Shakedown #141"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58202.28 1835

58202.28 1835

Counselor’s office

Zoei watched the doors slide closed behind Ensign Favor. She rested her chin in the palm of her hand and closed her eyes. She reached for her glass with the other hand. The cool of the glass was oddly comforting to her as she wrapped her fingers around her drink. Her eyes popped open as she took a drink.

“Ensign Favor will be an interesting person to work with,” she thought. The way the Ensign left her office at the end of the meeting peaked her interest. Something had happened in the course of the meeting. As intuitive as Zoei was, she had a hard part pinning down exactly what the issue was for Ensign Favor. She thought it might be because there were so many emotions emanating from Favor, it was hard to identify which one was playing the dominant role.

Her stomach rumbled again, this time loud enough that she not only felt it, but heard it. “Definitely time to head to Miranda’s,” Zoie said.

She shut down her computer system and casually glanced around the office. She crossed to the seating area and straightened some chairs. The coffee table had been pushed from its place earlier in the day, when someone had brushed past it. That was also put back in place. Zoei felt the seating area had returned to its standard placement.

Zoei walked back to her desk. She touched the glass of the picture of the graduate and the child. She smiled. It was past time to send a missive home. She would add that to her list of things for tomorrow. Zoei picked up her PADD and pushed in her chair.

As Zoei walked to the door, she said “Computer, lights off”. As the room grew dark, the doors whooshed open. Zoei stepped out the door, turned toward Miranda’s, and walked away. She did not glance back as the doors slid shut.