The News "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Max Fischer , Intellegence Officer , [NPC]

Stardate: 58209.23 1305

USS Zion: Intel Department

Lieutenant Max Fisher was working a double shift. The whole intel department was. It's not every day that you get handed active Federation security access codes. This could not believe his luck. This was every intel analyst's dream come true.

Max was monitoring several Federation transmutations. High on his priority list was the safety of their mission. Max could see that the Feds had not detected their occupation of the tachyon sub-station. He was concerned about their under cover engineer who was removed from the sub-station.

So far, she seemed safe. Max had the computer flag transmutations so that he would be notified of any change in her status.

The Pegasus was monitoring a shipyard that was reported to building a new class of ship. "That's interesting," murmured Max. The stations status report read more like a intel report than a shipyard. He pulled up their supply requisitions and was surprised to see a very lean supply list.

Max forwarded this information to command. This smelled more like a trap than a shipyard.

Max continued sifting through the data until he came across information about his former boss, Alyssa Northrup. She has been killed early in their mission. It seems that someone had determined her true identity and was aggressively investigating her. This concerned Max s it might force an early end to their mission if the Feds connected her to the Maquis.

He flagged this as well and included this information in his report tonthe captain.

Max also found a treasure trove of troop strength and movements. Max flagged these as well and saved them for military review. Max then turned his attention to a rather odd note about the Federation president meeting with a diplomatic delegation from the Romulan Star Empire. Try as he might, Max was unable to find out any details of this meeting. He flagged as well.

Max paused to rub his eyes. Then his eyes landed on a startling piece of intel. At first, it was just a name. It was a name familiar to him so he decoded the message. As he read the message his heart fell.

"Computer, what is the location of Lieutenant Silvio?"

"Lieutenant Silvio is in main engineering."

Max hated to be the bearer of bad news, but he couldn't just ignore this one. He was supposed to report his findings to the commander, but Max decided to waiver a bit non protocol. Silvio was his friend. "Fisher to Silvio"

"Go ahead Max"

"I've found some startling intel. I think you should see it. Can you come to my office?"

"I'm on my way."

Max picked a PADD up off his desk and transferred his report to it. When Silvio arrived he simply handed him the PADD.

Max watched the color drain from His friend's face as he read the report.

Silvio's jaw set. "Thank you," he said as he spun on his heal and left.

Out in the corridor Silvio slapped his communicator badge, " Silvio to Captain Hunter."

He swiftly walked down the corridor and boarded the turbo lift while he waited for a reply.

After several moments passed, Hunter answered his hail.

"I need to speak with you Captain. It's important."

"I'm in holodeck 3. Mr. Silvio, if it is urgent, you can meet me here, or I will be in my ready room at 1350"

Silvio appeared to enter on to a 3 foot ledge of a large large rock structure, not unlike something out of Earth's Mayan history. Below him was a sprawling alien jungle steeped in humidity.

Hunter slung a knapsack from his shoulder onto a rock ledge and pulled a gym towel from it, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He sat down next to the knapsack as Silvio approached.

"Sorry to bother you sir," said Silvio

"Have a seat," invited Hunter.

Silvio did not feel much like sitting, but he needed Hunter's help. Silvio sat down after handing Hunter the pad. "Intel came across this information. They are going to execute my father for crimes against the Federation."

Hunter reviewed the intel and handed it back to Silvio.

"What do you want me to do?" he said baiting him.

Silvio did not know how to put it so he just blurted it out. "Can we go to Earth and rescue him?"

Hunter shook his head, as he handed back the PAD, "Sorry. Its not that easy."

Silvio's heart rate quickened. "I request a leave of absence."

Hunter shook his head again, "You can't succeed in busting your father out of deathrow. Sorry, no..."

Silvio's jaw clenched. "Thank you for your time." He spun on his heel and left the holodeck. He boarded the nearest turbolift. As the doors closed he slammed his fist into the wall.

In the holodeck, the arch had disappeared and Hunter was still sitting on the pyramid.

"Computer," said Hunter. The computer chimed a response. "Load personal program, 'Colorado.' he said.

The scene changed and Hunter was now sitting on a ledge of a mountain.