The Edge of Freedom #80"
By: Highwaij, Crewman, [PST]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Be'thal, Security Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.16 0230

Hunter woke to the incessant chirping of the his combadge. "Yeah yeah yeah, I'm coming" he said to himself. He stood up and pressed the console. "Yes what is it?"

Security Officer Beth'al Sir, your presence is requested in security."

"I'll be right there" he said. He slipped on his jacket and headed down to security. As he entered the office Be'thal saluted him, Also in the room were to security personnel from Qul Tuq and a Ferengi seated between them in hand restraints. "At ease, status report Ensign?"

Be'thal crossed her arms and stood before the Captain, Qul Tuq security Sir, escorted our newest Security Officer here," She gave Highwaij a contemptuous look like only a Klingon could.

Hunter stepped over to the Qul Tuq officers, "What happened?"

"Sorry to disturb you Captain, but there was a fight in one of the bars onboard the station One of you're officers was in the fight, since our brig is full we decided to bring him to you" The Security Officers said as they pointed at Highwaij

"I see," said Hunter, "Well, would you please take your restraints off my security officer?"

Hunter watched as they unfettered Highwaij and left the office.

Hunter turned to the Ferengi and shook his head, "Its 2 in the morning, do you have just one good reason I shouldn't throw you in there until morning?" said Hunter nodding at the brig filled with cardassian and federation prisoners.

"Forgive me Captain, I'm only a humble officer, not worth of a fine Captain like you're self. If I can help you with anything like a bottle of Romulan ale or something like that, don't hesitate to ask me"

Hunter signed, "Ok Mister, you are confined to quarters until tomorrow when I get this sorted out." Hunter nodded to Be'thal. Hunter turned and left the security office.

"Yes Captain, I'm in you're depth" Highwaij said on his knees, showing his teeth "You're throughly showing signs of a great Captain, I even heared the Commodore speak highly about you" Highwaij stopped as the Captain had left the room he got up looked around him and headed towards the room that was reserved for him once he had entered it the door closed behind him, when he walked back the doors stay closed "Computer open the door"he said

"Unable to do so, you are not to leave this room until ordered bye the Captain"the monotone voice of the computer replayed

Highwaij smiled "He's good, he's good"he spoke uploud as he unpacked his belongings and laid down on his bed after a few minutes he fell asleep

Sam's Report "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58204.16 0820

58204.16 0820

=Captain's Readyroom=

The Captain sipped on some chai tea as he reviewed the reports which had been filed in the past 48 hours.

There was one glaring hold. Being impatient Hunter tapped his com badge. Figuring Atwood needed his rest now more than ever Hunter's request was simple, "Sam Carter, please come to the ready room."

On my way Captain, Sam responded. Sam quickly checked her uniform and brushed her hand through her hair, whilst quickly walking to the Captains ready room.

Carter appeared at the door and took a seat at Hunter's request. He studied the woman, she wore shortly cropped blond hair and carried herself with poise and grace.

Hunter leaned back in his chair rocking slightly, "Ensign, I'd like to hear a full verbal account from you as to what happened on your mission."

Of course Sir, she responded. Clearing her throat. The trip to Artus was uneventful we kept radio silence throughout the trip. Once we arrived there we received an automated message that the planet was infected by the Ragelian plague. However, we decided to run the risk and beamed down.

After going to the rendezvous site, which was an old bar, we told that our contact person Rex Tul had died and that we were now also doomed. After we left the bar we were addressed by one of the inhabitants to follow him and he let us to Rex Tul.

It appeared that the message regarding the plage was a hoax. To keep off any federation or other hostile forces.

What he told us was that Captain Jenkins, Reginald Frederick to be exactly is apparently a tough nut to crack. His man apparently are very loyal to him. The objectives of captain Jenkins are a bit dark. According to Mr Tul he made a deal with a Romulan six month ago, in order to retrieve their cloaking technology.

According to Mr Tuls sources the technology was worthless and the federation assigned Captain Jenkins as a liaison to the Cardassians. Apparently he managed to get the cloaking devised compatible with the Cardassian technology.

The attack on the Kitty hawk was an example of it.

According to Mr Tul there is only one Cardassian ship with a working cloak, he was unable to tell us if the Cardassian government wants to use more of this.

Also Mr Tul was able to inform us that Captain Jenkins has a small base with the Cardassian territory. A planet called Pentara V there we should be able to acquire information in a place called Deepest Desires. Apperently Captain Jenkins does some dealings with a local Ferengi there, mainly the sale of human slaves.

After this we beamed back to the Euphrates and headed to Pentara V

Sam looked at the Captain, his facial expression seemed be neutral but she was not sure. "Continue Ensign," said Hunter.

