Bajor "
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]
Sister Moira , Clinic Director , [NPC]

Stardate: 58206.28 0800


Wright looked around the docking ring of QulTuq.  It was a fairly busy day, the concourse was full of space travelers coming and going.  Wright had planned to attend some of the medical conference, however, when he woke up he just could not bring himself to go. He felt the call of Bajor and now found himself here. 

After his wife's death Wright had spent a good deal of time there working with the local population.  Despite their liberation from the Cardassian's life was hard in some places on Bajor.   Wright found his days long and the work hard while on Bajor but it was worthwhile work and he was able to take satisfaction from the time he spent there.

A red light turned green above the docking door and the door slid open.  The people around him, mostly Bajoran, began moving in the direction of the door.  Wright picked up his bag and joined them.  He found a seat on the transport and tried to relax as the rest of the passengers found their places.  Wright allowed his mind to wander back into the past.  He though briefly about his wife, he found, to some surprise that the pain of her loss was no longer as bad as it once was.  Perhaps, some healing was possible after all.  Wright thought about the many friends that he had on the USS Comfort, some of them no longer living.  There was no longer much point in living the past.  He had to admit that taking the position on the Zion was a good move for him, it allowed him to heal and make new friendships.

Wright was pulled from his thoughts by the transport as it pulled away from the station and set a course for Bajor.  It would not take long to get there.  Once he landed he would look in the market place for Trass Delvan. Delvan would be able to get him transportation to Rakantha Province.  Wright watched out a window as the transport descended through the atmosphere.  In no time at all they had arrived.  Wright left the space port and made his way to the market place.  Now all he needed to do was find Delvan.


MacAlister combed through the streets of Kalkyra, where she thought she'd find the orphan she'd befriended some three weeks earlier.  She'd had her outfit on a routine training mission then, and they'd found the child hurt and cold and hungry.  She'd left her XO in charge and had personally taken the young girl to the local clinic.  It hadn't been because she was the motherly type..  Gods forbid if that ever happened.  But at the time, the child had clung to her and shied away from the men.

The girl reminded her of one of her nieces.  Oh, not in physical appearance really, but definitely in spirit.  She'd stayed with her while the woman who ran the clinic had seen to the child's needs, only leaving to rejoin her men once she was assured the girl would be taken care of....  And after she'd made a promise to come back.  That was the reason she was back here today. After all, a MacAlister did not go back on their word.

She'd brought the young girl something in the way of food and clothing, having noticed that the young girl didn't seem to eat very well, and her clothes looked like they were nothing more than tattered rags.  There was definitely something going on with the child but the girl had stubbornly refused to confide in her.  She was hoping that today she could find out just what had happened to her three weeks ago, and what her true circumstances were.


It had been quite a trip on the land transport that Delvan had arranged for him.  Rakantha Province was left a dusty wasteland after the Cardassian occupation.   The Bajoran Governments were working to purify the soil to make it life giving again, however, this could only happen so fast.  Wright watched in amazement at the changes that had taken place since he was last here.  When they had arrived in the town of Kalkyra he thanked the person who brought him and made his way thought the streets towards the small clinic where he had volunteered.

Wright stood outside and was surprised.  The condition of the small building had been in excellent shape when he left.  Now it was what he could only describe as a wreck.  He stood outside the building for a moment wondering what could have happened before entering.   Wright entered the building and to his surprise, even though the outside was a mess, the inside was neat and well kept.

Wright waited for a few seconds and a human woman of about forty, with slightly graying hair entered the room.  "How can I help you," she asked, without even looking up at him.

"Hello Moira," said Wright.

She looked up, "Doctor Wright," she said pushing aside her surprise, "It's about time you got here."

"It's good to see you too Sister," laughed Wright, "How have you been?"

"As good as one can be in this unhappy place," she replied, gesturing out the door.

"I noticed the mess on the outside of the building.  What is going on," asked Wright.

"Sit down," she said, pointing at a table, "I will get you caught up on current events."


Madge was a stubborn, obstinate woman and she knew it.  She was generally the first one to admit it.  After looking for over two hours she realized that it was her Scottish stubborn streak that was keeping her combing the streets without any trail of the girl whatsoever.  Madge was also a very bright woman.  Having admitted to herself that she was still combing the streets out of sheer stubbornness, she decided it was time to change tactics.  She was a good investigator and right now her intuition had her feet turning in the direction of the small clinic she'd taken the girl to when she'd first met her, hoping to pick up her trail there.


Wright shook his head, "It's too bad," said Wright after he had been caught up on current events.  "This area has enough to worry about." Wright sighed, "How is Clarice?"

Moira looked at him with a disapproving gaze, "You should not call her that," she demanded," You know she does not like that name."

Clarice, as Wright called her, was a orphan girl who spent a good deal of time around the clinic.  She was not well accepted in the community because she was of both Cardassian and Bajoran heritage; a product of Cardassian war crimes.  Her mother died during the occupation, and no one knew who her father was.

Wright shrugged, "How is she?"

"I am afraid that her life is not a happy one," said Moira, "She spends much of her time trying to stay away from other children her age. She is lonely."

"There must be some place better for her," said Wright, thinking out loud.

"She is not accepted by the people here," said Moira, and I doubt she would survive long with the Cardassians."  The old woman paused, "Not too long ago she was found by a young Maquis Marine.  She had been beaten very badly."

"The marine brought her here?"

Moira nodded, "I have been in contact with my community, and they are trying to find her a new place to live."

"I will see what I can do as well, " offered Wright.

"How long will you be staying?"

"About a month, at least until the Zion is repaired," replied Wright.

"That is good," she said, "There is plenty of work for you to do."


