I Belive it's Time for Us to Fly "
By: Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.21 1000

58204.21 1000

==Security Office==

Hunter entered the Security offices, things were hectic but he located Melissa Jarvis, "Hello Lieutenant," he said approaching her, "how are things going?"

"Very well Sir. We have completed processing the prisoners and are securing them for the trip to Rura Pente. She paused, "We are going to secure them in the family quarters since we are not using them at the moment."

"Very good," said Hunter, "We've been asked to escort a diplomat to the Trill Homeworld, she's in a hurry to get there." Hunter surveyed the scene around the security office, "I'd like have her transported in an auxiliary craft. I will accompanying her. I'd like you to oversee the security arrangements of this flight and join us."

"Yes Sir. I will make the arrangements." Melissa was not happy about this. She did not ike the idea of leaving when the ship was full of prisoners. She would have to make sure that all the prisoner security details were finished before she left.

"Good," said Hunter, "I'll be escorting the Ambassador to the main shuttle bay about 1300, please meet us there then."

"Aye Sir," said Melissa.

Hunter nodded at Melissa, turning, he left security and made his way to the turbolift. "Bridge," he said. The turbolift aknowledged his command and took him to the bridge. When the doors opened he stepped out of the turbolift and sat down next to Wright, who seemed busy looking over a console display.

"Report Number One?"

"All stations report ready for departure." Wright smiled. "Just give the word Sir."

Hunter tapped a few commands on his console, looking up he nodded his approval at Wright.

"Conn make your heading 180 mark 0 and take us out, one-quarter impulse."

"Aye-Aye captain" responded the helmsman.

The Zion's impulse engines burst to life and it drifted slowly from the station out into the expanse of space.

After 20 minutes Hunter tapped the console again, "Helm, full ahead, warp factor 5 and engage cloak."

The Zion sped away on a rainbow of light and then shimmered and vanished as the cloak concealed her.

Hunter stood up, "well, Number One, I'm going to get ready for my trip with the diplomat, You have command until I return from the Trill homeworld. "

"Very good Sir. We will keep her all in one piece until you get back." Wright smiled, "Have a safe and productive trip." Wrigth extended his arm to shake Hunter's hand.

Hunter shook Wrights hand, "thanks Number One, I'll try." Hunter "We'll see you at the rendezvous point." he said as the turbolift door closed.