Back Into the Black "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58207.24 1000

Hunter had loaded the last of the supplies on to the small vessel. The was actually a replica of an early Bajoran solar ship but contained a number of modern amenities.

When everything was stowed, he stepped out into the docking annex to wait for Dane. He didn't have to wait long, she arrived right on time.

"Good morning Lani," said Hunter, making a point to address her informally.

"Good morning Sir," Teilani replied.

"Shall we?"

She nodded. "Are you sure this thing actually flies?" she asked Hunter hesitantly.

Hunter nodded, "Actually, the Bajorans had explored and mapped large areas of this region using ships like this, before they were warp capable."

"It looks awfully frail."

"Are you worried Doctor?" said Hunter teasing lightly.

"No not that, its just I am used to the Zion." she replied with a smirk.

"Well, let's get started," said Hunter taking the Doctor's things and stowing them.

Hunter maneuvered the small craft out of the docking area and out into space. There, he pulled on the rigging, bringing out the spreaders to full length.

Soon, they caught the solar winds and billowed out, gently turning the craft around.

Hunter quickly moved to the other side of the craft and cranked out the main sheet which also began to billow from the solar waves. Then he adjusted the forward shroud. Once the ship was moving he turned it around. "There," he said, "we're tacking toward the sun."

He turned and looked at Dane, "We'll be on this course a couple hours and then tack to port."

"You know Sir, I did some reading on this vessel, its incredible that the Bajorans knew how to maneuver it all to Cardassian space.

"What do you mean?" asked Hunter.

"Well it was like you said, they didn't have warp capability then and yet they managed to get there in one piece. So what can I do?" she asked.

Hunter nodded at the Doctor's willingness to lend a hand. "Okay," he said pointing to a porthole in the ceiling of the ship, "look through there at the main sail. It shouldn't be too tight, nor billowing too much. The wheel near the window adjusts it. You will know you have it right when the ship reaches maximum speed," he said pointing to the velocity indicator.

Teilani looked up at the big gold colored sail, her hand resting on the wheel, slowly turning it. It was like operating, letting the ship do it's work she was only there to guide it. Every now and then she glanced at the velocity indicator making sure that the indicator stayed in the green.

"Captain." she said after a while.

"Hmm?" said Hunter, breaking his concentration on a map.

"Thanks for giving me the opportunity to join you on this trip."

"You are welcome. Thanks for coming along," he replied.

Teilani smiled and turned her attention back to the velocity indicator and the sail.

"Okay, go ahead and lock that wheel by tightening the small wheel underneath," said Hunter pointing.

"This one?" she asked pointing at a little wheel slightly to the left.

"Yeah, that one, just turn it clockwise."

Carefully she turned it until the wheel locked itself in place, the sail bellowed in the solar wind and the indicator stood steadily in the green.

"Come look at this," he said.

Carefully Teilani navigated through the cramped space until she reached Hunter.

Before Dane was a map of the Bajoran system. The Captain had marked a zig-zag course toward the sun. Another mark traced the course they had already sailed.

"This is the way the early Bajorans navigated," said Hunter holding out a strange looking instrument that was made from some sort of brassy polished metal.

"Have you ever seen one of these?"

Teilani studied the map carefully and ran her finger along the lines, several planets lined up, it was amazing that the Bajorans were able to do that so long ago. She looked up at the Hunter holding a strange device, "No what is it?" she asked.

"Here's how it works," said Hunter.

He placed the device on the table and lined up their course. "See how these line up? That's our course," he said pointing to several markers.

She looked around it, it was round with a sort of triangle pyramid shape across the middle. The round circle contained numbers and degrees so far as she was able to determine.

"Here," he said handing her the device, "Come stand over here," he said pointing to the main view window.

Taking the devise she walked to the main window, Hunter stood behind her, she could feel his warmth of his body at her back. Damn those small cabins.

"Now look through here," said Hunter pointing to a small opening, "and find the marker in the viewer, on the bottom. See it?"

Teilani raised the device in front of her face and looked through the opening, "I see it, what does it do?" she asked.

"Okay, that tells you we are on course."

"So we are using the stars to navigate?" she asked Hunter as she looked through the device again. "But how do you translate this towards the map if you want to change course?"

"Easy," said Hunter, "Remember the pointer we lined up on the map? Just set the marker on the course we sited."

"Oh I see, isn't that what they call, shooting a star or so?" Teilani asked while making a slight correction.

Hunter shrugged, "I guess so," he said with a smile.

"Well according to this device we were off course by 1.45 degrees Sir." she replied. "You can check for your self."

He gestured toward the helm, "then take the wheel and correct our course," he said with a nod of approval.