MacAlister's long legs covered the distance in a fairly short amount of time.  There was more than one appreciative eye that followed the six foot tall redhead as she strode through the streets of Kalkyra.  She was dressed in khaki cargo pants with a sage green short-sleeved shirt tucked into the belted waistband.  Sturdy boots covered her feet and her hair was wound into a tight twist and secured to the back of her head with wispy tendrils escaping their confinement to frame her face rather attractively.  A ball cap and dark glasses kept the Bajor sun from making her squint.  The backpack resting on her back and the stout walking stick she carried gave her the appearance of simply being a tourist out for a hike.

Her gaze took in the clinic as she approached it, her mind automatically assessing it for tactical advantage, defenses, strengths and weaknesses.  As a whole, the building was quite unimpressive looking.  Which was normally a good thing, tactically speaking that is.  She stepped into the doorway and paused to look around, get her bearings and let her eyes adjust to the difference in light.  A few moments later she reached up and removed the dark glasses, hooking them into a breast pocket and revealing startling Nordic blue eyes.

She spotted the Sister she'd met when she brought the young girl in, along with a man she'd never seen before.  Her gaze took in his build and body language, and even his clothing and the cut of his hair as her mind once again went into clinically assessing-mode.  She telescoped her walking stick down and slipped it into her backpack as she made her way over to the pair. Her smile was genuine as she paused beside them, waiting till there was a break in their conversation before speaking.

"Good day tae ye, Sister.  If ye both will pardon me for the interruption," she greeted the woman in her soft Scots accent, and then paused to glance at the man, extending her smile to him and giving him a slight nod in acknowledgement before continuing.  "I've come tae visit the young bairn I brought tae ye, and couldnae find her anywhere.  I was hoping she'd be here or ye would ken where I can find her...."  She left the sentence hanging in a question as she waited for the woman to respond.

Although not dressed in her Marine garb as Moira had seen her last time, MacAlister was a woman who was quite easily recognizable.  Not only because of the color of her hair and eyes and her accent, but also because of her bearing.

"Well, I'll be," said Moira standing up, "This is the young marine who rescued our young orphan.  Miss?"  She could not remember Madge's name.

"MacAlister, ma'am.  Margaret Rose MacAlister," Madge introduced herself with a broad smile, tickled at being called a "young Marine".

Wright also stood up.  He offered to shake her hand, "I'm John Wright," he said.

"'Tis being a pleasure, Mr. Wright," MacAlister took his hand in her firm grip and looked him in the eyes.  "Call me Madge," she told them both.

"The child you wish to see is not here at the moment, " said Moira, "I expect her back before dark though.  Would you care to sit with us and wait?"

Madge frowned at the news, instantly concerned and it showed in the depths of her eyes.  "Aye.  I would," she nodded.  "Do ye ken where she went?" MacAlister asked ,  "I scoured the city searching, and dinnae see any sign of her.  I'm a wee bit worried."  She quietly took the extra seat as they sat down and settled her backpack at her feet.

"I would be surprised if you had," said Moira, "She has gotten very good at hiding herself."

"Ahhh...  But I'm usually verra good at finding things," Madge countered with a smile, still a bit concerned.  However a child that was in hiding and knew the area better than she did would be able to elude her.

"It seems,: said Wright, "That the locals, especially the children, do not accept her.

"Eh?"  Madge arched a brow.  "And now why would that be?  She's a lovely lass."

"I am sure that you noticed by her appearance, that she is both Cardassian and Bajoran," said Moira.

"Aye...  I noticed," she nodded thoughtfully.  "'Tis prejudice then?  Now that 'tis a shame...  Is there no place she can go and be accepted?" she asked.

"I have my Order trying to locate a place for her," said Moira, "and Doctor John here is going to see what he can do as well."

"It's hard," he said, "The war is not going to make it very easy."

"A doctor, eh?" Madge quirked a brow and smiled.  "I'm sure Sister can use yer capable hands," she commented.  "Do they nae have other orphans of mixed parentage?  Is there nae facility for them?  I'll put out my feelers too, if that's alright?"

"Any help you can give is appreciated," said Wright.  No sooner had the word came out of his mouth when the door opened and in walked the child, "Hello Clarice," said Wright with a smile.

"Bah!  You know I do not like that name Doctor John," said the girl.  She looked side to side and seemed very uncomfortable with the unexpected company.

MacAlister looked relieved as she studied the child but didn't interrupt her conversation with the doctor.  She did crouch down until she was eye level with her though.

Wright could see several minor cuts on her hands and some bruises on her face and arms. "Will you forgive me then," he asked.

The girl threw up her hands, "All I have is you and Sister Moira here and she is leaving soon.  I guess I have to."

Wright looked at the old woman with surprise, "You are leaving Bajor?"

Even MacAlister looked up at the Sister, her eyes holding only curiosity though as she waited to hear her answer.

Moira sighed, "I am an old woman and I have been away from my religious community for far too long."

Wright could see the how weary she really was and there was no doubt in his mind that she deserved a rest, "You will be hard to replace."

"Already done," she said with a smile, "A younger member of my order will arrive in a month's time to take over for me."

Clarice, as Wright had called her, looked at Madge, "You are the lady who saved me from Lyrr's gang."

"Aye, that I am, Lass," she turned her blue gaze back to the girl and smiled.  "I promised I'd come back.  Did ye have another run-in with them then?" she asked, reaching out to motion to the bruises and scratches the girl sported now.

The girl shrugged, "They are morons," she said, her voice dripping with disdain, "I would have gotten away but Lyrr's sister got in my way."

"Aye Lass.. Bully's usually are morons," Madge agreed.

"You could just stay here," observed Moira, even though they had discussed this several times before.

Clarice threw her arms up in frustration, "An let them keep me prisoner here?  I will be no ones prisoner."  Clarice put on a defiant expression, however, the truth was that she did not want to turn Sister Moira into a target and she was afraid that Lyrr would hurt her.  For the first time, however, she had some faint hope.  Doctor John was back and this mysterious Madge, who dropped into her life like one of those angels that Sister keep telling her about, maybe they could help.

