Homefire #54"
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Nikita , Resistance fighter , [NPC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58209.20 1700


The cross-hairs of the long-range phaser rifle followed Doctor Teilani Dane as she and her small entourage made their way through the crowded underground corridors of the martian mining colony.

The rifleman, poised in the recess of an alcove carved high into the canyon like passage way, slowly squeezed the trigger until it made a dull empty click.

"Yeah, that's her." he muttered, handing the phaser rifle back to a woman near by.

"You don't seem to happy to see her."

"Should I be?"

"Isn't she family?"

The man scowled at the shapely leather clad woman and said, "no."

The woman fired back a perplexed look.

"She's a traitor," he said as he turned and pushed past the woman and two men. He stopped abruptly at the door and looked back over his shoulder, "Bring them to the section 6 meeting area."


The man turned and stepped forward and responded with annoyance, "What?"

The woman, signed and then spoke softly, "Protocol specifies that you meet...."

"Protocol? Merde!" he blurted out interrupting her. He stepped even closer, "I'll call the shots. Now go get them."

"They don't know us, what if they don't come along?"

Josh scowled, "Then, shoot 'em."

One of the men nearby gave Josh a shove on the shoulder, "knock it off, we need this contact. Your going to have to put your petty family problems aside."

Josh turned and walked toward the door again. Without turning he said, "tell them Uncle Brex's star bread is still the best."


The woman approached Hunter and Dane as they stopped to look around in the open market place. Acting as if they were good friends she stopped in front of them, "Well look at you!" she said, "I haven't seen you in ages."

Only in a split second Teilani managed to hide her surprise. "Hello... it has been indeed a long time. How have you been." she replied.

"I hear your Uncle Brex makes the best star bread."

Teilani shook her head. " You are mistaken.. it only tastes good with Simon's royal jelly."

She reached out and gave Dane a friendly hug, pulling her close enough to whisper in her ear, "come with us."

"Ke.." Teilani whispered back. She gestured at Hunter. "This is an old friend of mine."

"Please to meet you, I'm Jones."

The woman, who couldn't have been more than 19 or 20 years old, smirked slightly and said, "Of course, Mr. Jones....This way please."

As she spoke, two other men approached them. They wore long cloaks and dark eyeshades. From their gait Hunter could tell they were likely concealing a cache of weapons.

One stopped and kept point while the other approached the group. "The taxi is ready," he said.

"So business is going good?" Teilani said as they followed the woman, "Things have indeed changed here."

"No, not good at all really," said the girl looking around. "We can talk later."

They continued through the crowd, crossing over to the row of shops that lined the corridor. Behind the shops a ground transport pulled up. Its driver was dressed as a miner.

The group got into the vehicle and sped away. After a bumpy 5-minute ride they stopped at a mass-transportation depot.

They got off the vehicle which drove off in a hurry. In front of them was the Martian mass transportation system which appeared to be a large transparent tube. Within moments a highspeed car slowed to a stop, causing a section of tube to rotate until the entrance was aligned with the deck.

They entered the compartment which held about 40 empty seats and made themselves comfortable.

The vehicle lurched forward as overhead com panels began making announcements about various destinations. Hunter perceived they were going very deep below the surface. The environment was noisy and dusty.

"This ride will last about 15 minutes, I'm sure you have lots of questions."

Hunter nodded.

Eventually the car stopped and they disembarked. Another vehicle was waiting for them. They traveled just a few minutes, got off. Suddenly from no where, three sentries appeared and scanned the away team. They nodded at the girl, who motioned them back on the vehicle which proceeded down a dark tunnel.

"We're now in a secure area," she announced. "My name is Nikita." said the girl, introducing herself at last.

"Welcome to Mars,"

Teilani nodded. "My friend will lots of questions questions.' she said. "I only have one. How's Josh?"

Nikita drew a breath and signed. "Angry," she paused, "...and bitter."

Teilani nodded slowly. "I thought so and I don't blame him. We didn't part on the best of terms. Frankly I am surprised," she continued.


"Yes... that he hasn't try to kill me yet."

Nikita nodded, "he doesn't talk about you."

