By: Jeff Westfall, Tactical Officer, [PST]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.14 1945


Hunter gripped the arm of his chair. "Status Westfall?"

"Sir, there isn't too much I can tell you, the USS Eagle was just about done in by the attack from the USS Bezar before it was destroyed. Life support is minimal but sustainable, their warp core will breach in 8 minutes and counting, few life signs remain, we're evacuating via all transporters, including cargo". Said Westfall.

Hunter rubbed his fingers across his lips. His eyes were riveted to the tactical display on the main view.

"Sir...telemetry from the tactical sensor array indicates the USS Horatio has broken off their attack, they're on an intercept course with us, ETA is five minutes to Weapons Lock before we can engage".

"Come'on Silvio..." said Hunter under his breath.

"...All our personnel are aboard except Jarvis and Silvio. Their warp core has 75 seconds before anti-matter containment is lost".

"One Minute remaining before the Eagle's warp core loses containment *Mark*".

"Westfall," said Hunter, his voice filled with grave concern, "five seconds before the core goes critical, bring shields to full."

"Standing by to raise shields, Captain. The Horatio is two minutes out".

Hunter tapped his com badge, "transporter chief, can you get a fix on them yet?"

"Negative sir, there is too much interference now."

The ship's computer counted down from Westfall's mark. 30 Seconds...25 seconds, 20 sections...15 seconds.

"transporter chief?!" asked Hunter, "I have them Sir." came the reply.

"Shields at Maximum" said Westfall, All hands brace for impact. Damage Control teams stand by!

The ship rocked violently and listed as the Eagle exploded.

"Captain, the shields were overloaded because of the anti-matter breach of the warp core, they're off-line, the Horatio is in range in 15 seconds, I have manual targeting on their warp core, we can fire when ready at your mark".

Hunter stood up and turned to Westfall, "Is the cloak operational?"

"The cloak is operational, Sir, and we can fire through it".

Hunter nodded, "Activate it."

The Zion faded from view in the midst of the expanding debris field left over from the Eagle.

The Horatio Approached the last coordinates of the Zion and scanned the area. The Zion waited in silence. After 5 minutes of not finding the Zion it turned to re-engage the Atlanta.

"Sir the USS Horatio has lost our position, they're moving to re-engage the USS Atlanta. Our shields are on-line at 100%, weapons targeting systems are back online, no damage sustained, it was the energy surge, and debris that threw targeting off.

"Helm, follow the Horatio, target propulsion and weapons. All torpedoes and all forward phaser banks. Maximum yield."

Hunter waited until the best tactical moment and gave the order, "Fire"

The Zion's cloaked hull lit up like a mirage at sun set as it unleashed a volley of torpedoes and phaser beams.

"Captain, the USS Horatio's impulse engines are off-line, maneuvering thrusters are disabled".

"Good shooting Westfall" said Hunter with a grin.

"Four Mark V Photon Torpedos targeted to our forward shields, I'm varying the modulation at maximum to compensate."

The torpedoes streaked toward the Zion, it attempted to maneuver but two of the torpedoes hit the forward shield violently, rocking the Zion. Sparks erupted from several statations and some overhead consoles.

Two torpedos have hit the forward shield grid, no, system structural damage, cycle time, one minute.

"Return fire" said Hunter.

Four fired, two wide. They are attempting to go to warp, Sir.

A moment later, leaving a trail of plasma, the Horatio flashed into a blur as it managed to jump to warp 1.

"Let them go." said Hunter, "helm, lay in a course back to the Atlanta's location. Full impulse."

"Aye-aye" said the Conn officer, "ETA is 5 minutes."

Hunter sat back in his chair and waited for the next round.