"Of course ye won't be, Lass. And we're here tae help make sure that doesnae happen," she assured her.

"Well," said Wright standing up.  Wright picked up a medical kit and looked to the young girl, "we should-" Wright was cut off by the sounds of a commotion in the street outside.  Going to a window he could see a nearby house had caught fire. Wright made his way to the door, "There is a fire out there."

"Is there a local fire suppression team?" Madge asked rose to her feet immediately and moved to join Wright. "We'll need a water supply..." She was already slipping her arms out of her backpack and setting it on the floor.

Moira shook her head. She watched as Madge slipped out the door and ran after Wright. Moira said a silent prayer and then followed them outside.

Depth Charges Away"
By: Craig Witmore, Engineer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58206.28 2000

= QT Engineering department=

Being on the station brought a sense of restlessness to Craig Witmore. Tackling periods of inactivity were not his strong point. Patience is a virtue, they say, but it doesn’t apply to him. He started looking for new challenges quickly. He had already brought some semblance of order to the stations engineering department and the current chief was apparently glad to have him spent his time there.

Before inventing a new project to busy himself, he checked the console for any new messages. To his astonishment there was a single message from his parents. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The management of the forced labour camp allowing any kind of correspondence leaving the darned place? Eagerly he grabbed a chair, sat down in front of the console and began browsing through the text.

His initial joy evaporated quickly and turned in a steadily growing anger. Apparently, the Federation government got the splendid idea of rounding up most members of Craig’ direct family that were still wandering freely. They were incarcerated on accusation of treasonable acts against the Federation council. No further details were provided. In front of a tribunal where several documents and tapes were produced linking them with communication with the Maqui or attempts thereto, they were found guilty unanimously in an amazing short time and convicted to long prison sentences.

The evidence presented was in all probability fabricated. Was this information allowed ‘to leak’ to Craig to put pressure on him? Well, apparently yes so. The note ended with the cynical offer that his family would get a reduction on their prison terms if Craig were to surrender himself on his own free will at the nearest Federation outpost. The paranoia of the Federation government apparently knew no bounds… What damage could an innocent individual – which he truly was – do to the great Federation cause? In his anger he knocked both his fists most vehemently on the console. His favourite mug, of course filled with some aromatic tasting coffee, balanced dangerously close at the edge of the console, but in the end was not able to resist the pull of the stations artificial gravity and shattered in a thousand shards upon contact with the floor. The barely touched coffee spread in an extending pool over the floor of the engineeringdepartment. (Of course, now he would have some additional cleaning to do...). He was glad that it didn’t happen on the Zion, Silvio would surely have commented on it and would probably have made him scrub the floor with a micro inducer.

After slipping over the spilled coffee, he hurried out of stations engineering and headed straight away for the Quarks bar. He decided to drown his feelings in the strongest possible manner. He almost jumped one of the stools near the bar and had to refrain from toppling over. Craig called the bartender and ordered: “ A depth charge, if you please”.

The bartender looked at him quizzically and inquired: “Are you feeling all right? I have never seen you consuming such strong stuff.

Craig insisted: “A depth charge, please”, rising his voice a trifle.

“Okay, okay, no reason to get upset”, was the reply and soon Craig sat facing a pint of dark Guinness-like beer, a small glass containing strong whisky and two wooden chopsticks.

He placed both chopsticks on the rim of the pint and positioned the glass of whisky on top of it. In a repeat of the effect the poor console in the science lab suffered, he hit the top surface of the bar with all muscle power his right fist could yield. The resulting mini-barquake subjected the beer glass to strong vibrations and after a few wobbly dancing acts of the whisky glass upon the chopsticks, they parted and the whisky glass sank to the bottom of the beer glass. In one large gulp Craig downed the wicked mixture and ordered another one. Worrying, the bartender noticed the foul mood Craig was in and politely refused the order. Craig opened his mouth to protest, thought better of it, swallowed his angry reaction and grumbling left the bar, fumbling with his uniform jacket covered under beer spots.

Life was not really going his way these days. Maybe he was about to enter the psychological state of a real depression.

Big Brother is watching... "
By: Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop, Chief Intel Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58206.28 2000

Alyssa stood in her new office aboard Qul Tuq and stared out the window. The Bajoran System had become much busier since this war began than it had been since the Cardassians pulled out. Shuttles zipped this way and that....and the orbital ship yards remained busy as they struggled to get new ships built to send against the Alliance.

Behind her on the desk, several PADDs laid open detailing the intelligence reports on Federation ship well as some of her own research on both Garrett and Gordon Birkoff. That little pissant had made a serious mistake when he's pissed her off.

However, her fuse was cut short by the sound of the door opening. In the reflection of the window she saw a familiar form. She smiled, "ROBBY!"

Whirling around, she vaulted over the desk and nearly tackled her big brother as he stood in the doorway.

"Lys....calm down!" He yelped as she latched onto him.

She hugged him as tightly as she could....and did nothing but smile. "I haven't heard from you in ages, Rob.....have you been ignoring me?"

It was a slight jab from sister to brother, but nothing that would go anywhere. The elder Northrop smiled, " far as I knew a certain little sister of mine was still digging around in the dirt. Imagine my surprise when I find out that she's enlisted and has been posted to the Maquis Flagship."

While Alyssa wasn't exactly short, her brother was what you'd call tall. Standing a little more than 2 meters in height (6 plus feet), she had to look up at him. "When I heard about Junior...and Mom and Dad....I had to do something. This was the only way I could do I enlisted. Thankfully they took note of my background and put me in Intel. Though at first they were just going to turn me call for Archeologists in the Fleet, they said."

Robert nodded, "This is true. But I have to say that I don't exactly like having you in the middle of a war, Lys...."

She cut him off, "It's sweet that you're worried about me...but I've done much more dangerous things looking for artifacts than crusing around on a plus starship reading and analyzing reports."

