Asking Asylum "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.26 1545

58204.26 1545

Leaving the counseling office both Patia and Teilani walked throught the corridor to the nearest turbolift.

"Patia, how are we going to ask Hunter for asylum. I mean we have not filed a report on Mason."

"That will be a challenge, I have to say. I guess, this could be considered a verbal report."

Sure, but we can not tell anything about his attack on Atwood."

"The only trouble with that is, Lieuntenant Atwood is likely to reveal that information on his own. If he does, then we have some explaining to do. If we confront it first, we can deal with it as a self defense issue, as it should be handled. At least, it started as self defense." Patia cleared her throat.

Entering the turbolift both woman were silent. "Deck 1" The soft humming of the lift was some what soothing. After it had come to a gentle halt Teilani and Patia walked towards the captains ready room.

Faces looked up as they entered the bridge, neither Teilani nor Patia had been on the bridge for a long time.

They approached the door to his ready room and sounded the chime. Patia shifted from one foot to the other as they waited for his response.

"Enter!" said Hunter.

"Goodday Captain, Teilani said as she stepped into his office, followed by Patia. "Sorry to disturb you but Counselor Zoei and myself would like to discuss something with you."

"Is it about Ensign Favor?" asked Hunter wondering what brought these two into his office?

"No Sir, this is a much more delicate issue." Teilani answered.

Teilani glanced at Patia and nodded. She was much better in these conversations.

"Sir, as you may or may not be aware, there is currently a prisoner in Sick Bay. What you do not know, is the role he played in ensuring Dr. Dane and I safely reached Sick Bay. While we were enroute to Sick Bay, a Cardassian fired his phaser at Dr. Dane. She was knocked unconscious. At that time, the Cardassian made some oblique references to splitting the doctor and me between them. The prisoner, whom we later learned was named Mason, fired his phaser at the Cardassian and killed him. He carried Dr. Dane to Sick Bay, where she was able to receive medical treatment for her injuries. We are concerned about his fate." The shiver Zoei suppressed at the thought of the Cardassian barely remained at bay.

Hunter sat down and gestured the ladies to do the same, "his fate? explain?"

Teilani glanced at Patia, "Well Sir on his behalf we would like to ask for asylum. I mean he did save both Patia, I mean Counselor Zoei and myself and we feel that he deserves a second chance.

"So you feel his actions are worthy to gain his freedom?"

"Definitely Sir, Teilani said.

"I would say his actions are worthy of a review of his jacket. I am not aware of his past history and would hesitate to release someone dangerous or unpredictable, but I think there is more to the prisoner that could prove valuable to the Maquis." Patia responded.

"Medically speaking is the prisoner able to be transferred to the penal colony? Life is grueling there. Is his survival under these conditions an issue?"

"His current condition Captain, does not allow him to be transported at all. Teilani said.

"Then we have no choice, as a POW he can not be expected be incarcerated at Rura Penthe given his current medical condition."

"So, he will remain on the Zion until our return to Qul Tuq?" Zoei questioned.

Hunter nodded.

"Well that is settled then," Teilani replied as she got up. "Thank you Captain for your time."

Both Patia and Teilani turned and left the Captains ready room. At least Mason was save for now.