The Day After "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.31 0730

==Miranda's QuartersWright woke with a frightened start. He looked around, not sure where he was. He had been sleeping on a couch. Carefully he sat up. He was still dressed in his uniform. He tried to replay the evening events in his mind, he could remember the food, drinking, and fighting, but he could not for the life of him remember how he got to this room, wherever this room was.

"Lights," said Wright. The computer increased the lighting level. It was most certainly a federation ship, but it was not his quarters. "Computer, what is my location?"

"You are in the Quarters of Civilian contractor, Miranda."

Wright let out a quiet whistle, that was a surprise. He looked around the room, there was no sign of Miranda. "What is the time," he asked.

"The current time is zero seven hundred hours on stardate 58205.31," replied the computer.

"Damn," said Wright. He would have to figure this out later. He was die on the bridge. Quickly he left and heading to his quarters to get changed.



Hunter looked around the bridge as he sat in the Command chair.

Everything seemed to be in order except for his head, which felt like it had been flogged by a Orion slave master.

Promptly, the yeoman handed him the morning reports. He pretended to be engrossed by it, but he could hardly make out the words. Instead, he let his mind drift off.

Commander Wright entered the bridge. He had cleaned himself up and changed into a standard issue uniform but his head was pounding and the several cuts and bruises on his face throbbed with pain. He made a note to visit sickbay when his schedule allowed it. "Good morning Captain," said Wright as he took his seat next to the Captain.

Hunter lifted an eye brow as Wright sat down, "Did I forget to tell you the part about ducking?" he said with a smirk.

Hunter tossed the PADD onto the vacant seat to his left which was rarely occupied. He rubbed his eyes, the brightly lit bridge made his head hurt some.

Wright chuckled, "Yes sir, it's all your fault for not giving me proper instructions."

"Well at least now we look as beat up as our ship."

"Maybe even worse," said Wright, "Chief Jarvis had a rather punishing fight last night."

"Looks like she came out on top, how is she?"

Wright had not read through any reports yet so he was not sure if she even made it back. "I'm not sure," he said as he touched the screen of his chair console. He scrolled though his reports. According to the logs she transported back to the Zion about 0145," said Wright. "She had previously cleared her schedule today," he noted out loud. "She must have anticipated that she would need a day to recover."

Hunter settled back in his chair and rubbed his temples, "She's smarter than us then." Hunter leaned over and retrieved the PADD and began to skim through the reports, He handed Wright the PADD, "It looks like Darg was bluffing about his ship's condition, they've decided to return to Qul Tuq as well for repairs."

Wright smiled, "Personally, I think he expected that his warriors would beat us to a pulp last night and we did not do too bad. I think he wants a rematch," said Wright with a laugh.

"Perhaps on our terms." said Hunter with a hint of amusement.

"Except poor Silvio. We better keep him away next time."

"Yeah, did you see that man sail? I think we should put him in for a Flying Ace."

Wright laughed, "Speaking of Aces. Those two marine pilots handled themselves very well too."

"Hmm..." Hunter shook his head as if to shake loosen more memories from the fog in his head. "I remember seeing Madriani and .... " Hunter looked over to the tactical station, "..Westfall, but I don't remember seeing them."

"All in all it was an interesting night," mused Wright, "The doctor chose to ignore protocol and wear a dress to a formal gathering." Wright laughed, "Who ever heard of a formal gown at a Klingon party. I think the doctor needs to get out of sickbay more.

Hunter shared Wright's chuckle. He gestured with his finger, "you know, I almost said something," He looked over at Wright, "I'd be amazed if the dress survived the night."

Wright continued to scroll through his morning reports. He came across the medical reports, "It seem that Lieutenant Jarvis was brought to sickbay in the middle of the night," said Wright.

Hunter lifted a brow and listened to Wright as he continued.

"It appears her fight was a bit more punishing than we thought," he paused while he read the report, "She required emergency surgery," he said.

"How is she?"

"She is listed as in stable condition," replied Wright.

"I was most impressed with her last night. She handled herself pretty good."

"Indeed, she was very impressive," said Wright. "She is quite an effective speaker." Wright thought back to the previous night, "To stand toe to toe with a Klingon is also very impressive. I am glad she is on our side."

Hunter nodded in agreement, "you put up a good show yourself, how's the hand?"

Wright instinctively flexed the fingers of his recently re-attached hand. "It held up pretty good. I tried to kick the Klingons more than hit them though." Wright chuckled, "Can you imagine the doctor's reaction if I would have damaged it in a fight, less than a week after she re-attached it?"

Hunter chuckled, "Yeah, I think she'd turn red from head to toe."

"She did want me to exercise my new had to build up strength but I do not think a fight was what she had in mind," said Wright.

"No, I suppose not."

Hunter's brow furrowed a bit as he continued through his PADD, "I don't see an update from Engineering, Do you have that on your report?"

"Yes, it was submitted by Ensign Witmore instead of Silvio," said Wright, "Apparently our chief Engineer has rearranged his schedule today as well."

Hunter mused, "Perhaps the Marine Pilots could teach Silvio to fly with less pain."

"Maybe we should assign him to Madriani for a month," suggested Wright.

Hunter looked over his shoulder, "Lieutentant, is Westfall reporting for duty today?"

The young man at the tactical station promptly replied, "He is Sir, he was going to be a little late."

Hunter stood up, "I think I'm going to see how Sickbay is holding up, care to join me Commander?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me," said Wright standing up. Maybe she could give him something to stop his head from pounding. "After you sir."

"Lieutenant, you have the bridge," said Hunter as he turbolift doors closed.