Freebird "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Garrett Birkoff , Science Officer , [NPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58206.20 1000

As Hunter stepped off the turbo lift many "what-ifs" ran through his mind. It was unfortunate if this person was innocent of any wrong doing, yet the entire ship was at risk if they were wrong.

Hunter entered the security center and to the Security Chief's office where Wright was already talking with Jarvis. Hunter gestured with a nod as he entered.

"Commander, Chief," he said, turning to Jarvis, "do you have any concerns Chief," asked Hunter.

Melissa was convinced that this was not Gordon Birkoff. She had no concerns at all except that he might want to file a complaint against the metal baton wielding intel officer, however, she was not going to be the one to open that can of worms. She shook her head, "No sir, I am convinced that this is not the man who took control of the Zion."

"Very well then, why don't you have him brought in then please?"

Melissa nodded at the security officer seated at the main console and then sat down at her desk. They watched as Simspon got Birkoff and brought him in bindings to her officer.

"Simpson," said Melissa, "You can remove the bindings."

"Yes Ma'am," replied the security officer as he did as he was told.

"Please have a seat mister Birkoff," said Wright gesturing towards an open chair.

Birkoff eyed over the Captain and Commander suspiciously but complied with out saying a word.

"Mr. Birkoff," said Hunter, "It seems we have mistaken you for someone else."

"My brother," said Birkoff slumping slightly in his chair. "What did he do?"

"He attempted to take over a Maquis vessel," said Wright.


"What are you going to do to him if you find him?"

"We want to have a little conversation with him," said Wright. "Do you know where your brother is?"

He looked at the Captain and back to Wright, "No sir, I've not seen him since before I left earth."

Hunter looked at Wright and Jarvis, "Where you close to your brother," he asked.

"No Sir, most people think twins are supposed to be the same, but we were very different."

"How so," asked Wright.

Birkoff crossed his arms and leaned back. Without making eye contact, he answered, "he was always the troublemaker, and I would always get blamed."

Hunter tried not to crack a smile.

"Would you know who your brother is working for," asked Melissa?

"you mean the federation," he asked.

"Perhaps," said Melissa, "Anyone else he might be working for?"

Birkoff searched his thoughts and then rubbed his brow, "no...I don't know, maybe..." he looked distressed, "..can I go now?"

"Sure," said Melissa, "you have been through a rough ordeal. Once you get rested up, I would like to visit with you more about your brother, if that is ok with you."

"I guess so," he answered back.

Hunter nodded, "We're going to assign you quarters. Do you have any questions?"

"Do you always threaten your prisoners with execution?"

"What do you mean," asked Hunter.

Birkoff mumbled to himself and piped up, "never mind, I just want a shower, a nice hot meal and a long nap."

"Ensign Forrester will be a long shortly to escort you to your quarters."