Teilani looked at Hunter. "When I left.. we had a big fight.. Josh accused me of being a traitor.. and that when ever I tried to set foot in his house he would kill me."

"Then don't go in his house," Hunter said.

"He was or better yet is always been a man of his word. So I... I wonder what will happen." Teilani said feeling a little sad. Frankly she wondered if she had done the right thing. Had she not left, she would be in the resistance now.. working along side her brother.

"You should know," offered Nikita, her face conveyed a certain uncomfortableness, "...that Josh was seriously wounded in battle a couple years ago."

Nikita leaned forward some, "What resolve he had before that, has turned him solid as titanium. He is just a black angry shell of a man."

She leaned back and gestured with her hands, "brilliant leader, though..."

Teilani managed to offer a little smile. He had been hurt and she hadn't been here. Perhaps she could have helped him, maybe she could help him now. She looked out side seeing her own reflection. She had changed over the years, but according to Nikita so had Josh. Teilani wondered if their differences could be reconciled. She felt her sadness deepen.

This wasn't a time to dwell on the past they were here to do a job. To bad she wasn't a vulcan, then she could put her emotions to the side and only focus on the misson at hand.

She remembered a discussion she had had wiht Patia, about family it was a lot of targ poo. Family only brought you pain and hardship. She clenched her jaw. Well if Josh didn't want to speak to her or be in the same room then so be it. She was a grown woman... she didn't need to pay pennance to him.

The vehicle ground to a halt and the occupants got off one by one.

"Welcome to Mining section 6," said Nikita.

It was dark dank and dusty. The station was dimly lit and the air was stale and kinda musty. One did notice that they were deep underground. Usually the deeper you went the colder it was getting but not here, it was hot. The excess energy of deep mining was channeled through the corridors, giving off its heat.

Nikita gave them some hard hats, "We gotta walk a few yards." she said. "mind your step.."

The walls were covered with a slimy green substance.. Teilani recognized it as an algae native to Mars.

"Watch the ceiling." Nikita said pointing upwards. Dust particles and little pieces of rock fell down as the group passed.

"Lift you feet here.. there is a trip wire." Nikita said as she waited until Hunter had passed her.

The heat was getting more apparent.. and Teilani could feel her throat tighten. "How much further?"

"Not far." Nikita said. "You will get used to it in a few hours." she said

"Its tough.." Teilani said coughing.

"The only place the security doesn't come.. to unsafe."

After many more minutes of arduous walking, they came to a stop. Nikita pulled out a small device and entered some data into it.

A section of the corridor dematerialized. Behind it another dark corridor. "In there," she said.

As they entered there was a single spotlight, shining in the center of a vast large room.

Two men stepped forward and escorted Dane and Hunter to that spot. There they patted them down for weapons and scanned them for any electronic devices.

After which, they disappeared into the darkness.

There was a long foreboding silence.

Hunter squinted against the light, he couldn't make out but a few shadowy figures. surrounding them.

"Do you have the data?" said a loud voice.

Hunter shook his head. "no."

"Then where is it?"

"No," said Hunter, "we will deal directly with Joshua Dane or not at all."

After a moment, Josh stepped into the circle of light.

"I am Josh Dane."

Teilani nodded at Hunter. It indeed was her brother. He was older, more lines, she noticed he walked with a slight limp, probably from the injury. His features were hard.. rough.. She could sense he had seen a lot of hardship. While she had a good life on the Zion he obviously had to fight for survival.

"Hello Josh." she said softly and smiled hesitantly.

Josh came and stood in front of Teilani but said nothing, He studied her for a moment, just as she had studied him.

"Teilani, " said Josh clearing his throat, "there are 40 phasers pointed at you and Mr. Captain here...."

He stepped back a couple steps, "is this really the Captain and not a Federation impostor?"

She nodded. "Allow me to introduce Captain Ian Hunter Commanding officer of the USS Zion. Of course you will understand we do not have our official ID's with but he is indeed the real deal." she said.

"You haven't changed at all," muttered Josh. "You are still a smart ass."

"Sir.. Joshua Dane.."

"oh, spare the pleasantries. Just tell me about the data, supplies and arms."