Alyssa neglected to mention her little trip down to Pacifica. But she should have known that Robert would already know about it.

"That's not what I hear, Lys. Don't forget who you talking to." He gave her that look, "I know all about your visit to Pacifica. They gave you a medal for Gods Sake, Lys.....did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

Pulling away from her brother, she moved back towards the window, her arms wrapped around her. "So is that why you're here, Robert? To talk me into quitting and leaving Mom and Dad and Junior back on Earth?"

"What are you talking about, Lys?" her brother said, confused.

"I joined so I could get them out, Rob. One of these days the Zion is going to get sent to Earth...and I'm going to be there to get them out. No matter what."

Lt. Commander Northrop knew that when his sister had her mind set on something....she would be like a Targ with a piece of meat until she did whatever it was. All he could do was support he always had. Moving across the room, he put his arms around her, "I know you will. But that's not why I came."

"It's not?"

"No....I came to see you. The Perseus is here for repairs. We took some damage during our last skirmish with the Alliance. We just got in a few hours ago...and this was the first chance I had to come find you." Turning her around, "So how about we get some dinner? And you can tell me about all the new girls in your life."

She punched him in the shoulder, "You're never going to let me live that down are you? I take one girlfriend away from you and I'm forever cursed, is that it?"

Her brother laughed out loud, " took Julie from me.....but no...that's not what I was talking about! I just hear that the Zion's CMO is a hot little number...and I thought maybe you'd put the moves on her."

It never failed to embarrass her when her brother started to talk about women like that. Yes...she was a lesbian....but still. "Yes...Doctor Dane is quite lovely....I um....well...."

Robert laughed again and started moving them towards the office door. "It's ok don't have to tell me about her. Though I do want you to meet someone."

Alyssa slumped, "'re not trying to set me up again are you?"

Her mind flashed back to that dowdy little Science Officer he'd tried to set her up with while she'd been at Yale doing her Masters. "You remember what happened the last time!"

" one's mine, Baby Sister. You keep your hands off!" He smiled at her. "This maybe 'oh-so-military' of me, as you used to say, but I met her during manuevers. She's the Astrometrics Chief aboard the Stallings....and it just so happens that the Stallings is here at the moment."

"That's great! It's about time you found someone. Is it serious?" she asked, starting to get a little crick in her neck from looking up at her brother.

"Yeah...I think it might be." He smirked, "But if we get have to wear a dress to the ceremony....without that old raggedy jacket of yours."

Northrop scowled at him, "Oh give me a break, really think I have no sense of style?"

"I'm just showed up to Mom and Dad's anniversary party wearing that thing...."

"I'd just gotten back from a dig!" she exclaimed. "I was lucky that I even made it. I'm sorry but I didn't have time to change clothing." She pouted a little.

"Oh...don't pout, Lys." They turned the corner onto the prominade.

" I at least get to know her name before I meet her?"

"Oh...yeah." He flushed, embarrassed. "Her name is Heather. Lieutenant Heather Katayama."

As they walked into the replimat, he pointed her out to his sister.....and watched with a little glint in his eye as Alyssa's jaw dropped. "She...she's gorgeous, Robby.....nice job," she him another good natured punch to the shoulder.


Bajor: Fire! Fire! "
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]
Sister Moira , Clinic Director , [NPC]

Stardate: 58206.28 2130

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Wright crossed the street and ran over to the burning building. Several other also came onto the street. As Wright approached the building a Bajoran man exited. He was coughing and Wright could see severe burns on his arms and face.

"My family. I could not find them," he said, between gasps for air.

"How many," asked Wright.

"Two, my daughters," he replied, still struggling for air.

Madge had followed on Wright's heels and stood listening to the man even as her eyes assessed and studied the building and its structural layout. When she looked back to Wright it was to find him gone.

Wright raced into the burning building, without giving much thought about what he was getting into. Once inside he found the smoke so thick that he could not see his hand in front of his face. He began to cough and dropped to his hands and knees. Wright knew he would not have much time to look around here. He began crawling around searching. The heat from the fire was incredible and the smoke stung his eyes and lungs. "Anyone here," he shouted.

Some of the locals were already starting to form a bucket brigade and Madge took note of this as she raced back across the street to the hospital where she snatched a blanket off the first bed she came to and then raced back to the fire. It was less than a minute and a half before she was following Wright into the burning structure with a soaked blanket covering her and a wet handkerchief tied around her mouth and nose.

"DOCTOR?!?" she shouted as she tried to peer through the smoke. It was no use, she couldn't see a thing. She crouched closer to the floor and moved further into the building. "DOCTOR WRIGHT?!?" she called out again and then strained to hear anything over the roaring of the flames.

Wright continued to shout and feel his way around the smoke filled room. He was mad at himself, he was a doctor not a fireman. Wright continued to curse his bad judgment when he thought he heard something. He was sure of it. He crawled in the direction of the noise. Reaching out into the smoke his had grabbed a hold of another hand. A tiny hand and it weakly grabbed his hand back. Wright could see the two girls now, they were huddled together in the corner of the room. Wright picked up the girls and made his way for the door, only to discover that he was disoriented in the smoke filled house. He was lost. Wright dropped again to his knees where the smoke was less and tried his best to find the door, bringing the girls along with him.

The house was beginning to loose its integrity now as the fire burned through parts of the roof and it started to cave into the floor below. Its added weight put stress on some of the key structural beams that were already burned to the point of collapse.

Outside the bucket brigade was now working furiously to keep the fire from spreading to the nearby buildings while the owner of the house, whose daughters were trapped inside, was struggling to get back and help save them. But Sister Moira had taken charge of the injured man and he'd been moved to the safety of the hospital. A few of his neighbors were continuing to throw water on the front of the burning building in the almost futile hopes that doctor and woman who'd ran inside would reappear with the two young children... alive.

