First Blood"
By: Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop, Intel Officer, [PST]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.26 1330

A bead of sweat dripped down into her eyes as she hit the punching bag again. Her voice filled the room...but it certainly didn't sound like her. It was more gutteral....grunted instead of spoken. It came again and again as she let loose with another flurry of kicks and punched to the large bag. 'Gods Damn that woman.......where does she get off acting all high and mighty? Who elected her Queen of the Universe?'

Alyssa didn't really feel any calmer for the half an hour she'd spent beating the punching back. Perhaps it was because it didn't give way like an actual person or even a holographic one. There was no feeling of compression on impact. It was just a deadened thump.

Hunter entered the gym. It had been almost a week since his last work out. He spotted someone working out feverishly trying to destroy a punching bag.

"Dr Northrop?" said Hunter carefully, "Is something wrong?"

It didn't register that it was the Captain at first, "Gee....what ever would give you that idea?" she asked as she roundhouse kicked the bag.

Hunter stood back and crossed his arms, shaking his head, he watched as Alyssa continued to pummel the bag.

It was about this time that it registered in Alyssa's anger-hazed mind just whom had spoken to her. She snapped to attention, "I apologize, Sir. I was simply trying to work out some stress."

Hunter watched the bag as it swayed back and forth

"Want to spar?" offered Hunter.

"If you're offering?" she smirked a bit....perhaps she'd get what she wanted afterall.

"Yes, if you think you can handle it."

Ian and Alyssa circled about the mat, Alyssa charged Hunter trying to make contact with a kick, Ian moved out of the way with ease. "You should never hit out of anger." taunted Ian.

She narrowed her eyes at him.....and began to move in an erratic pattern on the mat. Alyssa waited for an opening....then jumped in....throwing punch after punch...and adding in a few kicks for good measure.

Years of intense star fleet combat training made Alyssa's erratic lunges effortless to dodge. "You fight like a girl" said Hunter trying to provoke her more.

"I am a girl." He was over confident...and that would be his down fall. She suddenly pulled back, then did graceful reverse handspring away from Hunter further. The handspring morphed into a fighting stance. Smirking, she made a "come and get it" motion at Hunter. He wasn't the only one that could taunt.

Hunter smiled as he slowly approached her, circling slightly clockwise. "You have an unusual style, Northrop, what is it based on?"

She shrugged offhandedly, "A little of this...a little of that." It was true. She didn't really have a fighting style. It was more like a conglomeration of techniques and moves she'd picked up from different places. Though if forced to admit it....much of her arsenal was based on her gymnastic talents. " going to attack me...or do you fight like a girl too?"

Hunter smiled, he clearly had the upper hand as she had been fighting out of anger and without clear thought. But now she was a little more cool and collected. Now she was beckoning him to be on the offensive.

He made a lunge at her and they locked arms, Hunter was about to hurl her onto the mat when suddenly, she somehow managed to kick him in the mouth. He broke his grip on her and saw another kick about to hit him. He ducked and caught Alyssa's leg flipped her onto the mat. As she gingerly picked herself up, Hunter wiped the blood from his mouth. He was bleeding pretty good. He held up hand. "You kick pretty hard for a girl." he said.

"Of course I do. You should know that a woman's legs are much stronger than those of a man." She smirked....then flexed her back where she'd hit the mat. "You should just count your lucky stars you caught me on an off day."

Alyssa knew why she'd lost. Though that didn't entirely take the sting out of the fact that she had. It happened....though she always came out on top when it counted.

Hunter smiled as he nodded, "Perhaps we'll resume this session another time."

She sat down on a bench, "I look forward to it, Sir." She smiled at him a bit. With that Hunter pick up his gear and headed out.

Northrop watched him go...and rubbed her back a bit more. Perhaps she'd needed to get tossed around a bit. It certainly took the wind out of her sails. She shrugged...and headed for her quarters to get cleaned up.