Verrader #138"
By: Craig Witmore, Engineer, [RNPC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.22 0900

stardate 58204.22 0900

=somewhere in a Jeffries tube=

Craig was utterly displeased. It was one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong. First the temperature in his quarters seemed to behave like crazy, even his roommate began to complain about it. Then when he went to the mess hall and ordered a bowl of Miranda's favourite broccoli soup, she gave him some sort of mushroom soup, with the remark that there was no more fresh broccoli available.

The mushroom soup tasted like old sweat socks. And above all that chief Silvio had ordered him to check all conduit junctions hand by hand.

"What a waste of time, Craig muttered. He crawled through the Jeffries tubes for hours it seemed. Violently he removed one of the hatches exposing the junction for the lighting in the cargo bays and decks 10 to 12, he used his recalibration tool with a little more force then necessary.

Due to his own stupid mistake he accidentally broke one of the eps conduits, causing him to sit in the dark.

"Silvio to Witmore, what is going on? I am showing a power loss here?"

"Nothing Sir, a eps conduit in section b24A blew.

"Be more careful Ensign. You have just put an entire section on emergency power. Get it fixed."

"I will, Witmore out". "Thanks for asking if I was o.k.", he muttered, fixing the eps conduit.

Craig stumbled around in the dark trying to reconnect the junctions. Finally he managed to get the correct connection and the lights turned back up again. He took the access hatch and placed it back when his combadge chirped again.

"Silvio to Whitmore, when you are finished breaking EPS conduits head over to the Marine Deck and begin a full diagnostic on their food replicators. You will be working though beta shift today."

"But Chief, I have already worked the entire gamma shift also. Can't Perkins take this over?" he complaint.

"You wil do it Mister Witmore."

"Yes Sir," he replied. Back on his hand and knees he crawled to the next intersection. "Why am I always the one working the beta shift also. Craig do this, Craig to that. What is the chief thinking that I am an octopus with eight hands.

An hour past and Craig was finally down to the last junction. He sat down and whipped the sweat from his brow. He was exhausted his back ached from constantly crawling and he was hungry.

He slang his toolkit over his shoulder and headed towards the Marine Deck. He was just about to start the diagnostic on the first replicator when his combadge chirped again.

"Silvio to Witmore, after you are done with the Marine project I need to to go to Miranda's and install a new replicator unit there as well. She says customers are complaining about her food tasting bad. Get a move on Ensign."

"Understood Sir, Craig said. This was getting ridiculous I can not split myself into 6 persons. He stopped working and took the turbolift back to Engineering.

Without knocking he entered Chief Silvio's office. "Look sir, he started, this is ...............

Silvio sat behind his desk. Sitting next him was Commander Wright. Both men looked rather unhappy. Wright wore a dangerous looking scowl on his face. "Ah, Have a seat Ensign," said Silvio.

Craig let his eyes shift between Silvo and Commander Wright, whilst sitting down. He had the funny feeling he was in trouble otherwise why would Commander Wright be there with a look on his face as if he had swallowed a Denebian slimedevil.

"Mister Witmore, while running through the logs I happened to find several showing you making changes to the environmental controls on the Marine barracks." Silvio paused, "Looking into it further I found this little program." Silvio tossed a PADD in front of Witmore. "Would you care to explain why you felt it was necessary to drop their temperature by 20 degrees?" Wright just sat there and glared at Witmore but did not say anything.

Craig looked at the PADD. “Uhmm….. well Chief, I just wanted to get even with them due to that skirmish in sickbay. He shrugged. “Besides they’re Marine so they should be used to extreme changes.”

Commander Wright's glare got even darker but he still did not say anything.

"Whitmore, you are a talented engineer but I will not tolerate this type of behaviour in my department." Silvio hit the top of his desk with his fist. "You have access to the ships systems so that you can do your job, not to get even with crew members that you do not like. Is that clear?"

“Yes Chief, crystal clear.”

"This incident will be included in your next conduct report. I also do not feel I can trust you. Until further notice, you are assigned to gamma shift in the waste reclamation center." Silvio looked at the time "Your first shift starts in 4 hours."