"DOCTOR WRIGHT!!!" Madge shouted again as she made her way further into the burning house. She moved slowly but systematically, using all her training to try and locate the doctor. She kept low to the floor and was having to dodge burning debris as it began to fall.

Wright coughed and he crawled along the floor, bringing the children along behind him. The heat from the fire was getting more intense. Wright was in trouble and he knew it. Parts of the roof timbers began to crack and fall. Wright knew that he did not have much time to get out. He tried to pull the image of the room when he first entered it into his mind. Then, over the roar of the fire he though he heard someone calling him, Wright tried to move the direction of the sound, "Over here," he shouted.

Every few moments she'd pause and listen and during one such time she was rewarded by a sound that was not part of the fiery structure. 'DOCTOR WRIGHT!!" she called out again and steered her progress in the direction of the noise she'd heard. "Keep calling out!! I'm coming!!" She stopped to listen at the same time as Wright stopped crawling for a moment to call out to the other person in the room.

Hearing his voice more clearly now, she continued to move in its direction. The smoke was so thick that it was impossible to see anything and Madge was having to feel her way. "Doct--" she started to call to him again and simply stumbled upon him and the children. "Thank god! We havetae hurry!!" Her voice conveyed the urgency, although it had been an unnecessary reminder and she knew it. Madge had a tendency during times of stress, to point out the obvious. She got close to his face so she wouldn't have to yell over the sounds of the fire. "Put this around yer mouth an' nose," she pulled out a wet rag and literally pushed it into his hands, not taking no for an answer. They both had to hunker over the children when the sound of cracking overpowered the roaring of the flames. The feeling of urgency was spurring them both on now.

The very roof had collapsed over the area they had just come from. Wright knew that the rest of the house was about to come down around them. "Let's get out of here," he said, handing one of the children to Madge, "You lead the way." Wright picked up the other child.

MacAlister took the child and encouraged her to wrap her arms and legs around her and hang on. She also told her to keep her face buried against her shirt and handed Wright one edge of the blanket. "Let's be off then..." she nodded to him and began retracing her steps. There were no visual landmarks to navigate by and Madge was totally having to rely on her memory as she led the way.

Wright held tight to the second girl and followed along closely behind MacAlister so that he did not get separated from her. The smoke stung his eyes and his lungs ached for fresh air. The fire still burned with great intensity. Wright could hear the roof start to crack and groan. Finally, after what seemed like hours to Wright, they emerged though the doorway and out into the Bajorian night.

Madge started coughing as soon as she stepped foot out of the burning house. Her gaze traveled over Wright and the girl he carried as she urged them all further away from the burning structure.

Wright had a coughing fit as the clean air hit his lungs. He took several more deep breaths . Wright glanced at the little girl he held, she was still breathing. "Let's get to the clinic," said Wright as he crossed the street.

"Right," Madge nodded and followed behind him. She couldn't feel if the child she held was breathing or not and didn't take the time to check, knowing that if she wasn't, the few extra seconds for them to get to the clinic would likely be more beneficial than not.

Sister Moira was waiting for them at the door. She took the little girl Wright was holding and everyone followed her into the main room of the clinic. Here, there were several beds, including one occupied by the father of the girls.

Moira set the girl on a bed and indicated to MacAlister to put the other one down on the next bed.

MacAlister did as instructed and laid the young girl on the bed, her hands and eyes scanning the poor thing to see if there was anything she could do. She knew advanced first aide, but that was the extent of her training in that area.

"We do not have many supplies Doctor," said Moira.

Wright suppressed another cough and looked at the girl MacAlister had carried. Like her sister, she was also breathing, "I figured as much, I brought some with me. They are in my bag."

"I will get it," said Moira as she quickly left the room.

Wright picked up an old battered tricorder that he had left here and scanned the girl. She had very poor oxygen transfer. Wright turned around and examined her sister. This little one had much the same problems.

"They're such wee little bairns," Madge smiled encouragingly at the child she'd carried and smoothed her hair back from her head as Wright examined her.

"Are they..", asked the old man his voice cracking in anxiety.

"They will be ok," Wright assured him.

"Thank the Prophets," he replied and relaxed on his bed.

Moira returned with a brown leather bag and handed it to Wright.

Wright opened it up and removed a hypospray and several vials. Wright began administering medication to both girls. Something to boost their oxygen capacity and something for the pain. They did not have the convenience of modern surgical equipment here, so the damage to their lungs would have to heal naturally. Wright scanned them again, satisfied, he went to work on their burns.

As the Sister and Wright worked on the two children, Madge stepped back out of the way. "Dinnae worry," she told the father, giving him an encouraging smile. "They know what they're aboot. They'll have yer bairns up in no time."

The father simply nodded to Madge but his eyes watched his children intensely.

Wright and Moira worked slowly and patiently to repair the burns on the little girls. "Your girls are young," Wright said to their father, "They will recover quickly."

"I am glad for that," he said, "It is a good thing that you returned to us Doctor".

"What happened tonight?" asked Wright as he turned his attention the man's burns. Wright scanned him and found his most pressing problem to be the burns to his face and hands.

"It was the young ones," he said with a wince of pain as Wright examined his arm.

Wright picked up a dermal regenerator and went to work on his left arm, "The young ones," he asked.

"Lyrr Tirex," he said, "He demanded that I pay him for protection. I refused."

Wright searched his memory, he could not remember a boy named Lyrr, "I do not remember him." Wright began working on his other arm.

"He is new to the village," replied Moira, "He is the same person we were talking about with," she paused, "Clarice."

MacAlister had been quietly listening and observing the doctor and Sister as they worked She'd retrieved her backpack and had even managed to clean most of the black soot from her face and hands. "I believe she said he had a 'gang'," MacAlister added helpfully. "Do ye ken how many there are?" she addressed the father.

"It's hard to say," he replied, "Most of them are orphans. Some of them are just babies."

"Babies?" MacAlister blinked and then a very expressive frown marred her brow.