"Aye Aye Skipper," Teilani siad with a chuckle. This was fun, more fun then the shuttle trip she had had with Wright and Blitzer. She was glad that Hunter wasn't so uptight as Wright.

Carefully she turned the wheel and every so slightly the sail ship changed course, she locked the wheel and turned towards Hunter. "Steady as she goes Sir."

"Good job," said Hunter, "if you learn to fly this ship, piloting a shuttle is child's play."

"We'll hold this course for about an hour and then come about and tack the other way."

Teilahni nodded. "You know Sir, I do know how to pilot a shuttle, its just that I don't like it. You see the shuttles are build for midgets. When I was in the academy I even sent in a proposal to make them a bit bigger." She giggled a bit. "Needless to say the proposal was rejected."

Hunter arched his brow. "I suppose so."

Clearly Hunter didn't follow what she was trying to explain, but Teilani had kept her fear for small places carefully hidden. Although this space was getting to her slowly.

Teilani walked to the back of the sail ship and took something from her pack.

"You want some Marsian delight Sir." she said as she held up a little red box at Hunter.

"Really..." said Hunter drawing near for a closer view, "how did you get them?"

"Oh well as a doctor you come across people with contacts and sometimes they bring presents." Teilani said softly as she nibbled on one of the sweets.

Hunter took the treat she offered and put it in his mouth. "Delicious," he said.

She smiled and carefully closing the box she put it away.

"Midgets?" asked Hunter curiously referring to her earlier comment.

Teilani nodded. "Yes don't you think that after a while the inside of a shuttle shrinks, I mean its just like in here, getting smaller every minute." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and sighed softly.

Hunter rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Hmm.. sounds like someone has a mild case of claustrophobia."

She shrugged. "I guess you can say that Sir, although its a lot better than when I was little. It will not hinder my work of course."

"Have you ever thought about seeing the Counselor about that?"

she shook her head. "Not yet, but I will speak to Patia about it." Teilani said as she walked to the view port and check their course.

"Why don't we get some chow," suggested Hunter.

"Hmmm I love some, hadn't had breakfast this morning." she replied.

Hunter walked to the back of the small vessel and unfastened a latch which dropped down a small kitchenette.

Teilani looked at their course again and made a slight correction. Not too long it started to smell lovely, and she could feel her stomach growling. She walked over to Hunter and peered over his shoulder. "What are you making Sir? It smells divine!"

Hunter frowned a little bit as he thought about it, "I guess it doesn't have a name, its just something I've... I dunno, what would you call it?" he asked.

Teilani shrugged, "It looks like applejacks."

"Yes!" said Hunter with a smile. "That's what it is."

She walked back and started to set the small table, some plates, cutlery and glasses, then she waited till Hunter was finished.

Hunter scooped out the meal, pancakes, real eggs imported from the Baku, some sort of sausage he obtained on the promenade and syrup and sat down.

"Bon appetite,Sir." Teilani said as she took some of the pancake.

Hunter took a bit and shook his head. "The syrup is replicated," he said apologetically, "I remember when I was a boy... we used to have real maple syrup... I miss that," said Hunter nostalgically.

"Perhaps we can get some on QT?" she asked. "Maybe Quark knows a way to obtain some?"

"That's a very good idea," said Hunter. He took another bite of his meal.

"I believe you grew up in a mountain region didn't you Captain?" Teilani asked.

"Denver," said Hunter with a nod.

"Have you ever been back there?"

"Not since the war of course," said Hunter. "I've heard they've strip mined most of the mountains with Cardassian technology. I don't know if I want to go back."

Teilani nodded and finished her meal. There was not much to say about that. Plainly it was true, there was not much left of the mountains.

The tiny sail craft tacked back and forth the most of the day. Hunter checked his charts and looked up at Dane, "Well this is about as close as we dare get. We'll bring in the sails for tonight and head back tomorrow."

Hunter nodded toward Dane, "okay, bring in the main sail, use the wheel right there," he said pointing.

Teilani turned the wheel quickly to the left, watching out the small view port.

The vessel's velocity indicator dropped as the sails folded up in pairs.

Hunter and Dane stood, looking out at a planet, behind it, the sun was setting. "That's convenient," said Hunter, "We'll be in this planet's umbra for about 8 hours. He turned to look at Teilani, her hair was radiant in the red hues cast by the sunset. He smiled at her, "Thanks for coming along.

"It's my pleasure Sir, I wouldn't have want to miss it." she replied back softly. The sunset was exquisite.

"Wow look at that," she said, "it looks like the planet is on fire."

