Full Time Morale Officer "
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.26 1000

58204.26 1000

=Counselor's Office=

Captain Hunter entered the counselor's office. It had been almost a couple of weeks since he had visited with her last.

"Hello Counselor" said Hunter.

"Hello, Captain Hunter. How are you today?" Zoei had been surprised by the captain's unannounced arrival. She pushed aside the paperwork she had in front of her before she rose to attention.

Hunter motioned with his hand, "as you were counselor, formalities aren't required of you on my ship."

Hunter looked around, he was certain the counselor had a pretty full workload.

"I just stopped by to see if you had a couple minutes to give me an update of your assessment on how the crew was handling the crises."

"Overall, the crew is doing well. I have reviewed reports from Sick Bay. There are several crewmembers I plan on contacting over the next several days, but I have only received a request to meet with one person. I met with the individual this morning. I saw no reason for the person to be held from active duty. Did you have specific concerns?"

Hunter shook his head as he briefly looked around the counselor's office. "no..."

Hunter paused, "Nice pillows counselor," he said with a smile. "Are they for....?"

Zoei shifted slightly, from one foot to the other. "They are for whatever they need to be at the moment. Most of the time, they are just lovely decorations. In the event someone needs to take a little aggression out, I decided it was prudent to have soft objects available. Ops thank me for this as well."

Hunter nodded, "of course..."

He cleared his throat, "I think it would be good for a ship this size, given the situations we've encountered, to have a full time moral officer, currently we have a part-time one, Ensign Favor, the Risan? I was thinking she should fall under your command, you should coordinate her activities for the welfare of the crew."

"I would agree the ship could use a full time morale officer. I would also agree she would fit within the Counseling department. Have you discussed this with Ensign Favor and Dr. Dane?"

"Not yet, I wanted your input Counselor,"

"Personally, I feel she would be an asset to the department. I see a need for her services on a full time basis. However, with everything that has happened lately, she has been focused on her role as a medic full time. I would be concerned about how that loss would affect Sick Bay. I also do not want Dr. Dane to feel as though I have stepped on her toes with this transfer."

"Some additional medical staff has been assigned. They are transferring from the Laborieux. But I will talk to Dr Dane about this as well as Ensign Favor."

"That is appreciated, Sir. Please advise when the transfer is to take place and I will ensure all is ready for a full time Morale Officer."

Hunter gave Zoei a satisfied nod, "Ok, let me know if you need more help as well." Hunter turned and stepped out of the counselor's office.

Zoei shook her head as she watched him go. The counseling department had just doubled in size. It would be fine, but it would be an adjustment. She pulled her chair up and settled back down to her reports.