Wright finished, "There, almost good as new," he said with a smile. Wright extended his hand, "I'm John Wright."

"Syries Jess," said the man shaking Wright's hand, "Those are my daughters, Mira, and Tira," he gestured to the sleeping children, "We owe you and your friend a huge debt."

"Think nothing of it," said Wright, "I am pleased that everyone is going to be alright."

"If ye dinnae mind me asking.... How long has this been going on?" Madge asked. "Is there nae an orphanage here for the wee ones that've lost their families?"

"It started not too long after Doctor John left," said Moira, "The past few months have been the worst."

"Have the authorities been notified," asked Wright.

"Yes," said Jess, "but Bajor has a lot of places with need. They say they will get to it when they can."

Wright shook his head. "You and your family can stay here for now," said Wright. He wondered if it would be all that safe here. The situation made him sad. This had been such a peaceful place when he had left. Wright turned his attention to Madge, he help up a tricorder and gestured towards an empty bed, "You're next."

Madge blinked and eyed him. "Ach, there's nae need doctor. I'm fine. Ye should have Sister Moira take a look at ye though," she said. "Ye had more exposure than myself."

"I will do just that, after I take a look at you," he said, "If you are not hurt it will take just a second."

"I have nae a thing against ye personally, doctor," she told him as she continued to eye him and reluctantly moved to the bed. "We even have a medic on our team," she told him. "But I dinnae like being.... Scanned..." she admitted.

"To be honest neither do I, however, sometimes it is necessary," said Wright, "I just want to make sure you are alright." There was not much else Wright could do, she did have the right to refuse his care. He looked her in the eyes and waited for a reply.

MacAlister met his gaze and several pregnant moments passed before she nodded and stretched out on the bed. "Do yer worst then," the twinkle in the depths of her blue eyes was easy enough for him to see. "I miss the cold stethoscope and the warm fingers taking my pulse," she told him, quite honestly. "It should be more personal," she told him. "When a doctor learns all yer secrets, that is..."

Wright wondered if she ever really had seen a stehoscope before as he fired up his tricorder. To his surprise MacAlister was in very good shape. Her lungs showed s slightly diminished capacity, however, that was to be expected. This marine was in top shape. Wright took note of seveal healed injuries, to her right wrist and forearm, her left ankle, "You are in very good shape. Do you have any pain?"

"A little tightness in my chest," she admitted. "But 'tis to be expected after being in a fire. Nothing that won't go away by morning."

Wright closed his tricorder just as Clarice climbed in a window. She was giggling quietly.

"Where have you been Clarice," asked Wright.

"Don't call me that," she protested.

Wright siged, "I'm sorry," he said with mock sincerity, "Hey YOU! where have you been?"

Clarice giggled again, "I have been following Lyrr and his friends around. He is worried about you two," she gestured towards Madge and Wright, "I love it when he is worried," she said with a big smile, " It makes me want to giggle."

"Why is he worried about us," asked Wright.

"Becasue," she said with another giggle, "He knows you are both Maquis. He does not want the Maquis to ruin is action."

"I can imagine he wouldnae like that," Madge agreed as she sat up and looked at the young girl. "What do ye want tae be called then, if not Clarice? 'Tis a pretty name," Madge added.

"Sister calls me child," she said, "Lyrr calls me," she paused, "well, I do not really have a name."

Madge's brow arched. "Have ye ever had one?"

"I like to think that my mother gave me one before she died," said the girl, "I don't know what it is if she did."

That pulled at the Marine's heartstrings. "Ahhh... What was her name then?" Madge asked.

The girl just shrugged.

"Well and now I'm sure she gave ye a name," Madge smiled at her and actually reached out to give a lock of her hair a playful tug. "Since ye dinnae know it, I think t'would be okay tae be called a name ye'd like. Do ye have a favorite?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I will be accepting no name unless it is given by my parents."

Wright chuckled, "We have been through this before," he said, "She is a stubborn child."

"Yes, but you love me anyway," she said and walked out of the room.

Madge laughed softly and watched her go before looking back to Wright. "Aye, tis a stubborn lass she is tae be sure," she agreed with him. "She needs parents."

Wright sighed, "Indeed she does."

The Lyrr Gang "
By: Lyrr Terex , Gang Leader , [NPC]
Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Bril , Gang Member , [NPC]

Stardate: 58206.28 2138

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Lyrr turned watched as the fire ravaged the house. He turned and looked at a young man in his group with disgust and then returned his gaze to the fire. He watched as Wright and Madge entered the building. He silently was relieved when he saw them bring out the two girls. In truth Lyrr did not want anyone dead.

Lyrr grabbed the young man by the hair and threw him to the ground, "You were supposed to scare him Bril, not burn his house to the ground," he shouted. "Now what will he use to pay our protection fees?" Lyrr kicked him in the side."

"Ouch Lyrr," gasped Bril, "Stop."

Lyrr grabbed Bril by the hair and pulled him up to his feet. "When I give you a job to do, I expect it to be done right." Anger getting the best of him, Lyrr punched Bril in the face. The young man fell to the ground.

Listen to me everyone," said Lyrr, "We want these people scared not dead. No one gets killed unless I say so."

Lyrr's attention returned to the fire, He watched as the fire continued to burn. The new comer had gone back into the clinic, "Who is the guy who went into the fire," he asked his ragtag bunch of orphans and misfits.

"It's Doctor John," said a boy, "He used help us, but he left right before you came Lyrr."

"A doctor huh," said Lyrr.

"He's Maquis" said another.

Lyrr did not want to hear that. The last thing he wanted was the Maquis poking around. "How about the lady, who is she?"

Several of the gang shrugged their shoulders but no one responded. Lyrr tried to look un-phased by this but he could not help worrying about the unexpected guests to his little party. One call from the Maquis and the authorities might descend upon his little game and break it up. He did not want that at all.

"We could pay them a visit tonight," suggested one of his older gang members.