Craig nodded and decided to wisely keep his mouth shut. Wast reclamation duty he shivered.

"You are dismissed," said Silvio.

"Just a moment Ensign," said Wright, "I have one more thing to add."

“Yes Sir, “ Craig said looking at Commander Wright.

"I think more training is in order as well. You will work with Lieutenant Silvio to clear your schedule for a week. During that week you will report to Major Madriani for training. I believe it will do you some good to train with them."

“Yes Sir.” he replied.

"You may go Ensign," said Wright.

Craig stood up and quickly left Silvio’s office. This had definitely turned out to become a bad day.

Verrader #140"
By: Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.22 1315

58204.22 – 1315


Riaan decided it was time to see the counselor it had been sometime since she last saw her. She couldn’t afford the captain not knowing that she hadn’t always kept up with her appointments. Riaan entered sickbay and proceeded over to Patia’s office and knocked on the door.

The knock on her door startled Patia from her train of thought. Glancing up, she called, "Enter," her chin was propped in the palm of her left hand as she watched the door.

Riaan slowly entered Lt. JG Zoei’s office, “I thought I might drop by seeming I haven’t had much time to check in, just to let you know I haven’t forgotten our agreement. If this is a bad time I can always come back.”

"Not a bad time at all, Riaan. Come in. Would you like something to drink?" Patia rose from her chair. Quick strides carried her to the replicator, "Raspberry Ice Tea." Turning to Riaan, she cocked an eyebrow to her, waiting for her response.

"I will have a coffee please," replied Riaan.

"Coffee," Zoei repeated to the replicator. The steaming hot cup appeared moments later. Carrying the icy cold glass in one hand, and the steaming mug in the other, Patia crossed to the sitting area.

"Have a seat, Riaan," Zoei handed her the mug.

“Thank you,” replied Riaan as she accepted the coffee and sat down on the chair the Zoei pointed to.

"You are quite welcome." Zoei settled into her chair, tucking her left foot under herself as she sat. Cradling the glass in both hands, Zoei leaned into the right arm of her chair. "What brings you to my office today?"

"I realize I haven't been keeping up to my agreement and I thought it was best to let you know that I haven't forgotten about our agreement, with me coming here on a regular bases until you deem unnecessary," replied Riaan in a some what offended tone, letting Zoei know to a certain degree that she opposed to having to see her.

Zoei bit back a sigh. Many people who came to her office didn't want to be there, but most were not as blatant as Riaan. "I appreciate your stopping in and your honesty, Riaan. I understand you have been very busy lately, with all the excitement on board."

I have commitments to the ship and this is a waste of time when I can be doing something more productive then wasting time here, replied Riaan in a gruff tone.

"Riaan, if you would prefer I send a report to the XO, detailing your attitude, I can certainly accommodate you."

Riaan just glared at Zoei not saying a word she hated being here and now being threatened. Riaan felt that Zoei was a bitch there was no other way she thought to herself or putting it.

"This is not a threat, Riaan. The reality is you are here to work through your issues. This is not about me. This is about you. If your preference is to make all meetings uncomfortable and to refuse to work on anything, that is your choice. I will send a report off to the XO detailing your decision and my impressions and you can be done with these meetings. It is not for me to make any threats at all."

Riaan looked at Zoei, "so what do you think my problems are," in a gruff tone trying not to laugh at Zoei.

Zoei shook her head slowly. "What do you feel your problems are?"

"Not until you answer," replied Riaan in a harsh tone, "will I answer yours."

"Riaan, it is not my place to determine your issues. If you cannot take this meeting seriously, I will terminate it."

"Are you telling me I can't ask questions either then, that I must be at your beck and call and respond and do as you say," asked Riaan glaring at Zoei.

"You are more than welcome to ask questions. However, I do not have the answers to what your particular problems may or may not be. My responsibility to you is to assist you in working through your own problems, not problems that I manufacture for you." Zoei blinked slowly. These mind games were tiresome and the animosity emanating from Riaan was very wearing. Each wave of anger felt like a physical blow it was so strong. Zoei steely

"I bet not matter what I say to you your mind is already made-up and you will prejudge everything I say anyways or you will take out of context you will always find a way to put words into my mouth and twist things around to your advantage,” replied Riaan in a reprimanding tone to Zoei.

