By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58207.01 1620

At the Captain's insistence, Dane accompanied him to his temporary offices on Qul Tuq.

"Sit," said Hunter sternly. Taking a seat himself.

Teilani was some how defeated but refused to give up did what Hunter ordered and lowered herself in the chair infront of his desk.

He looked at her sternly, "Now tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Well Sir, I tried to hitch a ride to Mars." she dropped the bomb.

"M-Mars? What were you thinking?"

"Well I figured I could do it before we were heading out again. You know see my folks. I have been trying to sent a subspace message but for some reason I'm not getting it through.

Hunter rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Doctor, your messages are probably not getting through because we are at war with them," he said stating the obvious.

He looked at Dane, he couldn't believe she'd tried this. "...And you can't just fly shuttle into enemy territory, are you crazy?"

Lani shrugged. "I don't know what to say Sir, I have been acting stupid and irrational, let my feelings overrule my judgment. She stood up and came slightly to attention.

"Captain, I fully understand if you.... if you decide to take disciplinary actions." Teilani looked at the tips of her shoes.

"Oh for heaven's sake Doctor. SIT DOWN." said Hunter with an exasperated tone.

Teilani sank back in her chair.

"To say I am disappointed in your behavior is an understatement. There will be a note placed in your permanent file." Hunter paused hoping the gravity of the situation would be realized by Dane.

"You know better," he added.

With cheeks as white as as sheet, she nodded. "I know I was just desparate." She looked at Hunter, her green eyes fixed to his face. "I am sorry Captain, it won't happen again."

"Of course not." said Hunter.

"The insecurity drives me crazy Captain. I just want to know if they are alright. They are the only family I have." she almost whispered.

Hunter stood up and looked out the view port. "Teilani, we *all* have family over there. Discipline, you need to find it inside yourself. Otherwise...." He turned and faced her, "it will get to you and you will make *stupid* errors in judgement."

He paused dramatically. "We can't have that."

"No Sir, you are right." Stubbornly she lifted her chin up in the air. Teilani arched an eyebrow. Discipline? She had enough discipline to fuel an entire class 2 shuttle.. it was only a shame that nobody saw that..

Suddenly Hunter's console chirped. It was the Admiral's secretary. "This can't be good," mumbled Hunter looking at Dane.

"Sir? Admiral Stone requests your presence in his office...immediately."

Hunter looked at Dane. "We *will* resume this conversation later, understood?"

"Yes Captain." Teilani responded as she stood up.

"Dismissed," he said.