The New War "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Silas Stone , Admiral , [NPC]

Stardate: 58208.15 1830

Captain Ian Hunter and Commander Jonathan Wright followed Admrial Stone into the situation room of the Maquis Alliance. The room was dimly lit but for the tactical monitors which cast a reddish hue through out the room.

Hunter wasn't sure why the Admiral had requested their presence.

"Is your ship ready to go?" asked the Admiral.

"At a moment’s notice." Replied Hunter.

"Good", said Stone turning to lead the way. Hunter glanced at Wright with a raised eyebrow and then followed after the Admiral.

"We're over here," said Stone pointing to a cluster of tactical stations all manned and staffed by various personnel.

As Stone drew near, one of the tacticians looked up at him. "Sir, Tango fleet will arrive at the tachyon matrix in 3 minutes."

Stone nodded. "Do we have confirmation on the position of the Cardassian Fleet?"

Another ops person spoke up, "Yes Sir, there are only 8 ships in the sector, 5 are running training missions 20 lightyears from Cardassia Prime."

"Signal the fleet to decloak and begin attack formation."


Stone turned to Hunter. "As you may have already suspected, we’re going to stir the hornet’s nest."

He drew a deep breath. "Depending on what happens, your mission parameters might change."

"The fleet has signaled they are in attack formation and have crossed the through the matrix."

A holographic display appeared with the positions of Tango fleet.

After a few minutes later one of the ops turned to face Stone. "The Cardassians know we’re coming Sir." Stone, Hunter and Wright stepped to a nearby console where the Ops person sat. She pointed out several key areas where. The Cardassian fleet deployment in Federation space had not yet diverted toward Cardassian space.

"Arrogant," said Stone with a smile.

"Tango Fleet has engaged the enemy," noted an ops person. Three Cardassian ships moved toward the fleet which numbered almost 30 ships and disappeared in their wake.

On the display, five more cardassian ships operating in the system diverted from their military excercises and also headed toward the Maquis fleet. Thousands of small surface launched craft also emerged from Cardassia Prime.

Soon the fighting was hot and heavy. Small Cardassian fighters disappeared quickly and steadily.

The three men sat down at a table and monitored the transmissions from the ships as they were relayed through secure channels.

Several ships of the Maquis fleet had already sustained some serious damage. One of the ships began evacuating crew to other ships.

The four heavy cardassian cruisers were destroyed, the fleet had only the ground defenses to contend with.

An Ops controller approached the table and handed Stone a PADD. "Only one of the Cardassian deployments have been able to break away from their engagements in Federation space. The Klingons have been signaled to engage."

Stone nodded his approval.

A tactical officer sitting off to Stone's right looked up from his console. "Admiral, The ground assault has begun. The Marines report that they have engaged the enemy at the Cardassian military headquarters."

Stone clasped his hands behind his back and nodded, "Excellent progress."

A ops officer handed Stone a PADD. "The main communications array for Cardassia Prime has been destroyed Sir."

"Let me know when the secondary systems are destroyed as well."

He turned toward Hunter and Wright, "This scenario is playing out better than anticipated. The Cardassians are spread out too thin and they did not believe that the Maquis would launch a direct attack against their system." Stone smirked, "What I wouldn't do for a big Cuban cigar right now."

Hunter smiled and nodded, "Yes Sir."

"It is now pivotal that you take the Zion and get to Earth to complete your phase of the mission," continued the Admiral with a more serious air.

"Right away Sir," Hunter said as he stood up and turned toward Wright who also stood up. "Number One, make the Zion ready for departure in everyway."

"Aye Sir," said Wright. He turned quickly and left the command center.

Stone was about to wish Hunter good luck when he was interrupted by a comchirp. "Sir, the Romulan Ambassador has requested a meeting with you and Councilor Ro Laren." Stone arched his eyebrows and tapped his combadge.

"It will have to wait."

"He sounded pretty agitated Sir."

"Stone out," he said as he tapped his combadge.

With a faux smile he said, "I didn’t expect that," he said extending his hand, "Good luck Captain. Godspeed."

"Yes Sir," replied Hunter with a nod.