Hunter smiled as the small planet eclipsed the sun, leaving a halo around it. "Indeed it does," said Hunter

"We have similar sunsets on Mars too. The red soil makes it even more spectacular and then the sand storms.... dangerous but a beautiful sight to see."

"Dangerous?" asked Hunter.

Teilani nodded."Oh yes the sandstorms can be so dense and violent that if you are not protected well or find shelter you can easily perish. Without protection you can get easily sandblasted. There is still a part of Mars which is so inhabitable that we call it the Zone. Thats also were most of the sandstorms are being born, it has something to do with the magnetic field there.

"Of course," said Hunter nodding.

"But if you are there on the ridge and you get a chance to see the sunset," Teilani's eyes started to sparkle as she remembered home, its so beautiful that I can hardly describe it."

"I've been to Mars on a couple of occasions, I don't have the appreciative eye that you must have," said Hunter with a smile.

She nodded. "True Mars is a harsh planet, besides some local scrubs nothing ever wants to grow there, we do have to import all sorts of goods.

"Terraforming has been difficult," agreed Hunter, "compared to other planets."

"Absolutely," Teilani responded. "It's difficult to retain the water, have you ever been to the underground basins?"

"No, I haven't ever even heard of them, what are they for?"

"Oh they are used for lots of things, mostly irrigation of the old vineyards but with the sand worms its difficult."

"Sand worms?"

"Oh yes they are huge, I know that when I was little me and my brothers went out to catch them, they were great fun watching them squirm on a hook." Teilani chuckled.

"What do you put them on a hook for?"

"Well you know Sir, like the Klingons have Targs, we on Mars have this rodent, nasty critter, big fangs and burrowing claws, so we use the worms to catch them. Once caught you can eat them or if they are young you can domesticate them and they are like a big pussy cat." Teilani chuckled.

"However, if you were not careful it could take your hand off with 1 bite." Teilani smiled as she remembered that time long ago.

"Where did all these lifeforms come from?" asked Hunter.

"Well so far as I know the sand worms have always been there, as for the rodents I guess they came with the first settlers and they evolved. I am not a anthropologist so I am not 100 percent sure."

Hunter looked back out at planet, the sail ship drifted slightly toward its gravity well, causing the planet to block the sun. Now the beautiful display of stars could be seen throughout the sky.

"What was it like to grow up on Mars?" asked Hunter.

Teilani tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear and her green eyes looked at Hunter, "Before the war came closer to our village it was good. In our village we all knew each other, but the place was dying. With the blockage lots of young people fled to the main city in order to join the Maqui or fight in the resistance."

Hunter nodded.

She looked out at the stars, "It's not easy growing up during the occupation, we never knew when the feds came raiding, searching for wanted criminals." Her voice trailed off...... and she was silent. "But before that it was good."

"So did you join Starfleet before that happened?" inquired Hunter.

Teilani nodded. "Yes a friend of our family told us that Admiral Bouchet needed a physician. I didn't want to go but Josh told me that it was probably the safest place to be."

Hunter nodded, "I see," he said turning and walking toward the back of the craft. He pulled a bottle of wine from the supplies and a couple of stemmed glasses.

"care for some wine? Rivian Chablis 2380, its very good."

"I would love some, thank you Sir." Teilani said. Carefully Hunter pour some wine in the glasses and handed one to her.

She smelled the soft fragrance of raspberries, cherries and took a little sip. It was potent but indeed it was very good. "It is indeed a very good wine Sir," she said admittedly.

Hunter sipped it to, "yes, it isn't too bad."

Hunter held out his glass for a toast, "to explorers."

Teilani carefully tapped his glass with hers, "To explorers."

After drinking the wine, Hunter brought out some traditional Bajoran food which consisted of dried meats. "I guess this is supper," he said grin."

"Well we have to do with it, but no fear we still have dessert." lani beamed at Hunter, and she pointed at the red box with marsian delights.

Hunter smiled as he bottomed up his wine glass.

He took a piece of her candy and put it on his tongue. It was delicious.

Teilani smiled as both of them ate the dried meats, washed it away with the wine and enjoying the soft sweetness of the candy. It was a strange supper but somehow it was most enjoyable. Having cleaned up Teilani yawned and obviously Hunter got the punch.

"well, we'll anchor here for the night." said Hunter. He looked at the bunks, do prefer to be on the top or the bottom?"

She nodded. "Top will be good enough for me Sir," Teilani responded as she patted the thin mattress. Taking off her shoes and undoing the top of her uniform so she could breath a bit more easily she hopped on it. "Goodnight Sir," she said.

Hunter sat down on the bottom bunk and pulled his shoes off and slipped into bed, "goodnight Doctor."