"I am not looking for an advantage, Riaan. You are the one who stopped in here today. My mind is not made up about anything. I do not care to take anything out of context. I would like to help you resolve the problems from your past. However, if you don't identify them, it is hard to figure out a starting point."

Riaan stood up and turned her back on Zoei and grumbled to herself.

Zoei leaned back in her chair to wait and see what Riaan's next move would be.

Riaan clenched on the mug and felt like throwing it she felt as if she was about to explode and do something stupid and started pacing. She was feeling like an animal caged and no way out.

Shifting in her chair, she watched Riaan's movements. She settled deeper into her chair, making her presence smaller yet. "You know, Riaan, I hate feeling penned in and forced to play by someone else's rules. It isn't very productive for me. What do you say we start this session over at the beginning?"

"Where did you want to start over,” asked Riaan still feeling extremely agitated.

"Let's begin with why you stopped by today. Did you have an opening in your schedule or did something come up?" Zoei continued to watch Riaan. As physical as she was, it was no surprise Riaan preferred to deal with such trying moments on her feet.

I dropped by letting you know I hadn't forgotten about our agreement and I start my shift later, replied Riaan still standing and pacing.

"What made you decide to stop in to discuss it today, though?"

Riaan replied, "I knew if I didn't keep up to the agreement sooner or later you would report this to the Captain," still feeling extremely agitated.

Zoei nodded thoughtfully. "Since you just stopped to discuss our agreement, did you want to schedule an appointment or did you have time to start on this before you go on duty today?.

I have plenty of time I am on the delta shift and I don’t start until 0000, replied Riaan still pacing.

"Would you like to sit down again?" Zoei picked up a throw pillow from the adjoining couch and settled it on her lap. Smoothing the damask fabric, the rough material rasping against her palms, she waited for Riaan's response to her invitation.

Riaan sat back down still feeling like a caged animal and waited for Zoei to start.

"Would you like to begin with how life is going on the Zion for you now, or would you prefer starting with your past?"

"I have no complaints on the Zion everything is going great," replied Riaan in a bit of a more relaxed tone.

"That is wonderful to hear! What has been the best part for you since the Zion left Qul Tuq the first time?"

"Not watching my back all the time, and still being alive,” replied Riaan.

"I can understand why that is a positive for you," Zoei smiled slightly. "Have you found any crew members you have been able to connect with?"

"I have started to become friends with Dr. Dane just recently but that is irrelevant she does not posse a threat. Having a friend on the Panther was neither unheard of nor acceptable," replied Riaan.

"I am glad to hear you don't feel she is a threat. I know you say it is irrelevant, but really, Riaan, it is a good sign for you to be developing a friendship. One of the concerns we had first talked about was the way you were so separated from the other members of the crew. It looks like you have been working on our agreement all along."

Dr. Dane has given me no reason not to trust her as of yet, I am cautious around all and I watch myself to a certain degree and I don't let my guard down," as Riaan felt her blood starting to boiling inside. “One can not trust people 100% sooner or later you will get burned it is just a matter of time. Another thing you never know if they will return from a mission either.”

"I can understand that feeling as well." Zoei watched Riaan closely. They had been making such progress, but now Riaan was tensing again.

"Missions are unpredictable and it is hard to lose someone once you have an attachment to them."

As I have stated replied Riaan in a gruff tone, “having friends is either unheard of or acceptable as I have learned and I stick to those rules of conduct.”

"And safe rules those are," Zoei agreed. "Now that you are in a slightly safer environment, how do you feel about that code of conduct?"

Riaan stood up and started pacing again and started to grumble to herself.

Zoei leaned forward in her chair and tilted her head to watch Riaan's pace up and down the office. She waited silently.

In a sharp tone and raised voice Riaan replied, "ships aren't safe are you crazy or something," as she continued to pace.

"Safety is a matter of perspective, I guess, Riaan. I didn't find it terribly safe when I was on Earth either."

