Rura Penthe #125"
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.18 1000

==Ready Room==

Hunter tapped his console.

=Captain's Log Stardate 58205.18=

The prisoner transfer has been completed. It is noted that one incident was quelled quickly. Perhaps our exchange officers were able to assist our crew in bolstering their performance. I've made notes in the Security Chief's personnel file as well as the crewman who responded quickly to a potential threat situation.

The ship is now being escorted back to the border of the Klingon Empire. We shall arrive at it in about 3 days.

Word has arrived from headquarters that a diplomat has been assassinated during the preliminary peace negotiations. The crew has been informed. We will be on tactical alert once we leave Empire space.

I think I speak for the crew that we are all glad to have the prisoners off our ship.


Hunter leaned back in his chair and reflected for a moment. He looked at the chronometer on his desk and changed the display. It read Tuesday, 18 May, 2382. Then he sat up and pressed the console again.

=Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 58205.18=

Dr. Dane and I have returned from Rura Penthe. We found some information on her brother and recovered a PADD from his campsite. Hopefully Silvio or one of his techs can help her recover the information on it. Perhaps she will find something useful.

We certainly had quite an adventure. It brought back some fond memories of my Uncle Carter and also reminded me of what this war has robbed me of. I guess I thought about many things.

Pursuing the Doctor's advice, I'm and taking some time off this afternoon. I've scheduled some holodeck time for myself and Chester, I'm sure he'll enjoy it too.