"No," said Lyrr, "we need to find out more about them before we take them on." Lyrr was not ready to confront the Maquis. Not yet. He needed time to think about this.

Lyrr's thoughts were interrupted by laughter. Everyone turned around to see Clarice standing on a small boulder. "You're scared Lyrr," she chided him. "Doctor John is back and he is going to stop all your fun. You are scared." Having taunted him properly Clarice jumped down from the boulder and began to run.

"It's the half-breed," thundered Lyrr, "Get her! Bring her to me."

Everyone in the gang took off after her. The chase was on.

No Way Home "
By: Quark , Propriater, Quarks Bar , [NPC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58206.28 2240

Quark frowned, "Forty-percent. That's my finder's fee," he said to the Pakled.

"That is too much. Ten-percent," the heavy set alien countered.

Quark turned and waved off the Pakled, "Never mind, I can see you are clearly not interested in this business proposition. There are others.

"Wait," said the Pakled taking hold of Quark's sleeve. Quark turned and gave him an indignant and annoyed look as he took the Pakled's hand and lifted it from his sleeve.

The Pakled looked down, "fine, forty-percent."

Quark smiled, "I'm glad you see it my way, now wait here."

Quark turned and walked toward the private table he had secluded Dr. Dane earlier.

"How are you doing" he asked, "can I get you a refill?"

"Yes can you get me another coffee"?"

"I have found three who could help you in," said Quark looking back over his shoulder for a moment. "They will come and negotiate with you. I have fulfilled my part of the bargain."

With a solemn nod, he took a few steps back into the view of the the Pakled and motioned for him to come.

The Pakled came up to the table and stood before Dane. "This is Golgadahga. Captain of the Kabohka.

Quark turned and walked a distance and stood where most species would think to be out of earshot.

"Eeehh heeee," giggled the Pakled, "Pleeeased to meeet you," he said offering his hand.

"You are Doctor, Yes?"

"Yes I am," Teilani said with a small smile

"You need ride," he asked, "to Earth?"

"Not so loud," she whispered as she motioned for the Pakled to sit down.

The Pakled pulled out a chair and anxiously sat down.

"Two bars is all it costs."

Teilani nodded. "I think I can manage that."

"But you must be ship's doctor until we get to earth."

"Sure, I can do that but what do you mean by until you get to Earth?"

"We pick up magnasite ore on Kalla III and *then* take you to earth."

"How long will that take?"

"hmm.. about 3 months."

Teilani shook her head. "Thats impossible I need to get there as fast as possible. 3 Months is way too long. Can't you get to Earth first and then get to Kalla III??

"No." said the Pakled sympathetically. "Earth too far."

"Please?" Teilani said softly. Carefully she looked around her. All the other occupants looked busy with their own affairs but she felt unease as if multiple eyes were looking at her.

The Pakled thought about it. "Okay," he said, "direct to Earth. Price is fourteen-bars of latnium."

All to himself some distance away from Golgadahga and Dane, Quark smiled to himself. It was profit to his ears. "That's more like it," he mumbled to himself.

Fourteen bars Teilani thought where would I get 14 bars...."How long will it take to get there then?"

Golgadahga looked at a small instrument he produced from his vest pocket. He used it make computations. When he was done he returned the instrument to his pocket and looked up and smiled at Dane as if he had what she wanted to hear: "Only Nine weeks and six days."

Teilani bit her lower lip. Almost 2 month on a pakled ship, with no comfort. It was not acceptable. She shook her head again. "I need to get there within a week," she whispered. How fast does your ship go?"

The pakled appeared to be stunned at Dane's response, "ship only go so fast. Ship only go warp 4."

"Don't you have any friends who have a faster ship? Look its really important that I get there fast."

Quark shook his head. Pakleds were great clients... at the dabo table, but he wondered why he bothered with their species for anything else.

They could never seem to cinch a deal. Impatiently he turned and entered the private area where the negotiations were taking place.

"How are we doing here," he asked with a forced smile.

"Quark, I thought I made it clear I needed a fast ship...... Teilani said feisty. "I appreciate the offer but I need to get to Earth in a week. Don't you have anything else?"

Quark nodded at the Pakled who left with a sorry sounding, "aaaaw," of disappointment"

When the Pakled was out of site, he responded "Yes," he said. "I have two more. They should be here shortly. I will send them in when they arrive."

Quark snapped his fingers at a waitress as he walked away from the table. She immediately brought Dane a fresh coffee. Jamaican, Double strong, double sweet.

Brushing her hair from her face Teilani sighed. Was she doing the right thing? If she got busted they would strip her rank and maybe even put her through a court martial. Was it worth the risk.... betraying all her crewmates. Well she wasn't actually betraying them, merely bending the rules in her own favour. She didn't have much choice though, the call for home was much stronger then ever before.

With all the latest so-called adventures she wanted to make a clean plate, see her family just one more time. Nobody would ever know if the next mission or encounter would end it abruptly. She had to know how they were. The call from Uncle Brexen had somehow released this urge, but Teilani knew that if she made it all the way to Mars, life would never be the same.

Could she live with herself then? Would she be able to continue being a doctor, something she loved the most.

She finished the coffee and sighed deeply.

The next alien entered shortly. The man appeared to be Rutian. "I am Stee'ha. I understand you are seeking passage to the Terran system?"

Indeed I am.

"Price is 30 bars of latinum. Upfront."

I haven't got that much with me now, Teilani whispered. But I can work during the trip and when I get to my final destination I promise you will get paid. If necessary I double it. She said sounding desparate. She had absolutely no idea where to get 60 bars of latinum but perhaps Joshua could help her out once she got home.

The alien frowned, "How much do you have?"

"I only have about 5 bars." she replied. She had in fact 2 more bars but he didn't need to know that.

The alien frowned and grabbed Quark by the lapels of his jacket, "You said she had money," he said letting go of him roughly.

