Dr. Dane's Dogs of War "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.15 1620

58204.15 1620


Hunter stepped through the sickbay doors, making his rounds the day after heavy fighting.

"Good morning Doctor," said Hunter, "Sleep well last night?" he said with a glint of sarcasm.

Teilani turned around, taking a sip of her coffee before answering with a smile, "Very well Captain, and yourself"?.

Hunter cracked a slight smile and nodded, "I slept just fine thank-you." He said, He looked at a PADD he was carrying, and then back at Dr.Dane,

"I understand you have a couple of combatants posed as refugees down here?" he asked.

"That is correct Sir, she replied with an icy voice, pointing to bio bed one.

"Are you sure?"

"As surely as I see you standing here Sir", Teilani responded sarcastically.

"What is their status?"

"They are injured, but they are going to be fine". Teilani managed to keep her face straight, not revealing any emotion.

Hunter walked towards bio bed one. The occupant of the bed sat up when he saw the captain approach. "Sir! Sir, please help me. That Doctor is crazy, she thinks we are soldiers."

Hunter crossed his arms and replied, "are you?"

"No, no Sir! we're just seeking asylum." Hunter studied the man as he continued to plead his case. Hunter shifted his weight and interrupted the man, "look, if you are innocent, I'm sorry to inconvenience you, on the other hand, I'm sure you understand our cautiousness."

"Cautious?" the man began to complain as Hunter turned and walked away, "if you were cautious you wouldn't have that doctor..." his voice trailed off as Hunter stepped back into Dr. Dane's office.

"Very well, as soon as they are better.." said Hunter pointing over his shoulder with his thumb, have security confine them to quarters. I'll want a full report from you on this matter."

Hunter looked around, "How's Lieutenant Atwood?"

"It was a bit touch and go, but he's going to be fine, he been dismissed to his quarters a few hours ago". "I told him that you might call on him and Ltjg Carter for the debriefing".

"Very good Doctor," said Hunter, "I think that is where I'm going next then."

Hunter looked around and imagined the mayhem here less than 18 hours ago. Sickbay was busy but far from chaos. Hunter turned to Dr. Dane, "excellent job Doctor.. excellent job."