Dedication "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Machk aka Bear, Medic, [NPC]
Thelek Uvar, Commanding Officer, [NPC]

Stardate: 58202.25 1345

==Qul Tuq Space Dock Observation deck==

The captain stood next to the XO at the edge of the observation deck. It was crammed with people. He liked neither crowds nor dress uniforms. He tugged at his uniform trying to make it more comfortable.

Admiral Aldous emerged from the corridor. He was followed by a number of dignitaries, including Captain Worf from the Klingon fleet he commanded that was Qul Tuq's protection, Commander Data from the USS Sovereign, and Commander Hawkins, the new CO of Qul Tuq. Captain Hunter and Commander Wright saluted the Admiral as he walked by. They turned and followed the procession to the front of the observation deck where a small platform and a podium had been erected.

The group mingled briefly until 1400 when Fleet Admiral Steve Aldous stepped to the podium, holding his hands up for silent attention. He looked over at the media director who nodded, confirming everything was ok to proceed; this dedication ceremony was being shown throughout Qul Tuq, at the Admiral's request. It was also being recorded and would be sent to all the ships in the Maquis Alliance, so that everyone in the Maquis could be part of what the Admiral was about to say.

"Thank you," he said once the general murmur of chatter died down. "For those of you who have the pleasure of not knowing me, I'm Admiral Steve Aldous, Fleet CO for the Maquis Alliance. Thank you for coming along to see the completion of yet another of our Sovereign class ships. Now I know you're all wanting to get back to your conversations, the drinks and the food," he smiled, and there was polite laughter. "So I'll keep this brief. For too long now, we have been involved in a civil war that has seen many of us leave our homes, and often, our families. The circumstances have allowed us to CHOOSE leaving behind what we've held dear, but it hasn't made that choice easy, I know." He looked around at them, noticing some of those present had the look in their eyes that showed they were with him, remembering people they had left behind on Earth or other planets. He nodded slowly and continued.

"We've been at war with our families and our friends for too long. It's time we stopped reacting as we have done in the past. It's time we changed the style of our involvement." He looked around at the curious faces before him. "It's time we stopped reacting with war, and started reacting with peace!" There was applause, which faded as he held up his hands.

"The USS Zion is the first phase of our new strategy, to react with diplomacy rather than with combat." He looked at Captain Hunter who was looking surprised, and he smiled at the captain before returning his attention to the audience. He spoke slowly so as to get across his message. "The best position to react against aggression with diplomacy is a a position of strength, a position that allows US to dictate the terms of the negotiations. The USS Zion, along with the other Sovereign classes in the fleet, will react to aggression with non-aggression. Yes, they will likely be fired upon, but they will do everything they can - short of sacrificing themselves - to re-establish peace between the Maquis and the Federation. They will be doing everything they can to return you to your loved ones!"

The crowd erupted in applause again, and laughing with each other. The feelings of returning to family and friends still within the Federation had been brought to the fore in them. The Admiral glanced at Captain Hunter, smiling at him again. After a few moments, he brought his hands up for the crowd to become quiet again.

"The ship's quote that the Zion's captain has chosen is an appropriate one. I give you Captain Hunter, the Captain of the USS Zion, who can talk more about that." As the crowd clapped again, Admiral Aldous stepped down from the podium and shook hands with Captain Hunter.

"Thank you Admiral," said Hunter, "It is an honor to be the captain of this fleet's newest starship. With that honor comes responsibility and duty." Hunter paused, "...the crew of this ship and her captain are sworn to up hold the values and ideas of a new federation. We are emissaries, warriors and explorers but most importantly, we are boldly answer the call of hope." He paused as the crowd clapped lightly.

"I'd like to introduce the USS-Zion's executive officer, Commander Wright." Capt Hunter stepped aside and Wright stepped up to the podium

"Good afternoon, today marks a bright new beginning. The beginning of a most beautiful ship the USS Zion." John paused for a small round of applause. "Let us also hope that is mark a different kind of beginning... the beginning of the end. The end of this terrible war that has torn us apart. John tunrned to Commander Hawkins and continued, "Commander Hawkins, would you please be so kind as to start the wonderful ship on her new beginning?"

Commander Hawkins held up a small device and pressed the button. Being the CO of Qul Tuq and its' shipyard, he had the honour of sending the ship off. A bottle of champagne jettisoned from a small hatchway and traveled towards the Zion, shattering against the hull.

The crowd again applauded their approval as the USS Zion used its thrusters to move out of its docking bay. It moved only a short distance, a ceremonial representation of a ship in Earth's history being released from its dock to slide a short way into the water. As everyone returned to their conversations and the party, Admiral Aldous left, accompanied by Hawkins.

Commander Data and Worf stood for a while, watching.

"I am always fascinated at how humans interact at social occasions like these," Data finally said to Worf. "You can learn so much about the social niceties of different races when they get together like this."

"Bah!" grunted Worf, turning to leave. "You can learn more if you get a good Klingon woman to show you a few things." He laughed as he passed Data, and headed out into the corridor.

Data cocked his head, thinking about what Worf had said, and then followedhim. "What could she teach me?" he asked curiously, and the party continued as the door closed behind them.