Anyway, we scanned the planet, unfortunately were unable to retrieve any good information at that time. The place we beamed down in was foul and the air was hard to breath.

We decided to split up but that was not such a good idea, but erm, once we got to the bar the name tag was changed to Ramoks Angels, unfortunately we misjudged the Ferengi and we got into trouble, unfortunately unable to retrieve any of the additional information. Charles, I mean Lt Atwood got injured and only by luck we managed to escape.

So I am afraid Captain that the mission did not go as planned. Sam paused, wondering what the Captain would say or do next.

Hunter took a sip of tea, and furrowed his brow, "Yes... the matter of the Lieutenant's injuries, what happened Ensign?"

Sam shifted on her chair, getting a little uncomfortable. We underestimated the Ferengi, Sir, Sam said softly, we decided on getting me sold to him and be a little more aggressive in trying to obtain the information.

To be honest Sir, we made the mistake of holding him at gunpoint, not taking into account his four Nausican bodyguards, there was a trapdoor in the floor and Lt Atwood was right on it, when they opened it. Sam looked down, shamefully, after that they threw me in after him. He hit his head when he fell on the ground, only by using the emergency transportbeacon I could beam back to the shuttle, using the shuttles transporter to get Lt Atwood back. Unfortunately we were unable to retrieve any information at that time. That is how he got injured Captain.

=From there we received the message to return to the Zion. Sam looked up again, she had told the truth, nothing could be changed about it.

Hunter leaned forward with a perplexed look on his face. "A message to return? Elaborate Ensign."

Well, yes Sir, Sam responded with a questionable look on her face. When I beamed back to the shuttle I found Jax waiting for us, she told us that you wanted us to come back. Jax was one of the persons who worked with Rex Tul, Sir. You seem surprised Captain, did you not give this order then?"

Hunter leaned back and swiveled a little in his chair, after a bit of a pause, he replied, "No, that's alright Ensign, say you held this ferengi bar owner at gunpoint? "

Sam didn't say anything.

Hunter lean forward shaking his head. With a stern voice he said, "Ensign...that sounds like a Federation tactic, in the future please remember you are a Maquis officer and conduct yourself accordingly."

"Aye Captain, understood, Sam said.

Hunter leaned back, "thanks for your candid report, Ensign, that's all for now... Dismissed."

Sam stood up, did an about face and left the ready room.

After the door closed Hunter picked up his tea and stepped up to the large view port. He took a sip of tea, the name 'Jax' echoed in his mind.

The Atwood Incident "
By: Charles Atwood, Chief Intelligence Officer, [PST]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58204.16 0830

58204.16 0830

=Uss Zion, Intelligence office=

Charles decided that it was time to settle things with Melissa, He knew it had been a mistake not talking to her before but things got out of hand. Operations had taken the time to have someone move his things to new Quarters next to Sam's, So he decided to do it right now.

Computer Locate Ensign Melissa Jarvis

"Ensign Jarvis is on the Security Office"

Atwood To Jarvis

"I am busy Charles, what do you want."

"Mellisa I need to talk with you can we meet for Lunch?", asked Charles

"I really do not have time right now. You might not know this but there was a murder on board that I have to deal with. Besides I really do not have anyting more to say to you.

Well I just wanted to explain myself and i didn't wanted to do it on the comlink, so how about lunch then?

Melissa tossed her PADD asside in frustration.

What part of *I am too busy*, do you not understand Charles? You do not have to explain yourself to me. Just leave me alone. Melissa broke the comm link and returned to her report.

Charles decided to live the things as they where and decided to go and ask the question to Sam Instead

Moving In "
By: Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop, Intel Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.16 1100

Alyssa lugged her baggage around her new quarters. They were nice....though she'd certainly stayed in nicer places....though, to tell the truth...she'd stayed in a lot worse places as well. She threw the bag that had spilled on the Promenade onto the bed and opened the zipper. Everything had simply been jammed back, she dumped the bag and pulled open the top dresser drawer. Northrop began folding the rumpled clothing, smoothing it out as best she could and putting it into the drawer. "Way to go, Aly.....act like a total ass to your new boss. Boy are you ever dense...," she muttered to herself.

Once her clothing was away (which had been in the first two), she opened up the third bag and began to remove several of her own personal belongings. The first few were of here in the jungle of Creyta IV with one of her former students, Gracie Lynn. Then another of her holding and wearing the artifacts she'd recovered from the Temple of Sarcis on Creyta IV. Alyssa was glad that she'd been able to return those treasures to their rightful owners....though she'd also enjoyed the latinum that had come as the finder's fee. She smiled....remembering the feeling of power she'd had while carrying all four of the Royal icons. While the real ones were safely ensconced in their museum....she had exact copies....which she brought out ever now and then.