“Are you mocking me,” asked Riaan in a very high state of agitation.

"Not at all Riaan, we each have certain expectations based on our own experiences. From my own experiences, I have been safer on board ship than on solid ground. That doesn't mean what I am saying is better or worse than what you have experienced. It is just different. I apologize for leading you to believe I would make fun of your feelings. That was not my intention."

Riaan continued pacing she was feeling extremely uncomfortable and she could feel her blood boiling higher as the conversation continued.

"What part of this conversation is bothering you, Riaan?"

"What do you think or are you blind," replied Riaan in a harsh tone."

"I think it bothers you to open up to another person. I think it bothers you to reveal any vulnerability and that you feel this conversation is getting too close to your safety zone. What do you think?"

"You're the counselor you tell me," as Riaan continued to pace and replied in a very high agitated gruff tone.

"Riaan, we had been doing so well with this conversation, I am not sure what you want from me right now. I did tell you what I thought."

"If you can't see that then obviously something is wrong with you being a counselor," replied Riaan in a harsh tone pacing back and forth.

"Riaan, my job as a counselor is not to read your mind. If you don't tell me what you are thinking or feeling, we aren't going to be able to work on this together. Earlier, you told me you wanted me to answer your questions before you would answer mine. I did answer your question."

"YES," yelled Riaan completely red in the face as she turned about abruptly and faced Zoei, "YOU ARE CORRECT ARE YOU HAPPY NOW.”

"No, being correct does not make me happy. Believe it or not, knowing that you feel uncomfortable here does not bring me any joy. And, I am not trying to force you to say something to make you more uncomfortable with this situation."

Riaan just glared at Zoei her blood pressure rising by the second and feeling as if she was about to explode.

Zoei watched Riaan, and waited for the explosion that was to come.

Riaan turned her back to Zoei and threw a hard punch at the door then kicked the door as she lashed out in anger. Not showing any pain as the thud echoed in the office. Blood was dripping from her knuckles.

Zoei continued waiting. Sometimes it was better to let the storm pass. If Riaan seemed amenable to it, she would suggest some pillow therapy. The huge pillow bolsters were a wonderful tool for taking out aggression while not hurting yourself. Riaan was on edge now, though, and interrupting her might not be in Riaan's best interests.

Riaan continued throwing punches and kicks at the door and a few snaps and grinds could be heard as Riaan lashed out in anger as some of her knuckles snapped and a few knuckles protruded from under the skin, until Riaan became tired and she then turned back staring at Zoei. Some of her knuckles were broken and blood spilling profusely yet Riaan still showed no sign of pain.

"Are you feeling better?" Zoei asked kindly. A glance at Riaan's hands told her this session would be coming to an end so Riaan could have those hands tended to in Sick Bay.

"YES," yelled Riaan in anger.

"Good! I think you should go to Sick Bay, though, and have those hands looked at before you report for work tonight."


Calmly, Zoei said, "Riaan, look at your hands. The bones of your fingers have come through the skin."

“I’M FINE I DON’T NEED MY HANDS LOOKED AT,” yelled Riaan not giving in nor showing any sign of pain or weakness, as she recollected back how many times she went through this before and she knew they would heal on their own in their own time.

"Riaan, considering your bones are exposed you should not be going on duty tonight without a doctor's authorization. I think we can safely draw this meeting to a close. Please stop in Sick Bay on your way out. I will be sending Dr. Dane a message to follow up with you regarding them."

Riaan replied gruffly, “when do you want to see me next time.”

"A week from today, at 1600, does that work for you?"

"YES," yelled Riaan still in a fit of rage.

"Good. I will see you then. Riaan, I am going to step into the next room. When you are ready, you can feel free to leave. Stay as long as you like." Zoei walked to her storage room and softly closed the door behind her. She began cataloging her supplies to give Riaan the time she needed to feel comfortable leaving the office.

As Riaan exited Zoei’s Office she slammed the door hard, an echo could be heard in sick bay and Riaan left hastily back to her quarters completely disobeying Zoei.

