Mission: Rura Penthe "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.16 0900


As Hunter left his ready room and walked toward the briefing room, Zoei emerged from the turbolift. "Counselor!" said Hunter as they began walking together, "How are you this morning?"

"Just fine, Sir. And yourself?" Zoei tilted her head to look at the Captain.

Hunter stopped before the briefing room doorway and turned toward Zoei, "Patia, how is the crew doing? I've... read your reports, and..." Hunter's voice trailed off in an echo of concern.

"To be frank, morale is down. You have a crew that is filled with guilt over the prisoner uprising. They don't trust each other the way a solid working crew should. People are minimizing their involvement and maximizing the role other departments played. Sometimes it is justified, other times it is irrational." Zoei's shoulders shrugged slightly. "I have to say they are keeping me busy," a slight smiled tipped just the corners of her mouth upward.

Hunter drew in a deep breath, not exactly what he wanted to hear, but it could be worse. "Alright, when I return from Rura Penthe, I would like to meet with you to see what we can do about this."

=Briefing Room=

Hunter entered the staff meeting a quick glance around noting everyone was present who was expected to be there.

"Alright," said Hunter as he dropped a PADD onto the table. "Lets get this started."

He pulled his chair out from the table and sat down. "I am sure we are all anxious to get this mission wrapped up and get back home." Hunter clumsily thumbed through his files on the PADD, pulling up the mission points and objectives provided by OPS, Tactical and security.

Looking up at Melissa he said, "Jarvis and Korg will supervise the transfer of the prisoners to the Klingon transport ship." He looked at Westfall, "Mr. Westfall will have the Conn. Commander Wright is still on leave, but available if you need him for anything."

Hunter transfered his gaze to Teilani, "Doctor Dane and I will be transporting to the surface of the planet...." Hunter searched for some professionally plausible words, "...to investigate some concerns."

Teilani smiled. She was glad that Hunter did not disclose the full story to the crew. It was certainly not of their concern.

He tossed the PADD back onto the table. "Dane and I will be returning on or before the last transport leaves the surface tomorrow at 23:59. Communications is not permitted therefore at our discretion we will refrain from making contact with the Zion."

She looked around, some of the faces were giving her curious glances. Unfortunately Teilani was not a betazoid so she could not pick up any thought.

He looked at Westfall, knowing this made him uncomfortable, Hunter resumed talking before Westfall had a chance to protest. He turned to Max, "Your ship will rendezvous at 1100. I want to thank you and your crew for the job well done. We've enjoyed your company. Qa'pla"

"Qa'Pla to you and your crew!" replied Max.

Next he looked at Riaan, "Riaan, has been busy with the crew trying to correct some of the deeper problems with the computer core. I've read your reports regarding your finds." He look around the room "It seems Mr. Birkoff left a few other surprises."

Next he addressed his Chief Engineer, "Silvio, we beat the engines pretty hard getting here. How are they?"

"Our engines held up very well," said Silvio with a small amount of pride. "We will use our time at Rura Penthe to get them ready for the trip back."

"Alright, lets try to have all systems ready when we break orbit tomorrow at 0100. The Klingons will expect us to leave promptly. Any other questions or concerns?"

Hunter listened as Westfall provided him his dutiful recommendations. "Your concerns are noted Mr. Westfall, we'll be fine, I assure you."

Hunter looked around the table, "Dismissed."