Out of that bag came a family photo, more expedition photos from virtually all over the quadrent and several smaller artifacts that she'd decided to keep. None of it was of any importance....but they reminded her of places she'd been....things she done. Inside an hour, she had all of it spread around the room...making the place feel somewhat more like home. There were some larger things down in the cargo bay....but she'd bring those up later....along with the rest of her clothing.

Once she was done arranging, Alyssa pulled a final item from the was a flat wooden box with her family's crest on the lid. She opened it and looked at what were probably her most prized possessions in the universe: Her customs pair of nickel-plated phaser pistols. They were a bit of a contrivance....but they'd gotten her out of a lot of jams through the years. One too many times to the holodeck, she surmised...but that didn't matter. Shutting the box, she headed for the holodeck for a little target practice. It'd been a while...and she'd only scored 90% on the phaser qualifications Maquis Command had put her through.

As she approached, the doors slid open...then closed behind her as she went off to find the holodeck.

Saying Goodbye"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.16 1530

58204.15 1700

=QulTuq promenade=

Teilani left the bar where she and Renal had been talking. As she slowly walked along the promenade she let the conversation pass her mind again. Her collegue Renal had been right, and somehow she felt relieved it was as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. Could she have found peace within herself?. She lifted her head, and straigtend her back, Yes, she felt confident, no more worries, Dr Dane was back!!.

Teilani became aware of her surroundings, the stations was so lively, full of colour, smells, races from all over the universe, like a melting pot. Children playing hide and seek. The station was full to overflowing from the latest wave of ships. With the ships had come a yammer of refugees, merchants, a mummer of missionaries (al faiths), hustlers etc.

There were some new interesting shops she had not been able to explore the last time the Zion was docked. Now it might be a good time to do some shopping, her doctor's office could do with some colours and little trinkets.

She came across a little shop which displayed old pottery according to the labels they were found on Earth, during the 20th century, as she started to browse through the racks Teilani's eyes were drawn to a old disguarded painting, it was dirty and had water stains on it. But the picture was breathtaking, it showed a field full of sunflowers, as she picked up the painting she could vaguely make out the signature of the maker, it read VanGogh.

She had never heard of him but decided to purchase it anyway, already picturing in her mind where she would hang the frame.

Safely tucking the picture under her arms she looked further, only to discover that there were more things with sunflowers on it, a plate, according to the shopkeeper to hold food on it as well as an old fashioned bowl.

Teilani decided to take it all being fond of the colour yellow, like the sunshine. She patiently waited at the counter as the shopkeeper wrapped the goods for her and released her from several strips of latinum. Teilani started to smile, this was fun she should go shopping more often.

Carrying her bag with goodies, Teilani continued her shopping spree, when she heard her name being called, "He Doc, Doc Dane, wait for me," a tiny voice carried through the crowd. Teilani turned around and saw Mark running up to her.

"Hello you rascal, Teilani said to the little boy, roughing up his blond hair. Mark took the lollipop from his mouth, " hello, I'm going home but I wanna give you something".

Marks mother Juliette came walking up to them, " Hello Dr Dane she said, "hello", Teilani responded, and I hear you are going home"? "Yes, Juliette responded, we are going to live with my brother for a while, allowing us to get over the attack and maybe start a new live too". " My brother owns a farm on Delius 3 only a 2 days shuttle ride from here". It will be good for Mark too."

Upon hearing his name, Mark looked up to his mother, "But mummy, I do not want to go, I want to live on the station", Why can we stay here"?.

Both Teilani and Juliette laughed, "he surely knows what he want" , Teilani said, Juliette nodded, "you can say that again".

" Mummy, Mark whined, I can not find Doc's present", looking through a big bag. "you packed it your self Mark, his mother responded, look again".

Mark nearly disappeared in the bag, trying to reach for the present. "Got it, he cheered, in his hand he held a ball of brown wrapping paper. Teilani sank on her knees so she was on the same level as Mark, "So is this for me" she said.

Mark nodded, sucking on his lollipop, eyes looking at her full of anticipating waiting what she would say about the present. Teilani carefully opened the paper, once removed it revealed an marble, with yellow, green, purple stripes. Teilani was touched by it. Mark, she said it is beautiful. "Thank you so much, gently she kissed him on his forehead. The little boy's face became one big smile, "I told you mum, I told you she would like it".

Teilani got up and turned back at Juliette and hugged her, "Thank you", she whispered. Juliette smiled, "it's o.k., well we got to go now otherwise we miss our shuttle". Come, on Mark", taking her son by the hand. "Goodbye and God bless, Teilani said as she watched them walking away.

"Bye doc", Mark said, as he kept on waving until they turned a corner..

Teilani looked at the colourful marble in her hand, it would look good on her desk she carefully placed it in her bag and started to continue on her way back to the Zion.