Hunter looked around briefly at the shadowy figures moving about. "Perhaps in a more private venue."

Josh's upper lip curled into a snarl, "fine. Follow me."

The three of them walked to a large metallic door which opened on Josh's command.

Inside was a small table and some food. Nikita followed them inside as well, "Help yourself," she said gesturing toward a small kitchette.

Hunter placed a small isochip on the table. "Don't worry," said Hunter. The was data is encrypted by a vulcan. The key is safeguarded elsewhere.

"Okay," said Josh, "Nikita, take the Captain to go retrieve the key.

Without a word of hesitation Hunter and Nikita departed.

A long long while passed, neither brother nor sister spoke.

"Well." Teilani said softly . " This is awkward.. I suppose a hug is out of the question right?"

"It would be."

"Understandable.. " she replied and walked towards the kitchenette. "Coffee?"


Her hands were shaking as she made some of the brown liquid for her self. Holding the mug tigthly she turned back to her brother. "Your still mad a me right?"

He slapped his hand down on the table, causing half the coffee in his cup to slop out."Mad doesn't even start."

"I did what I had to do Josh.. but you only know part of the story. I never joined up with the Federation. Sure I worked for that Admiral as his personal physician, yet when ever I had the chance I filtered information to the Maqui.

"Bullshit," scowled Josh.

"No body knew.. so its understandable that you think I am a traitor. I mean if you can not trust your own sister then who can you trust."

"I can trust," said Josh slowly and with conviction, "the 140 men and women outside this door."

Sipping her coffee Teilani nodded. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have come." she said and placed her mug on the table.

"You should know about Melissa too."

"Melissa?" she asked turning back.

"She was almost killed 4 months ago. She's not in very good shape."

"Where is she?"

"Selenia Valley."

"Even though you hate my guts Josh I still am a damn fine doctor and although I can not correct the wrong I obviously have done according to you I can still cure people. So put your damn pride to the side and take me to her!!" Teilani suddenly burst out.

"There is no pride in this. This is just hard living under Federation rule."

"You think you had it hard!!" she answered. "You don't know half of what I have gone through. Thinking you all were dead. Got myself nearly killed... etc etc. I will spare you the long stories... you piggheaded idiot."

"Look at me. I have been killed. Twice. My knee is gone, the skin on my back is gone and I'm still here fighting for the cause."

"Yes and what am I doing? " she said stubbornly. "picking my nose or so?" Look we are in the same boat, now I can not undo the past but we can at least try to set our differences aside right. We are fighting for the same cause. "

"Are you sure?" he said as he limped to the other side of the room. He rubbed his knee.

Teilani shook her head. "Well obviously I need more to convince you. Your so stubborn Josh." Teilani said gently and pushed him on a chair.

"Now shut up and let me look at it."

He lifted his leg up. It was externally braced in a robotic joint.

She reached over for her pack and from a small concealed compartment took out a medical tricorder. "One of the ligaments is gone.. there are some little bonefragments lodged between your kneecap. That's what causing you the pain."

"We have no Doctors." said Josh, "Just a dozen overworked medics." [****DAVE: They have no docts but can install robotic joints? Also, by his injury descriptions...he should be dead if there were no doctors. Consider saying that they have very frew overworked medics] A distant explosion punctuated remark.

She looked up, two pair of eyes meeting each other. Eyes which had seen a lot of suffering, pain.. hate and despair. "You have now." she answered.

"What do you mean?"

"I will tell Hunter I will not come back with him. I can do much more here. Perhaps we can even try to get some medical supplies." she said. "For now I can only give you something for the pain."

"If your Captain left you behind," he said with a grunt as he lowered his foot to the floor, "He'd have to take me with him, because it would be impossible for me to stay on the same planet as you," he said with a slight smirk.

"That's alright." Teilani said as she adjusted the brace. She had her head lowered so she didn't see Josh's smirk. "I'm sure I can find a place where you and I don't have to encounter each other."

Suddenly a warbling klaxon sounded. The door swung open and several of Josh's men entered.

"We need to leave Sir."

Josh stood up and hurried Teilani forward by her upper arm, "we have to hurry."