He scowled at the doctor, "30 Bars of latinum. Up front. We leave tomorrow night. You have til then." The alien turned and left.

"Your last option will be here in 10 minutes," hissed Quark.

Teilani nodded. She became agitated and more nervous, all dreadful scenarios played through her head. Lots of what if and such. Fidgeting with the now empty mug she waited for the next alien.

The next alien came in and sat down, leaning on the table. He was a Dopterian. "I understand you are trying to get to the Terran System?"

Yes I am, she confirmed softly.

"We are leaving for Epsilon Erandii, day after next," whispered the alien. "It is near by. You should be able to find passage the rest of the way. It is dangerous though. Very close to battle lines. Expensive it will be. Ten bars of latinum it will cost.

Teilani squeezed her eyes and glanced at Quarks, who was busy doing something unimportant but she knew he heard everything. 10 you say?

The alien nodded.

I can give you 3 upfront and the rest when we get there.

The Dopterian contemplated, "That is an unusual request. You are bringing with you the seven bars which you will pay when we arrive?"

Teilani shook her head. "No, but I will make arrangement to have them transferred to any account you like. After all I do not want something to happen to me while carrying 7 bars of Latinum. No pun intended Sir."

The alien contemplated, "That is an unusual request. You are bringing with you the seven bars which you will pay when we arrive?"

Teilani shook her head. "No, but I will make arrangement to have them transferred to any account you like. Afterall I do not want something to happen to me while carrying 7 bars of Latinum. No pun intended Sir."

The alien eyed Dane suspiciously. "How do *we* know you have the latnium at all."

"You don't but I give you my word as a Maqui officer that I do have them." Teilani looked at the Alien without fear.

"M-m-maquis, Y-y-you are a Maquis officer? W-w-what do you want..." the alien looked about nerviously, "w-with me" it asked starting to back away.

"Absolutely nothing, I just want to get to Earth." Teilani said softly. Inwardly she sighed. Perhaps it was not such a good idea and she cursederself for mentioning she was Maqui.

"You-You don't look like a maquis, you are not wearing a uniform...."

This made Teilani chuckle. "We do have regular cloths as well. But you know why don't you think about it and let me know if the ride is still available alright?"

The Alien stood up and quicker than some one could say Razzamataz he left.

Teilani closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Then she rested her head in her hands, it turned out to be so difficult finding a ride. Nobody wanted to get burned, which was understandable. If only she could find some other ship.

Unseen from a slight distance, Quark rolled his eyes and mumbled as he folded his arms and disappeared into the crowd. He had fulfilled his obligation

Finding Her Center"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58206.28 2355

==Temporary quarters QT==

Teilani couldn't sleep. The human in her would have taken a sleeping aid, but being a doctor was different. She knew that her spiritual centre was disturbed, misaligned. She had to set it right again, or she would never be able to rest in any meaningful sense.

The idea she had, to find a ride to Mars was bold and dangerous and would probably cost her career if she was caught by security but she had to be sure. She had to find out if there was a way to get her family to safety. Sure she could have tried contacting them over subspace but it was not the same. There were so many things she needed to discuss and that was only possible by meeting them. She didn’t like playing cloak and dagger and how many times had she lingered in front of Patia’s door, wanting to make her part of the crazy idea.

The secret meetings with the merchants at Quarks place were not doin' her mind any good and over the past few days she had been thinking too much for her own good. What if she got caught? What should she say in her defence? Would she be considered a spy? She didn’t want to loose her commission on the ship, she had worked much to hard for that. What if….

***Bajoran Temple***

The moment she stepped through the circular doorway into the temple's shadows, she could feel some of the tension leaving her. She had to come to terms with her raging mind and over the years she had found that the Bajoran belief, even for a non-Bajoran herself, somehow helped her.

Candles made a soothing; flickering light and from somewhere came the distant sound of a voice, softly chanting. Then her heart lifted when she saw a familiar, saffron robed figure approaching from his place at the side of a small reflecting pool.

"Leiris,??" Teilani said happy surprised. "What are you doin'here?"

"Doctor Teilani Dane." he said with a smile as he touched her cheek. He drew her back to the edge of the pool, where they sat down together. "You're disturbed,” he said. "I can feel it in you."

Teilani sighed. "Yes, you can understand, better then anyone."

Teilani started to tell him all, the holodeck adventure, the risk she had taken by contacting merchants to take her to Earth and finally to Mars.

He shook his head serenely. "We've all be scarred Lani, by our own experiences, you are not alone."

She poured out her feelings, like she did when they were both in the academy. She felt lost when he decided to go back to Bajor and become a monk, Leiris always had a good listing ear.

"I've sometimes felt like I'm alone. Here on this station, on the Zion. When you left the academy I gave up meditating. I was out of touch with myself for a long time. But I think I had to be, to go on with the struggle, to make me stronger.” She finished talking.

"And now you are back," Leiris concluded simply. "Perhaps the Prophets have sent me to help you."

Teilani dropped her head into her hands. "I see their faces. When I shut my eyes, they won’t let me rest."

"No Lani. You won't let yourself rest. The dead are at peace with themselves. You imagine their suffering, but you're only feeling your own loss. It is time to leave the past to itself. Time is a series of moments. At each point, it is always now. Lani, you must look into yourself to find the centre of your being. What pulls you into the past? What keeps you from finding your centre, here now?" What happened happend, there will come a time when all is right, when all pain is healed.

"Close your eyes Teilani. Leave the past behind. Bid it farewell." The monk softly spoke

Teilani exhaled; she shut her eyes, and in the inner vision saw the faces of her family again. Their smiling faces in a time when all was right.

"Look away from the pain. Find yourself Lani. Find the center of yourself."

Time seemed to suspend itself or to ease al together. Places faded away. There was only herself. The centre that endured through all times, all events. She separated herself. From mere events, from the world, from its pain. Timeless, eternal.

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