Follow up with the Doctor "
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.22 1615

58204.22 1615 Counselor's Office

=From the storage closet, Patia heard Riaan leave her office. Any session with her was emotionally draining as Riaan battered her demons against Patia. One of the few areas she disliked about her job was the need to work with people who transferred their dissatisfaction with their own circumstances into hatred or abuse of her, in the counseling position. She reached her hand to a shelf that was eye level and leaned her forehead against her hand. If only there was a switch that could be flipped that would allow people to see themselves through others' eyes, or would lead them to focus on their own accountability and responsibility for their actions. She opened her eyes and chuckled. If she could figure that out, and market it, she wouldn't need to work for the rest of her life, unless it was market dud since people rarely want to address their own faults.

Quickly, she finished her organization of her storage area. The shelves were stacked with neat bundles of activities. Children's items, the least commonly used, were stored low, out of the away, but still accessible if needed. The pillow bolsters were in a large cabinet. Their bright colors were a sharp contrast with the white walls. With a final glance around the storeroom, Patia brushed her hands together.

Exiting the storeroom, Patia's jaw dropped as she took in the sight of her office. In her rampage, Riaan had caused a fair amount of damage. Pictures were knocked off the wall, the glass on her framed diploma was shatter on the floor and the walls and door were speckled with dents and divots. Shaking her head, she crossed to her desk.

"Computer, please send request to Ensign Phillips, Operations. Ensign Phillips, when you have time, could you please come to my office? I need a little assistance with repairing some damage to my office suite. The damage occurred during a session, thus the clean up will need to be handled with the utmost confidentiality to protect the client's treatment. Thank you for your response. Lieutenant Zoei."

"Computer, please send request to Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer. Teilani, Riaan just left my office. While she was here, she injured the knuckles on both hands. They appear to be compound fractures. I directed her to Sick Bay to seek medical attention prior to going on duty at 0000. It is my guess that she will defy that direction and not get appropriate medical attention for her injuries. I am not sure how you would like to handle that, but I wanted you to know there is most likely a severely injured crewmember out there. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Patia"

A quick glance at her pending messages told her Ensign Highwaij was ready for his session to clear his way into active duty.

"Computer, please send message to Ensign Highwaij. I am available to meet with you at 0800 58204.23. Unless I hear otherwise from you, I will expect you in my office at that time. My office is located in Sick Bay. Please advise if this time does not work or if you need more detailed directions to my office. Thank you. Lieutenant Zoei."

"Computer end correspondence. Save copies to my personal logs and issue memos to intended recipients."

Patia stepped away from her desk and walked to the sitting area. The damage was overwhelming. Glancing around, she tried to find a spot to begin, but there was just so much, it was difficult to find the right place. Finally, she decided to start from the bottom and work her way up. Patia stooped low to the ground. She began picking up shattered glass and splintered wood. Straightening, she carried the pieces to the trash receptacle and dropped them in.

Verrader #117"
By: Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]
Charles Atwood, Chief Intelligence Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.22 1700

58204.22 1700

=in front to the security office=

Charles had finished the intell on his group and not one of them had been cleared to join the Maquis Alliance. Being a Betazoid was very helpful in these cases, he met WO Northorp in the corridor and asked her about her group, he had to say that she was a hell of an Intelligence Officer and he respected her for that even if they had begun in bad terms, professionally she was flawless.

"Good Work, Alyssa", He said with a gentle voice. Unfortunately no-one is cleared for becoming a Maqui member. "I suppose that you neither received any additional information that would help our course?"

"No sir, Alyssa answered. If you would excuse me I have some reports to finalize."

"Of course, dismissed."

Exactly on that moment Sam arrived on the central office of security and she looked tired.

As she walked through the doors she saw Charles talking to Alyssa. Sam decided not to interrupt. She yawned as she entered her office. Charles followed her in "Hello Sam, How about dinner at Miranda's and then dessert in our quarter's", he said with a glow on his eyes. Sam yawned again. "Sorry Charles but I am very tired. Melissa has made me temporary head of security as she and the Captain are escorting a Thrill dignitary, so I am in charge of Security right now."

"So if you don't mind I would like to have dinner here in the office." Sam smiled and we can always see about dessert later on.

