Dinner date "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.25 1800

Hunter showed up at Doctor Dane's quarters precisely on time and rang the door chime.

Teilani smiled as she opened the door. She could have guessed it that he was punctual.

"Shall we go?" asked Hunter.

Teilani nodded and put on her shoes. Then she and Hunter left her quarters.

Arriving at Miranda's they were greeted by a waitress. "The usual Captain?" Hunter smiled and nodded, "sure." "And you Doctor? what can I get for you tonight?"

"Just some tagiatelli with chickenstrips please." she ordered.

As they waited for their food, Hunter leaned forward inquisitively, "What do you think about this Mason?"

Teilani glanced at Hunter. "He is an honest man, he feels guilty by being manipulated by the Federation. Filling his head with stories about the maqui, bluring his vision." she answered.

"Why do you ask?"

Hunter shook his head, "just looking for input." As the waitress returned with beverages Hunter took a sip and set his glass on the table. "In a way, he is like all of us. I want to believe him but we have to be careful."

"I know Captain," Teilani said softly. " However, he saved my life as well as Patia's, he could easily have turned away and then you and I would not be sitting talkng here.

Hunter looked out the forward window and watched the star field for a moment as he contemplated that thought.

" You have been listing too much to our chief intell to much," Teilani said a bit harsh. "They see spooks all over the place."

Hunter chuckled, "I don't know what it is about the job, it seems to bring out the worst in people."

" I only want to make clear that the Federation is filling their people with ideas of us which are not true. If we can reach one person and show him that these are not true, perhaps others might change their mind as well and leave the Federation. They might be joining our cause or maybe they stay with the Federation and undermine it from the inside."

The waitress returned with their food and set it before them. Hunter looked at it and then responded to Dane's comments, "Its as if their minds are plugged into some vast machine that pumps their minds with illusions," he paused for a moment, "we have to disconnect it." Hunter took a bite of food.

"You and I know that the war between the Rebellion and the Federation has flared up again and that it does not look good at all.

"It certainly looks like it is far from over," said Hunter.

The conversation grew quiet as Dane and Hunter ate their dinner. Many things were going through the Captain's mind.

"Give him chance Sir, who knows he might surprise us."

Hunter nodded as he put his napkin on his finished plate. "It is up to him, I guess. We'll know shortly if he is sincere."

Teilani nodded as she whiped her mouth and placed the napkin on the table.

"Well, I suppose we should go?" said Hunter, "Mason's future awaits him."

"After you Captain."