter shoot the gun. It made quite a nose and the smell made her sneeze. She looked at the gun Hunter placed in her hands. "Oh it sure looks like it, can I try too?"

He handed her a magazine and summoned a similar gangster scene. The bad guys began shooting harmless ammo at them and yelling obscenities.

Sam took aim and squeezed the trigger. "Oh you don't need to aim." she said with a grin...

"Aiming is optional," chuckled Hunter.

He watched as Carter mowed down the entire mob. Her cheeks were red with excitement.

"This is fun Sir!!!" she said grinning then the empty click of the gun could be heard. "Its hard to believe that in those days they killed eachother with it."

Hunter laughed, the scene was designed to be arcade like. "I know," he replied, "Your pretty good with that."

"Thank you Sir, its too bad that there never is some sort of a contest. You know like working with sniper rifles and such.. I might even sign up for that... " Sam responded.

"What else do we have?" she mumbled as she walked back to the table...she picked up a really small gun .22 it said.."Does this fire as well?"

"that's just a small caliber weapon."

"Its a woman's gun?"

"I suppose it could be," shrugged Hunter.

Sam chuckled...... "The women of that time were surely different."

"Here's another fun one," he said handing her a shotgun.

"It fires projectiles of various configurations."

"Various configurations?" Sam asked. She had seen some pictures of it in the ships database. "Isn't it used to fire these little pewter pellets?"

"lead pellets," corrected Hunter.

"Ah,", she weight the weapon in her hand. "Its heavy."

"Arch, wood target number 2," said Hunter. "Go ahead, but, it really has a kick to it."

Sam grinned and shouldered the gun.... a big blast made sure the wood was almost desintegrated. So over the next hour both Hunter and Carter were using various hand guns, rifles, shooting up various targets. Generally just having a good time.

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