Pacifica #129"
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Jeff Westfall, Tactical Officer, [PST]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58205.29 1705

Hunter jumped to his feet as the Yamato exploded on the view screen.

He turned and looked at Westfall.

We inflicted damage, but that was *not* "battle fatigue, that was the Yamato's auto-destruct sequence.

Hunter turned back toward the viewport as shimmers of plasma faded from view. The shockwave resounded through the decks of the Zion.

Westfall continued, "Tactically, I would have to assume the Yamato's commanding officer probably thought he could take our boarding party out, and possibly cause the detonation of the Zion for one small price, rather than facing capture, torture and humiliation as prisoners.

"Did we get anyone out?" asked Hunter with a grave tone of voice.

"I am pleased to report that all of the Governor's party are safely aboard the Zion in the VIP Quarters, under heavy guard by our Alpha Security Team, as our guests."

Hunter breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll know better when I've heard from lt Jarvis what our casuality count is, I don't expect it to be light."

Hunter gripped the rail as he studied the spreading debris field. "Sir, I've got 20 life pods on tactical sensors some showing life form readings. I'd recommend we send a fighter wing to tractor beam them into the Marine Deck, and let Major Madrani set up a "Welcome Wagon" for the scum. Hunter turned toward the Ops person, "ETA on the Cardassians?"

"Six minutes Sir."

Westfall also had an announcement, "Security team Charlie reports they have captured or killed all of the Federation raiders aboard the Zion. The medical department is still processing their wounded in Holodeck 2."

"Excellent," said Hunter as looked over at Wright. then he tapped his combadge, "lt Jarvis please report to my ready room.

"On my way," came the reply.

"Number one, you have the bridge, get us out of here."

"Helm," said Wright, "get us back to pacifica."

"Yes Sir!"

"Engage our cloak," ordered Wright

==Ready Room==

As Jarvis appeared at the door, Hunter asked her to come in and have a seat.

Melissa sat down in the chair across from Hunter.

"Lieutenant, what happened?"

"Everything went according to plan. We were able to gain access to the security area and free the Governor and his people." Melissa paused remembering the weapon which was locked in her office. "Korg was killed by a strange new weapon which I have in my office."

"A weapon? What kind of weapon?"

"Korg said it was killing him from the inside. It casued him much pain. A horrible death," she replied with no hint of emotion in her voice.

"Okay, then what?"

"We were not able to get past their communication block so I took a team to the bridge to persuade them to stop blocking our signal."

Hunter wasn't sure he wanted to know the details. He just nodded softly.

"We arrived too late to stop him from engaging the autodestruct," she replied.


"I am afraid that the Captian on the Yamato did not survive," she said. "Overall, we took some casualties as did the Klingons," Melissa paused, "I will include exact identifications in my final report."

Hunter nodded, "Thanks Lieutenant, that will be all."

Hunter stood up and followed Jarvis out the door. He sat back down in the command chair. "Helm, status?"

"ETA to Pacifica, 10 minutes."