Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop Name: Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop

Post Archives
Terran Age: 28 years
Height: 5' 8" (1.74 m)
Weight: 132
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Species: Human
Place of Birth:
Family: Mother: Gwen Northrop (50) (Vascular Surgeon - Destin General Hospital)
Father: James Northrop Sr. (57) (Professor of Archeology - Stanford)

Robert Northrop (30) (Former Starfleet Officer)
James Northrop Jr. (26) (Starfleet Research Engineer)

Note: Family, other than brother Robert, under constant watch by Starfleet Security. Security measures taken after Alyssa and Robert's defections, to prevent a similar defection by James, who was deemed to important to risk.
Childhood (birth to Adult): Alyssa's childhood was a happy one....spent listening to her father tell stories about his adventures on other worlds, investigating ancient ruins of long gone civilizations. It really is no wonder that James Northrop's only Daughter followed in his footsteps. Her mother silently disapproved of her husband telling her daughter his stories about raiding ancient ruins. It was dangerous such places were usually booby trapped. It was also to Gwen's dismay when her daughter began exhibiting the traits that made her husband so successful. Alyssa was the neighborhood daredevil. The other children would challenge her to do the things they were too afraid to do...such as climbing tall trees or houses...walking ledges with large drop offs and other such childish challenges. Her brothers did nothing to disuade her...and miracously, she never hurt herself.
Early Education Harvard College
Bachelor of Science - Archeology
Minor Degree - Linguistics & Xenolinguistics

University of Oxford
Bachelor of Science - Classical Languages & Literature
Bachelor of Science - Ancient History & Classical Archaeology

Yale University
Masters - Archeology
Ph.D - Xenoarcheology
Starfleet Career Alyssa has had a distinguished career in both an academic setting as well as in the field. Her research has led her to the retrieval of several high profile artifacts, recoveries which netted her quite a bit of latinum. She's been published several times and even wrote a book on the Ancient
Civilization of Creyta IV.

Unsurprisingly enough, the book was written after her recovery of the four most sought after artifacts in the Quadrent: The Sarcis Blade, The Sarcis Amulet, The Tiara of Sarcis, and the Sarcis Dagger. These items were thought
to be lost forever....until Alyssa's team turned up with them. After authentication, all four of the items were sold into the Creyta IV Planetary History Museum.

When the Civil War broke out in the Federation, Alyssa was on an Expedition near the Badlands. She agreed with the Maquis...and did not try to return. By this time, her younger brother, James Jr., had begun work for Starfleet Research. Her older brother, Robert, was well ensconced with in the Starfleet Chain of Command. However, not long after the War began, Lieutenant Commander Robert Northrop defected to the cause of the Maquis....having tried to get James and their parents to follow. They were unable Starfleet
Security descended on them....intent on keeping James Jr. working for them.

Alyssa did not hear of her brother's defection until she surfaced again just recently, looking for supplies for her expedition. Once she did....she decided that she couldn't hide in the dust of the past any longer. She offered her
services to the Maquis Fleet....and was assigned to the Sovereign Class USS Zion as a Warrant Officer.
Interests Alyssa enjoys activities that require physical exertion. She enjoys a good game of Velocity as well as a good round at the Phaser range. Often times, you can find her with her nose in some dusty book....trying to uncover the secrets of some ancient civilization. In what might be her most guilty of pleasures is that she enjoys over dramatized "Tomb Raider" holoprograms. She also enjoys learning new languages and prides herself on not needing a Universal Translator. She also is a pretty good cook. She loves to fence.
Personality Profile Dr. Alyssa Northrop is a smart ass. She doesn't take orders well, as she insists on being "the one in charge." She's well aware of her appearance and certainly isn't afraid to use it to get what she wants.

She takes great pride in her accomplishments and her abilities. She hates to hear someone tell her she can't do something...and often times takes that as a personal challenge. Some see her as arrogant and she could care less what most other people think of her. She is almost always well dressed, unless she's on a dig or expedition.
Special Notes: Apperance: Most people find her attractive. She's been offered opportunities
as a model several times. Her hair ends just below her shoulders and is most
often worn in a braid or with a barrette. She enjoys being well dressed when
not working. When working, she prefers simple clothing....including a lucky
khaki jacket. She gets plenty of exercise and keeps herself well in shape.

Likes: Good food, Chocolate, Archeology, History, Languages, Reading, Holoprograms, Music, Having her version of Fun, Phaser practice

Dislikes: People she deems to be idiots, insects, snakes, being cold

Stregths: The ability to think on her feet, good endurance, self-reliant, Loyal to her friends and family, level headed.

Weaknesses: Arrogant, manipulative, tends to look out for number one (unless family or very good friends are involved), has trouble trusting people.
Skills: Basic Piloting Skills
Speaks several languages fluently:
- Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran, Feregi, Trill, French,
Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Romulan,
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Crack Shot with a Phaser Pistol
Good hand-to-hand fighting skills (Including bladed weapons)
Good Computer Skills