Charles saw Sam very into what she was doing, so he decided to go along with her and said "Ok Honey I'll Go to miranda's and bring back some food do you got anything in mind?"

Just something light soup or so. Sam answered. It did not take long before Charles was back carrying some hot bowls of brocolli soup and crusty bread.

As they were starting to eat, Sam began to question Charles.

"Charles you never told me that Melissa was so good in her job. You know when I was transferred back here I would assume that she would object but she is really nice. I have already learned so much from her."

"I never said she wasn't nice, I just don't love her anymore", he said with a smile.

Sam became curious. Charles never mentioned Melissa in their conversations. "Where did you two meet?"

"Well, when I first was assigned to Qul Tuq she was already assigned to Security, then the Chief Security Officer was killed in a battle... and then we felt in love and stayed there for about a year, then she was injured in an attack where the CO was killed and she was in a coma for about two weeks, then we decided to ask a transfer to the Zion and here we were until I met you my love", said Charles smiling.

Sam took the spoon from her mouth and continued her questioning. This was a good way to practise interrogation. "You know Charles now that we, well more or less go together, I hardly know anything about you, except that which is in your file.

"What were you like as a little boy. Were you good or a mischief. How about your parents. What was it like growing up on Betazed?"

"Well, actually I did live only 5 Years in Betazed and then we moved to a colony in the Neutral Zone... I was very happy with my family untill they where killed in a Cardassian Raid when I was 15", Couple of tears run through Charles Cheeks. He waited a little, still remembering the event, then he added "After that I waited untill I was 18 and Joined Starfleet Academy"

Charles was drained from the memories of seen his parents killed but Sam was worth the experience he didn't want anything to stand between them, he asked in return "I haven't realize that i to do not know anything about your childhood, how was that for you?"

Sam shrugged."It was eventfull to say the least. Nothing particular happend. I grew up reasonably save."

She quickly changed the subject back to Charles. Blocking any attempt for Charles to read her emotions. "You said your parents were killed in a raid. How did that make you feel?"

"Well In the begining, My rage to the Cardassians overpowered even my Betazoid gifts and then when I finished the Academy I was in a position where even if I hate Cardassians, i learned not to let my anger control me anymore", said Charles

"What do you think about the whole Rebellion, I mean do you think we might have a chance to stop the war and so."

"Well, of course I do... On the other hand I do think that this war has an ending I do also think that if we are able to solve this Jenkings Puzzle we will be one step closer to the end of this War", said Charles while he added "What do you think on this matter Honey?"

"To be honest I do not know. Up to know we still have not been able to find him. Nor have we been able to find out what his reasons are. Besides Jenkins is probably not the one who started this whole war. He has a problem with Captain Hunter and as long as that has not been resolved, we will never know the truth."

"But i certainly hope that this whole event is over soon. People are getting tired and when people are tired they make mistakes and they start to question whether this whole war was justified in the first place."

"Hmm, I do concurr with you... I just think we should start to clean the mess one mistake at a time and then go for Planet Earth and Liberate them from the Federation's Opression", said Charles as they finished eating their meal he added "What do you wish for dessert my Love?"

"Well........... I just have some spice pudding." Sam replied with a sly smile on her face. While Charles walked to the replicator she checked the reports of her security team. All seem to be fine. However, she did notice that the new addition to her crew Ensign Highway had hardly done any security duty while onboard the Zion. She made a note on a padd to talk to him about it. It was no time to become sloppy.

Charles returned with the pudding and placed it in front of Sam. "Enjoy he said." Thanks sweetie Sam replied.

With love and interest in his eyes Charles look at Sam devoring the pudding. "Gosh could she eat." Then Sam's combadge chirped. Davidson to Carter, please report to the brig

on my way, Sam responded. she stood up and headed for the door.

"Well hon, she said to Charles, while kissing him. "Seems you have to do the dishes on your own." She laughed. "I will see you tonight, and if you are already asleep by then, dont dare to steal all the covers.

Charles laughed outloud, that was something he did regularly. "Don't worry I would honey, he said. Be carefull, he kissed her again and headed towards his own office.

Sam nodded as she locked her office door.

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