The Mason Decision part 2"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]
Matthew Mason, Prisoner, [RNPC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop, Acting Chief Intel Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58205.26 0810

==Sickbay Conference Room==

Wright and Hunter finished their conversation with Mason and went to the sickbay conference room where the interview team had already re-assembled.

Hunter looked around the room and set his PADD down. "The Commander and I have just talked further with Mason. He has provided us with some additional information which could be beneficial in our efforts against the Federation. Counselor, Your thoughts on Mason's integrity?"

"At this time, I haven't seen any indications he is lying. His responses have been above board. Considering his response from Lieutenant Atwood, he has been more forthcoming than I would have expected." Zoei glanced at her PADD. "I would recommend his statements be double checked to verify his veracity, but I am not anticipating any discrepancies."

Hunter nodded. "Northrop? your final recommendations?"

Alyssa looked at her Captain. There wasn't really much to say. While she thought some of his reasons were thin...he also seemed sincere. "I have no objections, Sir."

Hunter looked over at the doctor, "Dr. Dane, what are your recommendations?"

"On a medical side he is fit for anything Sir."

"When can Mason be released?"

Teilani looked at her PADD. All the tests she had done were reported and basically Mason was alright for duty. "This afternoon Captain." she replied.

"How does Security feel about Mason's request Lt. Jarvis?"

Jarvis had given the matter much thought over the night. She was not overly concerned as long as a few extra precautions were taken. "I am inclined to give mister Mason the benefit of the doubt on this, however, if we do grant him asylum I would like to recommend that he be restricted from all strategic areas of the ship. I would also recommend that a security officer be with him whenever he is not in his quarters."

"Number One?"

"I am in agreement with Chief Jarvis," said Wright, "We do need some extra precautions. I would also suggest that we place a monitoring device on him so that we can keep track of his movements."

Hunter turned to the security guard at the door, "Please bring Mason in now." Hunter said with a slight smile.

Mason entered the room and looked at the people assembled there. He stood in front of the table and calmly waited.

"Mason," said Hunter, "You've been forthcoming and cooperative." Hunter paused, "The information you have provided could be very useful. You've done your part to prove your intentions." Hunter glanced at everyone in the room, then looked back at Mason, "I've decided to grant your request. You will be given restricted civilian access to the ship." Hunter shook hands with Mason, "congratulations."

"Thank you," said Mason as a feeling of relief came over him. He smiled, "I will do whatever I can to help you."

"If this information is accurate, it will make your acceptance into the Maquis easy. If not.... I will personally launch you back to Rura Penthe from the torpedo tube."

Hunter paused a moment, "Dismissed."

Mason turned and left the room. For the first time in a long time he felt hope. Hope that he might make a difference; hope that he might find his family again. He would work hard to earn the respect of these people.