Passing another bar she saw that the station security people had arrested some people involved in a fight. Sofar as she could see non of the Zion crew was involved.

With long and confident strides and her new found peace Teilani walked back to the Zion's docking port anxious to get her new belongings unpacked and start decorating her office.

Fixing the EMH "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.16 1600

58204.16 1600

==Doctor's office==

Teilani walked into her office, carrying all the good she had purchased on the Station under her arm. She had even managed to find an old Indian blanket with yellow being the main colour. Carefully she place the breakable stuff on her desk.

She looked through her office, not knowing where to hang the sunflower painting. Finally she decided to hang it opposite her desk. The rest of the goods she distributed on some shelves. The Indian blanket was hang over the small couch in the corner of the room.

The marble Mark had given her was carefully placed beside the white pebble on her desk. Teilani took a few steps back wards, inspecting her room.

"Ha, she said mainly to herself, now we are getting somewhere". "Gorgeous" She walked over to the replicator and order: "Coffee, Jamaican blend, double strong, double sweet". She only hoped that the other crewmembers would notice the change too.

Carefully carrying the hot mug in her hands she sat down at her desk only to noticed that her headnurse Ally had left a message on her console.

"Computer, display message".

Doctor All our supplies have been delivered and stored accordingly If you have time would you mind checking on the parameters of the EMH, he seems to be malfunctioning. Tal'kar is finalizing the cultures in science lab 1, ready for you to review.


Her face darkened as she saw the last request. And, unfortunately, she had to sign off on the task himself, rather than delegate it. Oh well. Better get it over with.

She had to check the operations of the Emergency Medical Hologram. No doctor liked the idea that they could be replaced by a computer generated image, but Teilani really hated the concept of any computerized projection operating on anybody. And to top it off, she really hated the Zimmerman personality. She found the EMH to be whiney, over-opinionated, having a lousy bed-side manner, and generally annoying.

She walked over to the main sickbay. Never-the-less, she cleared his throat after swallowing the last coffee, frowned and spoke up, "Computer, please activate the Emergency Medical Hologram."

Immediately the image of Dr. Zimmerman, the former head of the medical academy and creater of EMH appeared in front of him. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency," it said, in its prissy voice.

"No emergency, just testing your program."

"Oh. I do so hate these little red-tape pro......"

"Run a full diagnostic please, and put the report on my screen," Teilani interrupted.

"Really! How rude! Very well..." Quickly statistics began to scroll across her PADD.

Something caught Teilani's eyes. "Freeze display," she said, with curiousity. "What does this personality setting of 001 mean?

Zimmerman turned to her. "Oh, that. Its a new feature in this new class of ship. The CMO may chose the image and personality of EMH out of a database of medical officers."

"Really?" Teilani asked, slyly as she punched up the list on the database. It read like a who's who of Starfleet doctors. Most were former heads of the Maqui medical academy and just as stuffy as Zimmerman, but one name caused her to stop and consider. "Computer, change EMH personality setting to 079, please."

Zimmerman shifted and was replaced by a thin human with short dark hair, in his late fourties, and wearing a blue uniform. He had a sour look on his face and turned around to face Teilani.

"And I suppose this is much better," the EMH said, sarcastically. "Dammit, I'm a medical program not a sit-com!" The face of the legendary doctor, Leonard McCoy, Chief Medical Officer on the USS ENTERPRISE glared backed at her.

Teilani laughed as the image responded just like she had expected him to, after hours of watching Hollywood's recreations of the ENTERPRISE and her heroic crew on the holodeck. "Yes, I think this setting is much better." She punched in the codes to lock the setting and continued with the display while "Bones" paced in irritation.

Than the door chimed interrupted her thoughts. "Come," she answered, without looking up. In walked nurse Tal'Kar, her vulcan assistant. "Dr. Dane, I have completed the diagnostics on the bio- lab."

Teilani looked up to see Tal'Kar and the EMH both eyeing eachother. "Doctor," Tal'kar asked, "Who is this?"

"Who am I?" the hologram snorted. "I thought you Vulcans claimed to know everything."

"....You're testing the EMH, but this is not the standard Zimmerman hologram?" Tal'kar replied, ignoring McCoy.

"No," Teilani answered, amused. "This is much better. Don't you agree?"

Tal'kar scrutized the historical doctor. "No. I would think that someone more...professional would be more logical."

"PROFESSIONAL?!" Bones barked. "Why you inhuman, green-blooded..."

"Computer, deactivate the EMH." McCoy vanished leaving the Vulcan looking quizzically at her CMO, one eyebrow raised. Teilani started to say something, but instead burst into heavy laughter.

Tal'Kar walked out shaking her head in confusion, which just made Teilani laugh even harder.

This day promised to be a good one.

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